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Author:(Miao Yong Edwin)

1.Perception of patients, physiotherapists and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners towards manual physiotherapy and Tuina (Chinese manipulative therapy) in Australia: a qualitative research.

Miao, Edwin Yong

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2011;9(7):737-45

2.Clinical critical qualitative evaluation of the selected randomized controlled trials in current acupuncture researches for low back pain.

Miao, Edwin Yong

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2010;8(12):1133-46

3.Acupuncture treatment for Subacute Non-specific Low Back Pain-A Retrospective Cohort Study in the Role of the Back Exercise in Acupuncture Services for Low Back Pain Sufferers

Miao Yong Edwin

Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science 2007;5(6):372-376

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