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Author:(Masahiro TO)

4.Visceral Rehabilitation : Theory and Practice

Masahiro KOHZUKI

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2013;50(3):212-224

6.Basic Knowledge of the Medical Ethic and Security : Frustrations Affecting the Doctor and the Patient

Masahiro KOHZUKI

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014;51(8-9):551-554

8.Disaster Rehabilitation-What We have done in the Stricken Area following the Great East Japan Earthquake for 3 Months afterwards-

Masahiro KOHZUKI

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011;48(8):576-587

9.Efficient Managements of Pharmacovigilance on an Individual Person or on a Group

Masahiro NOMOTO

Japanese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology 2015;20(1):35-39

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