1.MRI Findings of Shoulder Pain in Hemiplegic Stroke Patients
Ayako Murakami ; Hajime Yagura ; Megumi Hatakenaka ; Masahito Mihara ; Hisashi Tanaka ; Noriaki Hattori ; Ichiro Miyai
The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2009;46(12):787-792
The purpose of this study is to evaluate MRI findings for the shoulder pain in hemiplegic stroke patients in relation to clinical characteristics. We studied 18 hemiplegic patients with first-ever stroke presenting with shoulder pain in the affected side (mean age±SD=67.6±10.1years ; 8 men and 10 women ; 12 right and 6 left hemiplegia). All patients had shoulder pain during passive movements and 4 also had pain at rest. The mean duration from stroke onset to MRI was 67±42 days. MRI revealed abnormal findings in all patients. Tendinosis of the long head of the biceps and supraspinatus tendon injuries were most frequently found. The tendinosis of the long head of the biceps was related to hemihypesthesia and a reduced range of motion for external rotation of the shoulder. The supraspinatus tendon injuries were related to older age and lower Fugl-Meyer (FM) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores. The mean number of abnormal findings per patient was 3.2±1.4. The patients with more than 3 abnormal findings were significantly older, had shorter duration from stroke onset and lower FM and FIM scores than those with less findings. It was suggested that those patients with more severe paresis might have more abnormal findings on their MRIs for shoulder pain.
2.Regional differences in the density of Langerhans cells, CD8-positive T lymphocytes and CD68-positive macrophages: a preliminary study using elderly donated cadavers.
Yuya OMINE ; Nobuyuki HINATA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shin Ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(3):177-187
To provide a better understanding of the local immune system in the face and external genitalia, i.e., the oral floor, lower lip, palpebral conjunctiva, anus and penis, we examined the distribution and density of CD1a-positve Langerhans cells, CD8-positive suppressor T lymphocytes and CD68-positive macrophages using specimens from 8 male elderly cadavers. The density of Langerhans cells showed an individual difference of more than (or almost) 10-fold in the lip (oral floor). In the oral floor, Langerhans cells were often spherical. Submucosal or subcutaneous suppressor lymphocytes, especially rich in the oral floor and penile skin, migrated into the epithelium at 4 sites, except for the anus. In the conjunctiva, macrophage migration into the epithelium was seen in all 8 specimens. The density of suppressor lymphocytes showed a significant correlation between the oral floor and the lip (r=0.78). In contrast, the anal and penile skins showed no positive correlation in the density of all three types of immunoreactive cells examined. Overall, irrespective of the wide individual differences, the oral floor and conjunctiva seemed to be characterized by a rich content of all three cell types, whereas the penile skin was characterized by an abundance of suppressor lymphocytes. Based on the tables, as mean value, the relative abundance of three different cell types were as follows; CD1a-positive Langerhans cells (anus), CD8-positive lymphocytes (penis), and CD68-positive macrophages (lip). The present observations suggest that the local immune response is highly site-dependent, with a tendency for tolerance rather than rejection.
Anal Canal
CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes
Immune System
Langerhans Cells*
3.Fetal development of the minor lung segment.
Shinichi ABE ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Taku NOGUCHI ; Toshihito YOSHIMOTO ; Hideaki KINOSHITA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Jose Francisco RODRIGUEZ-VAZQUEZ
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014;47(1):12-17
The mediobasal segment (S7) of the right lung has been considered to correspond to the cardiac lobe generally seen in mammals. To investigate fetal development of the right mediobasal segmental bronchus (B7), we examined paraffin-embedded serial sections of 15 embrynic and fetal lungs at 7-8 weeks (serial sections) as well as semiserial sections of 8 fetuses at 15-18 weeks (semiserial sections). All of the smaller specimens did not contain B7, but 2 of the 8 larger specimens carried B7: one was found in the immediately anterior side of the inferior pulmonary vein, while in the other, the subdivisions (B7a, B7b) were overriding the vein. Although the incidence might be underestimated because of observations using semiserial sections, the B7 was most likely to develop secondarily during a period from 8 to 15 weeks. Fetal topographical changes (mainly, the descent) of the middle lobe and the inferior pulmonary vein might relate with the secondarily budding of B7. The present result does not reduce a clinical relevance of B7 as a segmental bronchus of the lung segment system.
Fetal Development*
Pulmonary Veins
4.Human nasociliary nerve with special reference to its unique parasympathetic cutaneous innervation.
