1.Study on Metagonimus yokogawai(Katsurada, 1912) in Korea IV. An epidemiological investigation along Tamjin River basin, South Cholla Do, Korea.
Jong Yil CHAI ; Seung Yull CHO ; Byong Seol SEO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1977;15(2):115-120
A status survey on Metagonimus yokogawai infection along the Tamjin River basin, South Cholla Do, Korea was conducted from September to November 1977. The snail intermediate host, Semisulcospira sp., the fish host, Plecoglossus altivelis and the inhabitants in three villages in Jangheung and Kangjin Guns were examined for detection of this trematode infection respectively. The results could be summarized as follows: Out of 452 snails, Semisulcospira sp., 105 (23.2%) were found positive for rediae and/or cercariae of M. yokogawai in Jangheung Gun. All of 20 sweetfishes, P. altivelis were infected with metacercariae of M. yokogawai and the mean number per fish was 15,688 and per gram of fish muscle, 234. Out of 606 inhabitants in three villages, 160(26.4%) persons were found infected with M. yokogawai and the mean E.P.G counts per infected cases were 2,078. Sixty cases (9.8%) were positive for ova of Clonorchis sinensis with mean E.P.G., 846, frequently mixed-infected with M. yokogawai. From the above results, it was turned out that the Tamjin River basin is one of the endimic foci of metagonimiasis in Korea. The relatively low infection rate of human host in spite of much higher infection of intermediate hosts were considered to be due to the less population of sweetfishes in the Tamjin River than in the Sumjin River basin.
Metagonimus yokogawai
2.Epidemiological study on Metagonimus yokogawai infection along Boseong River in Jeonra Nam Do, Korea.
Chin Thack SOH ; Yung Kyum AHN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1978;16(1):1-13
Prevalence study of Metagonimus yokogawai infection, survey of intermediate hosts of Metagonimus yokogawai and food habits of raw sweetfish among inhabitants along Boseong river (120 km), Jeonra Nam Do (province) were carried out. The results are summarized as follows: Among 360 examined, the egg positive case were 128(35.6 percent); male 112(46.7 percent), female 16(13.3 percent). The prevalence rates were different by geographical areas; 42.4 percent in down stream, 49.4 percent in middle stream and 13.3 percent in upper stream. By ages, highest rate, 53.6-59.1 percent was observed among 30-49 group (male 69.6-73.0 percent, female 15.8-35.5 percent). Eggs per gram of feces were 2,084 (200-12,280) in average; down stream 1,708, middle stream 2,590, upper stream l,550. By social strata, the prevalence showed differences; 24.8 percent in primary schoolchildren, 78.4 percent in school teacher and local officers, 30.6 percent in general inhabitants. Clonorchis sinensis infected cases in the areas were 21(5.8 percent) out of 360 examined, and 90.5 percent of them showed mixed infection with Metagonimus yokogawai. Cercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai from the lst intermediate host, Semisulcospira sp., in down and middle streams were detected from 32 snails (5.9 percent) out of 545 examined. All the 22 Plecoglossus altivelis which were caught from the down stream were infected with metacercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai. The number of the metacercariae detected was 22,650 per fish in average, and the number increased from August to October. Experiences of raw sweetfish intake of the inhabitants were found in 208(58.4%) among 356 interviewed by questionaire form (male 76.7 percent, female 20.7 percent). Means of acquisition of the sweetfish were mostly by purchase 68.8 percent, and seasonally in summer. Reason of the raw sweetfish intake was due to the flavor, 83.2 percent. The fish were mixed in soy sause with vinegar before the intake.
Metagonimus yokogawai
3.In situ posture of anterior body of Metagonimus yokogawai in experimentally infected dog.
