1.Studies on the larval trematodes from brackish water fishes I. Observation of Centrocestus asadai Mishima, 1959.
Dong Wik CHOI ; Dae Shik SHIN ; Sang Whon LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1964;2(1):14-19
Metacercariae of Centrocestus species were found from a brackish water fish, Tribolodon taczanowskii Steindachner in the downstream of Hyungsan river. Thirty one fishes out of 154 examined (31.8 percent ) were infected with the metacercariae of Centrocestus. sp. Metacercariae were fed to the mouse experimentally and adult worms were recovered from the intestinal mucosa. And they were identified C. asadai Mishima and compared with the prereported Centrocestus sp.
parasitology-helminth-trematoda-Centrocestus asadai
Tribolodon taczanowskii
2.Echinostoma hortense metacercariae naturally encysted in Odontobutis obscura interrupta (a freshwater fish) and experimental infection to rats.
Yung Kyum AHN ; Yong Suk RYANG ; Pyung Rim CHUNG ; Keun Tae LEE
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1985;23(2):230-235
The metacercariae of an echinostomatid fluke were detected from a freshwater fish, Odontobutis obscura interrupta caught from the Seom river system, Wonseong-gun, Kangwon-do, and experimenally infected into rats to obtain the adult worms for the species identification. A total of 32 metacercariae was detected from 10 fishes (27.8 percent) out of 36 O. obscura interrupta caught from the river. The average size of metacercariae was 153.4 x 149.0 micrometer. Also, it was uniquely specific that thickened membrane was formed around the metacercarial cyst wall. The rats orally infected with those metacercariae were sacrificed 20 days after infection to get the adult worms. The mean length and width of the adult worms were 0.75 cm and 0.13 cm, respectively. The number of collar spines on circumoral disk was 26 to 28, and the end group spines at lateral sides of the oral sucker were 4 on each side. The echinostomatid flukes observed in this study were all identified as Echinostoma hortense according to the morphologies of the cirrus sac, ovary, vitellaria and testes of the adult worms and the shape of eggs. On the other hand, O. obscura interrupta is one of the fresh-water fish that are preferably eaten raw by the rural inhabitants. Although no human case of E. hortense infection by eating O. obscura interrupta has been experienced yet, the possibility is strongly suggested in this study.
Echinostoma hortense
Odontobutis obscura interrupta
3.Infections with Zoonotic Trematode Metacercariae in Yellowfin Goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus, from Coastal Areas of Republic of Korea
Woon Mok SOHN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Shin Hyeong CHO ; Jung Won JU ; Soon Won LEE ; Won Seok SEOK
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(3):259-265
To investigate the infection status of zoonotic trematode metacercariae in yellowfin goby, Acanthogobius flavimanus, from coastal areas of the Republic of Korea (Korea), we examined total 344 gobies from 21 localities with an artificial digestion method from 2013 to 2017. The metacercariae of Stictodora lari were most frequently detected in 45.3% goby from 7 localities, i.e., Taean-gun (Chungcheongnam-do), Gochang-gun (Jeollabuk-do), Muan-gun, Shinan-gun, Haenam-gun (Jeollanam-do), Hadong-gun and Goseong-gun (Gyeongsangnam-do). Their infection rates were 90.0%, 66.7%, 46.7%, 8.0%, 3.3%, 26.7%, and 86.7% and intensities were 1,090, 6.2, 1.6 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, and 7.2 metacercariae per fish infected respectively. Heterophyopsis continua metacercariae were found in 38.2% goby from 6 localities, i.e., Gochang-gun, Muan-gun, Shinan-gun, Gangjin-gun, Boseong-gun (Jeollanam-do) and Goseong-gun, and their intensities were relatively low, 1–21 metacercariae. Stictodora fuscata metacercariae were detected in 61.3% goby from 4 localities, i.e., Taean-gun, Gochang-gun, Hadong-gun and Goseong-gun. Their infection rates were 90.0%, 53.3%, 5.9%, and 73.3% and intensities were 1,081, 3.1, 3.0, and 10.2 metacercariae per fish infected respectively. Heterophyes nocens metacercariae were found in 55.0% goby from Muan-gun and Shinan-gun. Total 3 metacercariae of Isthmiophora hortensis were detected in 2 (8.0%) gobies from Shinan-gun. Total 15 metacercariae of Centrocestus armatus were detected in 5 gobies (33.3%) from Gyeongpo-ho (ho means lake) in Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do. The present study suggests that yellowfin goby, A. flavimanus, acts as the infection sources of zoonotic intestinal flukes in western and southern coastal areas than in eastern coastal areas of Korea.