Fumio HOSAKA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Kwang Ho CHO ; Hyung Suk JANG ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shin ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016;49(2):132-137
The frontal nerve is characterized by its great content of sympathetic nerve fibers in contrast to cutaneous branches of the maxillary and mandibular nerves. However, we needed to add information about composite fibers of cutaneous branches of the nasociliary nerve. Using cadaveric specimens from 20 donated cadavers (mean age, 85), we performed immunohistochemistry of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). The nasocilliary nerve contained abundant nNOS-positive fibers in contrast to few TH- and VIP-positive fibers. The short ciliary nerves also contained nNOS-positive fibers, but TH-positive fibers were more numerous than nNOS-positive ones. Parasympathetic innervation to the sweat gland is well known, but the original nerve course seemed not to be demonstrated yet. The present study may be the first report on a skin nerve containing abundant nNOS-positive fibers. The unique parasympathetic contents in the nasocilliary nerve seemed to supply the forehead sweat glands as well as glands in the eyelid and nasal epithelium.
Mandibular Nerve
Nasal Mucosa
Nerve Fibers
Nitric Oxide Synthase Type I
Sweat Glands
Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
5.Innervation of submandibular and sublingual glands in elderly donated cadavers: a preliminary histological study of differences in nerve morphology between mucous and serous acini.
Sachiko ASAKAWA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Masaaki KASAHARA ; Satoru MATSUNAGA ; Shin Ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2015;48(1):36-43
We examined morphological differences between the sublingual and submandibular glands with special reference to their innervation. The sublingual gland contained abundant periodic acid Schiff-positive mucous acini: some lobules were composed of purely mucous acini, while others were purely serous or mixed. However, in the submandibular gland, the area of mucous acini was very limited. Notably, in the sublingual gland, immunohistochemistry for neuron-specific enolase demonstrated that the serous acini carried a higher density of nerve elements than the mucous acini. However, no such difference was evident in the submandibular gland, possibly due to the small areas of the mucous acini. In both types of gland, neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive parasympathetic nerves as well as tyrosine hydroxylase-positive sympathetic nerves were observed in the interlobular tissue, but we were unable to trace these thin fibers to the acini. Myoepithelial cells expressed smooth muscle actin, but were negative for S100B protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein and neuron-specific enolase. However, antibody against S100A stained some of the myoepithelial cells and ductal cells in the sublingual gland. Cells positive for peripheral myelin protein 22 were seen in some of the ductal cells in the submandibular gland, but not in the sublingual gland. Therefore, with regard to the neurogenic features of the gland cells, S100B reactivity might disappear first in postnatal life, whereas S100A reactivity is likely to remain as aging progresses. The sublingual gland in elderly individuals seems to provide a good model for comparison of the nerve supply between mucous and serous acini.
Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein
Muscle, Smooth
Myelin Sheath
Nitric Oxide
Periodic Acid
Phosphopyruvate Hydratase
Sublingual Gland*
Submandibular Gland
6.Macrophage density in pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles greatly exceeds that in other striated muscles: an immunohistochemical study using elderly human cadavers.
Sunki RHEE ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Kei KITAMURA ; Kasahara MASAAKI ; Yukio KATORI ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Shin ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016;49(3):177-183
Macrophages play an important role in aging-related muscle atrophy (i.e., sarcopenia). We examined macrophage density in six striated muscles (cricopharyngeus muscle, posterior cricoarytenoideus muscle, genioglossus muscle, masseter muscle, infraspinatus muscle, and external anal sphincter). We examined 14 donated male cadavers and utilized CD68 immunohistochemistry to clarify macrophage density in muscles. The numbers of macrophages per striated muscle fiber in the larynx and pharynx (0.34 and 0.31) were 5–6 times greater than those in the tongue, shoulder, and anus (0.05–0.07) with high statistical significance. Thick muscle fibers over 80 µm in diameter were seen in the pharynx, larynx, and anal sphincter of two limited specimens. Conversely, in the other sites or specimens, muscle fibers were thinner than 50 µm. We did not find any multinuclear muscle cells suggestive of regeneration. At the beginning of the study, we suspected that mucosal macrophages might have invaded into the muscle layer of the larynx and pharynx, but we found no evidence of inflammation in the mucosa. Likewise, the internal anal sphincter (a smooth muscle layer near the mucosa) usually contained fewer macrophages than the external sphincter. The present result suggest that, in elderly men, thinning and death of striated muscle fibers occur more frequently in the larynx and pharynx than in other parts of the body.
Anal Canal
Deglutition Disorders
Laryngeal Muscles*
Masseter Muscle
Mucous Membrane
Muscle Cells
Muscle, Smooth
Muscle, Striated*
Muscular Atrophy
7.CD57 (Leu-7, HNK-1) immunoreactivity seen in thin arteries in the human fetal lung.