Young Kee JANG ; Shin Yong KANG ; Suk Il KIM ; Seung Yull CHO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1985;23(2):203-213
The in situ posture of anterior body of Metagonimus yokogawai was observed in experimental metagonimiasis of dog. The metacercariae were collected from naturally infected sweetfish by peptic digestion; a total of 8 dogs was orally infected with 10,000 metacercariae respectively. Two dogs were killed on 3 days, 9 days, 4 weeks and 10 weeks after the infection. The postures of worms in histological section of small intestine and of whole worms collected from the fixed intestinal mucosa were examined by light and scanning electron microscope. The results were summarized as follows: The recovery rates of worms were 42.6% on 3 days, 55.0% on 9 days, 33.2% on 4 weeks and 9.8% on 10 weeks after the infection respecively. In histological sections of small intesine, most of worms were found at intervillous spaces as ovoid sections of posterior body. However, many worms, especially in 3 day-old worms, revealed protruded anterior body in glandular lumens of crypt. Some sections of anterior body were bifurcated or sacculated. The worms collected from fixed intestinal mucosa under dissecting microscope exhibited a variety of postures. Many worms showed flat shapes with a concavity or curvatures. However, in many worms, the anterior body made a single or multiple protrusions. By SEM observation of protruded anterior body, a longitudinal groove was found. The frequency of worms with protuded anterior body decreased in 9 days, 4 weeks and 10 weeks than in 3 day-old worms. The above findings indicated that the anterior body of juvenile and adult M. yokogawai protruded to lumens of glandular crypt by folding their lateral protions to make a reversible tubelike structure. Frequent multiple protrusions were considered to be made to adapt the microniche of glandular crypts of dog intestine.
Metagonimus yokogawai
4.Epidemiological studies on Metagonimus infection along the Hongcheon river, Kangwon province.
Yung Kyum AHN ; Yong Suk RYANG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1988;26(3):207-213
The Hongcheon river system flows down through the Hongcheon area of Kangwon-do, and reaches to the Cheongpyeong Dam in Kyonggi-do. Stool specimens from the inhabitants residing along the Hongcheon river basin were examined to detect infection rate of Metagonimus sp., and the intermediate hosts were collected to detect larval stages. The results obtained were as follows: Thirty-nine (33 males and 6 females) out of 529 (314 males and 215 females) inhabitants were infected with Metagonimus sp., showing a total positive rate of 7.4 per cent. In eight areas surveyed, the specimens from Kulji-ri of Bukbang-myon at the middle part of the river showed the highest positive rate of 26.9 per cent (14 positives out of 52) (males; 38.2per cent). The specimens from Mogog-ri of Seo-myon at the downstream of the river showed a positive rate of 10.4 per cent (13 positives out of 125) (males;12.6 per cent). The positive rates in other regions were less than 10 per cent. The density of the first intermediate host, Semisulcospira sp., was the highest in Kulji-ri of Bukbang-myon (10-20 snails per m(2)), and the infection rate of Metagonimus cercariae in the snails was 10.7 per cent(13 positives out of 121 snails). The infection rate of Metagonimus metacercariae in Zacco platypus, the fresh water fish favorably eaten raw by the inhabitants, was 68.2 per cent (30 positives out of 44 fishes), and most metacercariae were detected under the scales (89.9 per cent). Adult flukes were obtained from the small intestine of a rat, 15 days after infection with the metacercariae obtained from Z. platypus. These adult flukes were identified to be the same srecies as those obtained from human hosts. By this survey, new endemic areas of Metagonimus infection were discovered along the Hongcheon river basin and the main source of infection was the fresh water fish, Z. platypus.
Metagonimus sp.
Zacco platypus
5.Studies on the intestinal fluke, Metagonimus yokogawai Katsurada, 1912 in Korea Geographical distribution of sweetfish and infection status with Metagonimus metacercaria in south-eastern area of Korea.