Republic of Korea
4.Infection Status of Isthmiophora hortensis Metacercariae in Dark Sleepers, Odontobutis Species, from Some Water Systems of the Republic of Korea
Woon Mok SOHN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Shin Hyeong CHO ; Jung Won JU
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(6):633-637
Present study was performed to survey on infection status of Isthmiophora hortensis (formerly Echinostoma hortense) metacercariae (IhMc) in dark sleepers, Odontobutis spp., from some water systems of the Republic of Korea. A total of 237 Odontobutis spp. was collected in the water systems of 5 rivers, i.e., Mangyeong-gang (gang means river), Geum- gang, Tamjin-gang, Seomjin-gang, and Nakdong-gang. They were all examined with artificial digestion method for 5 years (2013–2017). A total of 137 (57.8%) Odontobutis spp. were infected with 14.8 IhMc in average. The prevalence was the highest in Nakdong-gang areas (62.9%) and followed by in Mangyeong-gang (57.1%), Geum-gang (56.3%), Tamjingang (54.8%), and Seomjin-gang (53.9%) areas. Metacercarial densities were 28.1 (Geum-gang), 13.9 (Mangyeong-gang), 13.3 (Nakdong-gang), 13.1 (Tamjin-gang), and 2.3 (Seomjin-gang) per infected fish. Especially, in case of Yugucheon (cheon means stream), a branch of Geum-gang, IhMc were detected in all fish (100%) examined and their density was about 48 per fish. By the present study, it was confirmed that the infection status of IhMc is more or less different by the surveyed areas and the dark sleepers, Odontobutis spp., are suitable fish hosts of I. hortensis.
Republic of Korea
5.Prevalence of Centrocestus formosanus Metacercariae in Ornamental Fish from Chiang Mai, Thailand, with Molecular Approach Using ITS2.
Atcharaphan WANLOP ; Chalobol WONGSAWAD ; Pongphol PRATTAPONG ; Pheravut WONGSAWAD ; Thapana CHONTANANARTH ; Jong Yil CHAI
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2017;55(4):445-449
The prevalence of Centrocestus formosanus metacercariae was investigated in ornamental fish purchased from a pet shop in Chiang Mai, Thailand, including Carassius auratus (goldfish), Cyprinus carpio (Koi), Poecilia latipinna (Sailfin Molly), Danio rerio (Zebrafish), and Puntigrus tetrazona (Tiger barb). The parasite species was identified by the morphology of worms as well as by a molecular approach using ITS2. The results showed that 50 (33.3%) of 150 fish examined were infected with the metacercariae. The highest prevalence was found in C. auratus (83.3%), and the highest intensity was noted in C. carpio (70.8 metacercariae/fish). The most important morphological character was the presence of 32–34 circumoral spines on the oral sucker. The phylogenetic studies using the rRNA ITS2 region revealed that all the specimens of C. formosanus in this study were grouped together with C. formosanus in GenBank database. This is the first report on ornamental fish, C. carpio, P. latipinna, D. rerio, and P. tetrazona, taking the role of second intermediate hosts of C. formosanus in Thailand. Prevention and control of metacercarial infection in ornamental fish is urgently needed.
Databases, Nucleic Acid
6.Pygidiopsis summa (Digenea: Heterophyidae): Status of Metacercarial Infection in Mullets from Coastal Areas in the Republic of Korea.
