1.Interpretation of Knee Anterior Pain in Handball Players Focusing on the Infrapatellar Fat Pad
Hiromu KUBOTA ; Hiroshi NAKAI ; Masamitsu TAKAGI ; Hidehisa HASHIMOTO ; Shinji KUMAZAWA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2018;67(4):528-
The infrapatellar fat pad is functionally deformed with joint movement and is involved in adjusting the internal pressure of the knee joint. On the other hand, it can also become a source of anterior knee pain due to inflammation and degeneration. A young female handball player experienced anterior knee pain. No obvious abnormality was observed on basic X-ray and magnetic resonance images. Dynamic observation using ultrasonic diagnostic imaging showed poor kinetics with infiltration of the infrapatellar fat pad into the patellar ligament and the tibial condyle, with the knee joint in extension on the affected side compared with the normal side. Knee joint range of movement (affected side vs. normal side) was restricted to 140° p / 150° flexion and extension - 10° p / 5°, and there was infrapatellar tenderness in the affected region. Patella baja was confirmed compared with the normal side. In addition, the flexibility of the infrapatellar fat pad was reduced. From these findings, it was inferred that the cause of pain was restriction of knee joint extension due to reduced flexibility of the infrapatellar fat pad. Treatment of the infrapatellar fat pad, joint range training exercises, and muscle strengthening training exercises were carried out. Pain and restricted range of joint movements improved and the patient could returned to competitive sports.
2.Comparison of Imaging Findings Between Plain CT and Ultrasonography in Acute Abdomen
Masamitsu TAKAGI ; Kanako KIRIYAMA ; Masaharu MIWA ; Shinsuke IMAI ; Masayuki ONOE ; Teruo MAEDA
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 2023;72(4):314-318
In recent years, plain X-ray CT has often been the first choice for imaging examination of acute abdomen in emergency medical settings. Ultrasound examination depends on the skill of the operator and the findings are subjective. However, we often experience cases in which more information can be obtained by abdominal ultrasonography than by plain CT. In this report, we describe two cases in which ultrasonography and plain CT imaging were performed in patients with right lower abdominal pain due to suspected abscess formation around the cecum. In the future, policies to reduce medical costs such as community healthcare initiatives may progress, and the number of facilities with high-priced medical equipment such as X-ray CT may decrease. Ultrasonography provides more information than simple CT examination, so we believe that ultrasonography should be the first choice for diagnostic imaging of acute abdomen. Therefore, it is important for those involved in ultrasonography to continuously acquire knowledge and scanning techniques.