Chul Yong SONG ; Soon Hyung LEE ; Sang Rin JEON
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1985;23(1):123-138
The present survey was undertaken to observe the geographical distribution of metacercaria among the sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis, the most important second intermediate host of Metagonimus yokogawai, which were collected during the period from 1983 to 1984 in south-eastern coastal areas of Korea. The results obtained were summarized as follows: A total of 668 sweetfish collected from 70 chons (=streams) in the above coasta1 areas was examined for the metacercariae, and 432(64.7 percent) among them were infected with metacercariae of M. yokogawai. The mean number of metacercariae in a fish was in the range from 0 to 29,604 and the mean number of the metacercariae in a fish was 640.3. It was observed that the mean infection rate showed 46.4 percent in Gangweon-Do (=province). The infection rates varied from stream to stream showing 100 percent in Namdae stream(Gangnun-city), Obsib-stream(Samchok-gun) and Dongmak, 95.0 percent in Hosan stream, 90.0 percent in Gungchon stream, and Namdae stream (Yangyang-up), 80.0 percent in Hwasang stream, 50.0 percent in Daebong stream, 45.0 percent in Yonghwa stream, 30.0 percent in Sangchon stream and Sachon stream, 20.0 percent in Munam stream and Okgyoe stream, 15.0 percent in Imweon stream, 10.0 percent in Namchon stream. And no metacercarial infections in their fish host were found in the areas of Mulchi stream, Sangun stream, Gosamun stream, Jonchon stream snd Gagok stream. It was observed that the mean infection rate showed 50.9 percent in Kyongsangbuk-Do(=province). The infection rates also varied from stream to stream showing 100 percent in Songchon stream, Osib stream (Yongdok-gun) and Daejong stream, 60.0 percent in Pyonghae stream snd Gunmu stream, 50.0 percent in Buhwung stream, 25.0 percent in Nagok stream, 20.0 percent in Oangbi stream, 10.0 percent in Namhodong stream. And no metacercarial infections in their fish host were found in the areas of Namdae stream (Uljinup) and Choksan stream. It was observed that the mean infection rate showed 67.6 percent in Kyongsangnam-Do(=province). The infection rates varied from stream to stream showing 100 percent in Taehwa river, Hwiya river, Inchon stream, Miryang river, Nam river, Hwagae stream, Koha stream, Sosang stream, and Tongchon stream, 90.9 percent in Yoncho stream, 90.0 percent in Hoihwa stream, 80.0 percent in Chindong stream, 66.7 percent in Chingyo stream, 40.0 percent in Hoyam river. And no metacercarial infections in their fish host were found in the areas of Chinjon stream, Sanchon stream and Jukchon stream. It was observed that the mean infection rate showed 94.6 percent in Chollanam-Do(=province). The infection rates varied from stream to stream showing 100 percent in Dongchon stream, Isachon stream, Somjin river (Goksong-gun), Somjin river (Kurye-gun), Sosi stream, Gokchon stream, Kohung stream, Kwansan stream, Youi stream, Unjon stream and Apnae stream, 92.3 percent in Tamjin river, 90.9 percent in Okkok stream, 84.6 percent in Songgun stream. And no metacercarial infections in their fish host were found in the area of Yongok stream. On the other hand, the infection rate showed 100 percent in Inchon river of Chollabuk-Do (=province) and Kangon stream of Cheju-Do (=province).
Metagonimus yokogawai
Plecoglossus altivelis
6.Studies of the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes 2. Observation on Metagonimus yokogawai Katsurada, 1912.
Dong Wik CHOI ; Jong Taek LEE ; Hyun Kyu HWANG ; Yong Dal SHIN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1966;4(1):33-37
The Parasitological investigation on the encysted metacercariae in brackish water fish, Tribolodon taczanowskii Steindachner , in the downstream of Hyungsan river which is located in Kyungpook province of Korea, were carried out, and the following results were obtained. Metacercariae of Metagonimus species were found in seventy five fishes (40.5 percent) out of 185 examined. Parasitic frequencies of the encysted matacercaria of Metagonimus species in Tribolodon taczanowskii were 23.2 percent (43 out of 185) in the scale, 7.0 percent (13 out of 185) in the gill, and 10.3 percent (19 out of 185) in the flesh. The number of the metacercaria in the scale, gill and flesh were fewer than that of the others. The worms were identified as Metagonimus yokogawai Katsurada, 1912 by morphological studies on the adults and eggs, and compared with prereported Metagonimus species.
Metagonimus yokogawai
Tribolodon taczanowskii
7.An epidemiologic study on clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis in riverside areas in Korea.
