1.Some measures to improve staff performance assessment at Ministry of Health
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2003;0(4):2-6
The author presented the situation of staff performance assessment at Ministry of Health and provided some solutions to improve this performance such as grasping principles leader and manager performance assessment; renovating of assessment (about ethical and political virtue, lifestyle, professional level, ability of management and leading, results of activities in his section, his responsibilities and tasks); choosing methods of assessment (based on the criteria and score, the contracts, and the judgments); the duration for organizing of comment, assessment, and grading staffs; improving system and process of leader and manager performance assessment
Medical Staff
Medical Staff, Hospital
Nursing Staff
2.Smoking among health staffs of BachMai hospital: status and predictors.
Huy Van Nguyen ; An Thi Minh Dao
Journal of Medical Research 2007;52(5):72-80
Background: Smoking in health staffs is a essential issue to be concerned. In Europe, the rate of smoking in male and female doctors were 30 - 54% and 40%, respectively. Because of the high rate of smoking in health staffs, the prevention programs should focus on promoting interventions to reduce smoking rate in healthstaffs because they are people who cause negative effects to patients and community. Objectives: To investigate smoking patterns, compare knowledge, beliefs and attitudes and identify predictors of smoking status among health staffs in Bach Mai hospital. Subjects and method: This was a cross-sectional described epidemiological study by using the questionnaire of a global survey (modified accordance with Vietnam's conditions) on tobacco use among health staffs was adapted for data collection on a sample of 656. Data was analyzed by SPSS 10.0 software. Results and Conclusion: Overall smoking rate is fairly high (~21%), dominantly among males. Physicians and dentists display a greater smoking proportion than nurses, in among over \ufffd?30 \ufffd?year \ufffd?old cohort than among less \ufffd?30 \ufffd?year \ufffd?old cohort. One main predictor of smoking is belief of health staffs on their role as non \ufffd?smoking exemplary.
Medical Staff
3.Some remarks on infrastructures, equipments, personnels and professionals of commune hospitals - Thuy Nguyên District - Hai Phong
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;304(11):101-109
The real situation of infrastructures, equipments, personals and professionals of 34 commune medical stations - Thuy Nguyen district - Hai Phong in 2002. 64.71% houses with a flat roof, 35.29% grade - 3 houses, 12.6% not medicine plant. 38.2% commune medical stations have equipment with capital speciality. 70.5% females, 91.14% staffs, 8.8% contracts. 100% commune medical stations have doctor, 329 hamlets have health of hamlet. Commune medical stations training office of management are 15/34, commune medical stations training office of health care education are 24/34, commune medical stations training office of HIV/AIDS are 15/34, vaccinate achieved 100%
Medical staffs
4.To assess the factual status of medical technician resources at hospitals in 28 the North provinces
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;490(10):41-43
Concerning the manpower resource, at 28 hospital of provincial level in the North, there were 1297 health technician in 5 specialtics (laboratories, anesthesia resuscitation, rehabilitation, othodontic- maxillo facial) with the ratio of 1 doctor for 0,28- 0,47 technicians, mainly at 96,5% secondary education level and very low rate of bachelor of iniversity and high education level. 26,5% of the personel staff were assigned just on their specially, 48,5% nurses were assigned as technician, 8,9% of technicians were not met their assignement. Technicians must be trained continuously and retrained professionaly.
Medical staffs
5.Characterisitcs of the human resources of commune health in Yen Dung district, Bac Giang province
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2004;302(9):12-16
Investigation human resources at 23 commune health stations in Yen Dung district, Bac Giang province from 2-5/2003. The result showed that: the human resource at the commune healths is relatively good. The average of health worker of commune health station is 5.2. Doctors is distributed in 82.6% of commune health station, assistant physician of pediatrics or obstetrics in 100%. Health staff in present in 100% of hamlets, population collaborator is in over 90%
Health Manpower
Medical Staffs
6.Study on labour resource training for construction materials and prosthetic appliances combined with community based rehabilitation program
Journal of Practical Medicine 2004;490(10):66-68
Previously in training programme for health workers, knowledge and practices of orthopedic and prosthesis aquipment were nephigible. The innovation in training had made difference. The projects had designed 4 programme of training and various new manuals for each subjects at different levels, the closed cooperation was implemented between MOH and the Ministm of Labor- invalid and Social affaires.
Construction Materials
Medical Staffs
7.Preliminary avaluation of the real situation of pharmacists graduated in Pharmacy College during their activities in the Delta of Mekong River
Pharmaceutical Journal 2005;0(5):7-10
The research presents results of study about quantity and distribution real situation of pharmacists who are working at national health centers in Cuu Long area and initial evaluate training and working quality, retrain need and post graduate of pharmacists. Method: retrospective, cross- sectional description. Result: lack of pharrmacist at health center in Cuu Long area, working quality and speciality level depend on training center and suitability in using pharmacy manpower and training need
Medical Staffs
Pharmaceutical Preparations
8.The task of creation of drug manpower: actual situation and solution
Pharmaceutical Journal 2004;0(9):2-8
Pharmaceutical manpower demands at pharmaceutical institutions, training base capacity… were investigated. Results showed the deficiency of manpower of all forms especially the manpower of high education was varied between diverse geographic areas and knowledge domands. Generally, the professional levels did not meet the demands, particularly in the new knowledge domains such as clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical management, The number of Retrained workers and qualified workers was still underdeveloped. To meet the need of manpower force for industrialization and modernization, proper policy also financial policy should be recommended for combining the training and the mobilization, the encouragement and treating well for manpower, attracting the talent force for manpower training
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Medical Staffs
10.A descriptive study on the attitudes and perceptions toward mental illness of the medical hospital staff in the Medical City.
The Philippine Journal of Psychiatry 2018;40(1):29-
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess broadly the attitudes ad perceptions of consultant doctors, fellows, residents, medical interns, nurses and orderlies toward mental illness.
METHODOLOGY: A representative sample of 326 medical hospital staff 18 years old and above in the Medical City was surveyed from March 15, 2010 to June 19, 2010. Attitudes and perceptions of the respondents were measured by using the two scales: Community Attitudes Toward the Mentality III Scale (CAMI) and Empathy Toward the Mentally III Scale. CAMI was divided into 4 subcategories: authoritarianism, benevolence, restrictiveness and Community Mental Health Ideology (CMHI). Empathy Toward the Mentally III Scale represented the eight concepts with a positive and negative counterpart for each concept. Data was encoded and tallied in SPSS Version 10 for windows.
RESULTS: Results indicated that orderlies/nurse aides were more authoritative than the residents/fellows as well as medical interns and lowest among orderlies/nurse assistants. Scores with social restrictiveness decreased with increasing age of the respondents. Although there was no significant difference with regard to positive and negative empathy with age, a trend of increasing positive scores with increasing age was noted. According to sex, no significant difference in the attitudes and perceptions of the respondents was found. With regards to previous experience/ contact with mentally ill, higher scores on benevolence and CMHI were seen. Furthermore, higher scores for positive empathy were noted among those with experience on the mentally ill and have the lowest negative score. On the other hand, among those without previous experience /contact with the mentally ill, higher scores were noted for authoritarianism and social restrictiveness. Highest scores for positive attitude were noted among consultants, residents, fellows, and medical interns and lowest among orderlies/nurse assistants.
CONCLUSION: The level of care and service to psychiatric patients can be compromised by stigmatizing attitudes from the medical hospital staff. It is therefore imperative that further education on mental health is promoted in hospital institutions and anti-stigma initiatives established in our society.
Attitude ; Mental Disorders ; Medical Staff, Hospital