Woon Mok SOHN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Shin Hyeong CHO ; Won Ja LEE ; Mi Yeoun PARK ; Soon Won LEE ; Seung Bong CHOI ; Beom Nyung HUH ; Won Seok SEOK
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2016;54(4):497-502
To know the infection status of zoonotic trematode metacercariae in brackish water fish, we surveyed mullets collected from 18 coastal areas in the Republic of Korea. The metacercariae of Pygidiopsis summa were detected in 236 (68.2%) out of 346 mullets examined. They were found in mullets from 15 areas except for those from Boseong-gun (Jeollanam-do), Pohang-si, and Uljin-gun (Gyeongsangbuk-do). Especially in mullets from Taean-gun (Chungcheongnam-do) and Geoje-si (Gyeongsangnam-do), their prevalences were 100% and 95.5%, and the average metacercarial density was more than 1,000 per fish. They were also detected in mullets from 3 coastal lakes, Gyeongpoho, Songjiho, and Hwajinpoho, in Gangwon-do, and their average densities were 419, 147, and 672 per infected fish, respectively. The metacercariae of 5 other heterophyid species, including Heterophyes nocens, Heterophyopsis continua, Metagonimus sp., Stictodora fuscata, and Stictodora lari, were found in the mullets examined. The metacercariae of H. nocens were detected in 66.7, 100, 28.6, 81.6, 3.9, 61.5, and 27.3% of mullets from Muan-gun, Shinan-gun, Haenam-gun, Gangjin-gun, and Boseong-gun (Jeollanam-do), Hadong-gun, and Geoje-si (Gyeongsangnam-do), and their metacercarial intensities were 64, 84, 119, 99, 1, 24, and 24 per fish infected, respectively. From the above results, it has been confirmed that P. summa metacercariae are heavily infected in mullets from coastal areas of Korea. It is suggested that residents who frequently consume raw mullet dish can be easily infected with heterophyid flukes.
Republic of Korea*
Saline Waters
7.Zoonotic Trematode Metacercariae in Fish from Yangon, Myanmar and Their Adults Recovered from Experimental Animals.
Jong Yil CHAI ; Woon Mok SOHN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Jong Bok PARK ; Hoo Gn JEOUNG ; Eui Hyug HOANG ; Thi Thi HTOON ; Htay Htay TIN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2017;55(6):631-641
A survey was performed to investigate the infection status of zoonotic trematode (ZT) metacercariae in fish from a local market in Yangon City, Myanmar. A total of 264 fish (12 species) were collected through 4 times from December 2013 to June 2015. All collected fish were transferred to our laboratory on ice and examined by the artificial digestion method. More than 7 species of ZT metacercariae, i.e., Haplorchis taichui, H. pumilio, H. yokogawai, Centrocestus spp., Stellantchasmus falcatus, Pygidiopsis cambodiensis, and Procerovum sp. were detected. Metacercariae of H. taichui were collected in 58 (42.3%) out of 137 fish (5 species), and their average density was 42.9 per fish infected. Metacercariae of H. pumilio were detected in 96 (49.0%) out of 196 fish (9 species), and their average density was 23.6 per fish infected. H. yokogawai metacercariae were found in 40 (50.0%) out of 80 fish (5 species), and Centrocestus spp. metacercariae in 91 (50.8%) out of 179 fish (8 species), and their densities were 306 and 25.8 per fish infected, respectively. Metacercariae of S. falcatus and P. cambodiensis were detected only in mullets, Chelon macrolepis. A total of 280 Procerovum sp. metacercariae were found in 6 out of 12 climbing perch, Anabas testudineus. Morphological characteristics of adult flukes recovered from experimental animals were described. It has been first confirmed that fish from Yangon, Myanmar are commonly infected with various species of ZT metacercariae.
8.New Record of Thapariella anastomusa (Trematoda: Thapariellidae) Metacercariae in Northern Thailand
Waraporn PHALEE ; Anawat PHALEE ; Chalobol WONGSAWAD
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(1):49-52
The family Thapariellidae has been reported in only 3 countries since 1990. The objective of this study was to identify Thapariella anastomusa metacercariae in snails in Thailand based on morphological traits using a light (LM) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A total of 94 Filopaludina snails were collected and identified as 50 F. martensi martensi and 44 F. doliaris. Metacercariae of T. anastomusa were recovered from the snails by the crushing method. The overall prevalence was 22.3% (21/94), and the mean intensity was 17.0 per snail. The prevalence in F. martensi martensi was 24.0% (12/50) and F. doliaris 20.5% (9/44) with the mean intensity of 18.8 and 14.8 per snail, respectively. SEM revealed traits such as a concave ventral body and well-developed oral and ventral suckers. This study represents the first report of T. anastomusa in South East Asia. While LM and SEM observations provide novel insights into T. anastomusa metacercarial morphology and life history, the trematode’s life cycle remains unclear. To date, there has been no report of T. anastomusa causing infections in humans. However, the snails F. martensi martensi and F. doliaris carrying the infective stages of T. anastomosa are frequently consumed by Thai people. This consumption, particularly uncooked snails, may present a risk of Thapariella infections in humans.