Satoshi ISHIZUKA ; Zhe Wu JIN ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Takeshi TAKAYAMA ; Katsuhiko HAYASHI ; Shin ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2018;51(2):105-112
CD57 (synonyms: Leu-7, HNK-1) is a well-known marker of nerve elements including the conductive system of the heart, as well as natural killer cells. In lung specimens from 12 human fetuses at 10–34 weeks of gestation, we have found incidentally that segmental, subsegmental, and more peripheral arteries strongly expressed CD57. Capillaries near developing alveoli were often or sometimes positive. The CD57-positive tissue elements within intrapulmonary arteries seemed to be the endothelium, internal elastic lamina, and smooth muscle layer, which corresponded to tissue positive for a DAKO antibody reactive with smooth muscle actin we used. However, the lobar artery and pulmonary arterial trunk as well as bronchial arteries were negative. Likewise, arteries in and along any abdominal viscera, as well as the heart, thymus, and thyroid, did not express CD57. Thus, the lung-specific CD57 reactivity was not connected with either of an endodermal- or a branchial arch-origin. CD57 antigen is a sugar chain characterized by a sulfated glucuronic acid residue that is likely to exist in some glycosphingolipids. Therefore, a chemical affinity or an interaction might exist between CD57-positive arterioles and glycosphingolipids originating from alveoli, resulting in acceleration of capillary budding to make contact with the alveolar wall. CD57 might therefore be a functional marker of the developing air-blood interface that characterizes the fetal lung at the canalicular stage.
Antigens, CD57
Bronchial Arteries
Glucuronic Acid
Killer Cells, Natural
Muscle, Smooth
Thymus Gland
Thyroid Gland
8.Development of the pulmonary pleura with special reference to the lung surface morphology: a study using human fetuses.
Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Jőrg WILTING ; Hiroshi ABE ; Gen MURAKAMI ; Jose Francisco RODRÍGUEZ-VÁZQUEZ ; Shin Ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2018;51(3):150-157
In and after the third trimester, the lung surface is likely to become smooth to facilitate respiratory movements. However, there are no detailed descriptions as to when and how the lung surface becomes regular. According to our observations of 33 fetuses at 9–16 weeks of gestation (crown-rump length [CRL], 39–125 mm), the lung surface, especially its lateral (costal) surface, was comparatively rough due to rapid branching and outward growing of bronchioli at the pseudoglandular phase of lung development. The pulmonary pleura was thin and, beneath the surface mesothelium, no or little mesenchymal tissue was detectable. Veins and lymphatic vessels reached the lung surface until 9 weeks and 16 weeks, respectively. In contrast, in 8 fetuses at 26–34 weeks of gestation (CRL, 210–290 mm), the lung surface was almost smooth because, instead of bronchioli, the developing alveoli faced the external surfaces of the lung. Moreover, the submesothelial tissue became thick due to large numbers of dilated veins connected to deep intersegmental veins. CD34-positive, multilayered fibrous tissue was also evident beneath the mesothelium in these stages. The submesothelial tissue was much thicker at the basal and mediastinal surfaces compared to apical and costal surfaces. Overall, rather than by a mechanical stress from the thoracic wall and diaphragm, a smooth lung surface seemed to be established largely by the thick submesothelial tissue including veins and lymphatic vessels until 26 weeks.
Lymphatic Vessels
Pregnancy Trimester, Third
Stress, Mechanical
Thoracic Wall
9.A temporary disc-like structure at the median atlanto-axial joint in human fetuses
Koichiro SAKANAKA ; Masahito YAMAMOTO ; Hidetomo HIROUCHI ; Ji Hyun KIM ; Gen MURAKAMI ; José Francisco RODRÍGUEZ VÁZQUEZ ; Shin ichi ABE
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2019;52(4):436-442
Atlanto-Axial Joint
Infant, Newborn
Zygapophyseal Joint
10.Fetal cervical zygapophysial joint with special reference to the associated synovial tissue:a histological study using near-term human fetuses
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2021;54(1):65-73
Human fetal cervical vertebrae are characterized by the large zygapophysial joint (ZJ) extending posteriorly. During our recent studies on regional differences in the shape, extent, and surrounding tissue of the fetal ZJ, we incidentally found a cervical-specific structure of synovial tissues. This study aimed to provide a detailed evaluation of the synovial structure using sagittal and horizontal sections of 20 near-term fetuses. The cervical ZJ consistently had a large cavity with multiple recesses at the margins and, especially at the anterior end, the recess interdigitated with or were located close to tree-like tributaries of the veins of the external vertebral plexus. In contrast to the flat and thin synovial cell lining of the recess, the venous tributary had cuboidal endothelial cells. No or few elastic fibers were identified around the ZJ. The venous-synovial complex seems to be a transient morphology at and around birth, and it may play a role in the stabilization of the growing cervical ZJ against frequent spontaneous dislocation reported radiologically in infants. The venous-synovial complex in the cervical region should be lost and replaced by elastic fibers in childhood or adolescence. However, the delayed development of the ligament flavum is also likely to occur in the lumbar ZJ in spite of no evidence of a transient venous-synovial structure. The cuboidal venous endothelium may simply represent the high proliferation rate for the growing complex.