Byong Seol SEO ; Soon Hyung LEE ; Seung Yull CHO ; Jong Yil CHAI ; Sung Tae HONG ; In Soo HAN ; Jin Saeng SOHN ; Byong Hwan CHO ; Seok Rok AHN ; Sang Ki LEE ; Sang Choon CHUNG ; Keun Shik KANG ; Hyong Soo SHIM ; In Soo HWANG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1981;19(2):137-150
A study was carried out to figure the cases and to observe the endemic status of clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis in endemic areas in Korea. Total 13,373 inhabitants living in 40 villages along 7 main rivers and 9 small streams were subjected to stool examination. They were selected randomly among the riverside population. Their specimens were examined both by cellphane thick smear method and Stoll's egg countung technique. This study was performed during the period from May 1979 to April 1980. The results obtained are as follows: The egg positive rate of any kind of helminths was 58.7% out of 13,373 examned cases, and the egg positive rates by each helminth were; Clonorchis sinensis 21.5%, Metagonimus yokogaqai 4.8%, large type Metagonimus eggs 0.4%, Ascaris lumbricoides 22.9%, Trichuris trichiura 35.2%, hookworm 0.2%, Taenia sp. 0.5%, Hymenolepis nana 0.07%, Paragonimus westermani 2 cases, Fasciola sp. 4 cases, Echinostoma sp. 1 case and Hymenolepis diminuta 1 case respectively. Many endemic foci of clonorchiasis were revealed along the 7 major rivers. The egg positive rates of each river basin differed from each other significantly; Nagdonggang 40.2%, Yeongsangang 30.8%, Seomjingang 17.3%, Hangang 15.7%, Tamjingang 15.9%, Geumgang 12.0% and Mangyeonggang 8.0%. The cases of clonorchiasis were estimated in range 830,000 to 890,000 in riverside areas of the 7 rivers. By grading the infection intensity, 64.7% was in Grade I(EPG 0-900), 28.6% in Grade II (EPG 1000-9,900), 5.5% in Grade III (EPG 10,000-29,900) and 1.3% in Grade IV (EPG over 30,000). The proportion of the cases in Grade III and IV was 6.8% among positive cases. Therefore 60,000 cases at least were regarded to suffer from it clinically. Males of 30-60 years of age showed higher positive rate and heavier burden of infection. This makes clonorchiasis more important socially because the patients lose their social productivity. A few endemic foci of metagonimiasis were detected newly by egg detection; Samcheong 28.5% egg positive rate, Uljin 21.3%, Yeuongdeog 46.3%, Milyang 6.7%, Yeongil 9.2% and Geoje 18.2%. The mean EPG values were in range of 320-7, 120 by the focus. The egg positive rate and proportion of EPG Grade varied greatly by the area, and mean proportion of the positive cases were 69.7% in Grade I, 24.1% in Grade II, 5.0% in Grade III and 1.2% in Grade IV. Males of 30-60 years were infected in higher rate also. The large sized eggs of Metagonimus were found also in upper basin of Hangang and Geumgang mainly. They were regarded as eggs of M. takahashii which is mediated by the cyprinid fishes. Its significance should be studied further. Clonorchiasis and metagonimiasis should be realized as important public health problems in Korea by their wide distribution, high prevalence rate and heavy infection intensity. Comprehensive measures against them are needed urgently.
Clonorchisis sinensis
Metagonimus yokogawai
8.Epidemiological survey on Metagonimus yokogawai infection in the eastern coast area of Kangwon-province, Korea.
Yung Kyum AHN ; Pyung Rim CHUNG ; Keun Tae LEE ; Chin Thack SOH
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1987;25(1):59-68
An epidemiological survey on Metagonimus yokogawai infection was performed in the eastern coast area of Kangwon province. Formalin-ether concentration technique and Stoll's dilution egg counting method were employed to figure out the prevalence and intensity of M. yokogawai infection and eating habits of inhabitants with raw freshwater fish. The results are summarized as follows: The prevalence rate of M. yokogawai infection was 6.6% among a total of 2,357 examinees; 8.6% (115 out of 1,345) in male and 4.0% (40 out of 1,012) in female. The prevalence rates were different by the streams where the examinees were residing: 17.8% along the area of Ohsip-cheon (stream), 11.8% along Maeup-cheon, 1.7% along Hwasang-cheon, 1.3% along Yeongok-cheon, 0.9% along Namdae-cheon, 0.9% along Sa-cheon and 0% in the other streams (Yongchon-cheon, Kangnung Namdae-cheon and Jusoo-cheon) in decreasing order. By social strata, the positive rate was 8.0% (122 out of 1,521) in general inhabitants and 3.9% (33 out of 836) in school children. By the intensity of infection by means of EPG counts in feces; the light infection (less than 400/EPG) was 74.1%, moderate infection (401-1,000/EPG) 17.3% and heavy infection (more than 1,001/EPG) 8.6%. Twelves out of 50 sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) (24%) caught from the streams in eastern coast of Kangwon-Do were infected with metacercariae of M. yokogawai, and the number of larvae detected were 70.7 per fish in average. The metacercarial infection rate in fish were also different by the streams; 100% in Ohsip-cheon of Samcheok-Gun, 14.3% in Sa-cheon, 16.7% in Yeongok-cheon of Myeongju-Gun and 0% in Namdae-cheon of Yangyang-Gun, respectively. Six hundred ninety five (695) out of 1,396 inhabitants and school children (49.8%) were experienced in eating raw freshwater fishes (Plecoglossus altivelis, Tribolodon hakonensis, Coreoperca sp., Moroco sp., Carassius sp. & Cyprinus sp. and Zacco platypus). The data were assayed with the questionnaire collected from the examinees. In summarizing the above results, it is known that the Ohsip-cheon area of Samcheok-Gun is highly infected region, and the other areas of Kangnung Namdae-cheon, Yeongok-cheon and Yangyang Namdae-cheon are very lowly infected or non-infected regions for M. yokogawai infection.