Asian Continental Ancestry Group
Far East
Life Cycle Stages
9.Prevalence and Intensity of Clonorchis sinensis Metacercariae in Freshwater Fish from Wicheon Stream in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea
Woon Mok SOHN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Shin Hyeong CHO ; Jung Won JU ; Dong Chul SON
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(1):41-48
The infection status of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) was examined in freshwater fish from a highly prevalent site, Wicheon (a branch of Nakdong-gang), which is located in Gunwi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 1,162 fish in 32 species were examined by the artificial digestion method through 6 years. CsMc were detected in 720 (67.5%) out of 1,067 fish (26 spp.) and their density was 610 per fish infected. In the susceptible gobioninid fish group, i.e., Pungtungia herzi, Squalidus gracilis majimae, Squalidus japonicus coreanus, Sarcocheilichthys variegatus wakiyae and Pseudorasbora parva, all of 323 fish were infected with an average of 1,310 CsMc. Total 23 (95.8%) gobioninid fish, i.e., Pseudogobio esocinus, Abbottina springeri, Hemibarbus longirostris, Microphysogobio koreensis, and Microphysogobio jeoni, were infected with 127 CsMc in average. In the acheilognathinid fish (bitterlings) group, the prevalence was 77.0%, and the density was 50 CsMc per fish infected. In the rasborinid fish (chubs) group, i.e., Zacco platypus, Zacco temminckii, Zacco koreanus, and Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis, 147 (36.5%) out of 403 fish examined were infected with 15 CsMc in average. The susceptibility indices of CsMc were 412 in the overall positive fish group, 1,310 in the gobioninid group-1, 122 in the gobioninid group-2, 38.5 in the acheilognathinid group, and 5.5 in the rasborinid fish group. Conclusively, it was confirmed that CsMc are highly prevalent in fish from Wicheon, and their infection tendency varied according to the subfamily groups in Cyprinidae fish hosts.
Clonorchis sinensis
Fresh Water
Republic of Korea
10.Infection Status with Clonorchis sinensis Metacercariae in Fish from Tamjin-gang (River) in Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
Ki Bok YOON ; Hyun Cheol LIM ; Doo Young JEON ; Sook PARK ; Shin Hyeong CHO ; Jung Won JU ; Sung Shik SHIN ; Byoung Kuk NA ; Woon Mok SOHN
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2018;56(2):183-188
The present study was performed to investigate the infection status with Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) in fishes from 2 sites, the middle and lower reaches, of Tamjin-gang (River) in Jeollanam-do, the Republic of Korea. Total 1,132 fishes in 22 species were collected from the middle reaches in Jangheung-gun for 4 years (2014–2017) and 517 fishes in 17 species were also collected from the lower reaches in Gangjin-gun in 2014 and 2017. They were all individually examined with the artificial digestion method in our laboratory. CsMc were detected in 322 (28.5%) out of 1,132 fishes from Jangheung-gun, and in 161 (31.1%) out of 517 fishes from Gangjin-gun, and their densities were 51 and 57 per fish infected each. In the fish species with CsMc, positive rates were 61.5% in Jangheung-gun and 62.7% in Gangjin-gun. A total of 222 Pungtungia herzi were examined and they were all infected with CsMc. The average intensity was 103 CsMc in the index fish, P. herzi (95 in Jangheung-gun and 121 in Gangjin-gun). In P. herzi bimonthly examined in 2017, the intensity was commonly most higher in March in 2 surveyed sites, however the significant seasonal endemicity was not showed. Conclusively, it was confirmed that CsMc is more or less prevalent in fishes from Tamjin-gang and their endemicity is higher in fish from the lower reaches in Gangjin-gun than the middle reaches in Jangheung-gun in Jeollanam-do, Korea.
Clonorchis sinensis
Republic of Korea