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Author:(Maurizio ZIZZO)

2.Distinctive morphological and molecular features of urothelial carcinoma with an inverted growth pattern

Francesca SANGUEDOLCE ; Beppe CALÒ ; Marco CHIRICO ; Ugo FALAGARIO ; Gian Maria BUSETTO ; Magda ZANELLI ; Alessandra BISAGNI ; Maurizio ZIZZO ; Stefano ASCANI ; Giuseppe CARRIERI ; Luigi CORMIO

Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine 2021;55(4):239-246

3.Distinctive morphological and molecular features of urothelial carcinoma with an inverted growth pattern

Francesca SANGUEDOLCE ; Beppe CALÒ ; Marco CHIRICO ; Ugo FALAGARIO ; Gian Maria BUSETTO ; Magda ZANELLI ; Alessandra BISAGNI ; Maurizio ZIZZO ; Stefano ASCANI ; Giuseppe CARRIERI ; Luigi CORMIO

Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine 2021;55(4):239-246

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