Metagonimus yokogawai
Plecoglossus altivelis
9.Niclosamide in the treatment of tetagonimiasis.
Yung Kyum AHN ; Bong Suck CHUNG ; Chin Thack SOH
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1978;16(2):65-68
Anthelmintic effect of niclosamide [N-(2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-5-chloro-salicylamide)] on Metagonimus infection was carried out to the cases in area of Seomjin-river. The drug, one tablet contains 0.5 g of niclosamide was supplied from Bu-gwang pharmaceutical company in Seoul. Sixty five cases were divided into three groups by the regimen: Group l given 2 g(4 tablets) for one day, Group II for two successive days and Group III for three successive days. Stool examination was done before and 2-3 weeks after the drug administration by formalin-ether concentration and Stoll's dilution egg counting techniques. The results were as follows: Egg negative conversion (cured) and egg reduction (more than 80 percent decrease) rates were 28.6 percent, 10.7 percent in group I, and 31.8 percent, 27.3 percent in group II. But of those in group III treated for three successive days, 73.3 percent was cured and 26.7 percent showed egg reduction, and the general egg reduction rate was 95.1 percent. The results in the present trial suggested that the niclosamide has anthelmintic efficacy when it is used in 2 g for more than three successive days.
parasitology-helminth-trematoda-Metagonimus yokogawai
10.Study on Metagonimus yokogawai(Katsurada, 1912) in Korea VII. Electron microscopic observation on the tegumental structure.
Soon Hyung LEE ; Byong Seol SEO ; Jong Yil CHAI ; Sung Jong HONG
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1984;22(1):1-10
This study was performed to observe the chronological changes in the tegumental structure of M. yokogawai using scanning electron microscope. The subjected worms were excysted metacercariae obtained from sweetfish, and 2-day, 1-week and 4-week old worms experimentally reared in albino rats. The results are as follows: The tegument of excysted metacercariae showed many transverse shallow rugae, which were more remarkable in posterior half body, i.e., posterior to ventral sucker. The whole surface was armed with many scale-like spines; 7-8 pointed ones on anterior body and 2-3 pointed on posterior body. The ciliated knob-like papillae (Type I) were abundant around oral and ventral suckers, which grouped 2, 3 or 4 in number in most cases. A few round swellings of tegument (Type II) were observed only on oral sucker. The tegumental surface of 2-day old worms showed deeper rugae, and the anterior half covered with knob-like processes of distal cytoplasm and the posterior half with cobblestone-like ones. Interspinous space became more wide and 9 pointed spines appeared on anterior dorsal surface. The sensory papillae enlarged but not changed in their distribution. The tegument of 1-week old worms revealed knob-like cytoplasmic processes in posterior half body and velvety ones around oral sucker. The scale-Iike spines of anterior half body changed remarkably to the slender ones of posterior body at the level of ventral sucker. In dorsal surface, the arrangement of the Type I papillae were bilaterally symmetrical. The tegument of 4-week old worms were finely differentiated and the posterior tegument covered with velvety cytoplasmic processes. The spines had remarkably grown in length and width but the density remained nearly unchanged. The papillae also became larger but their morphology and distribution were not different from younger worms. However, the round elevation of cytoplasmic ridges (Type III papilla) appeared bilaterally on inner wall of oral sucker, approximately 8 in number. From the above results, it is considered that the tegument of juvenile M. yokogawai continued to differentiate until 4 weeks after infection.
Metagonimus yokogawai
Plecoglossus altivelis