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Author:(Md. Hossain SOHRAB)

1.A Conformational Isomer of Soulattrolide from the Stem Bark of Calophyllum symingtonianum and Its Antibacterial Activity

Deny SUSANTI ; Nissad ATTOUMANI ; Muhammad TAHER ; Mohd Fazlin REZALI ; Md Hossain SOHRAB ; Choudhury Mahmood HASAN ; Zainul AMIRUDDIN ZAKARIA

Natural Product Sciences 2018;24(1):47-53

2.Simultaneous Extraction and Separation of Oil and Azadirachtin from Seeds and Leaves of Azadirachta indica using Binary Solvent Extraction

Sheela SUBRAMANIAN ; Aiza Syuhaniz SALLEH ; Robert Thomas BACHMANN ; Md. Sohrab HOSSAIN

Natural Product Sciences 2019;25(2):150-156

3. Medicinal values of aquatic plant genus Nymphoides grown in Asia: A review

Zihan Rahman KHAN ; Suriya SHARMIN ; Md. Hossain SOHRAB ; Nargis Sultana CHOWDHURY

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2018;8(2):113-119

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