2.Research for the Effective Use of the Medication Guides for Patients
Michiko Yamamoto ; Tsutomu Matsuda ; Machi Suka ; Aya Furukawa ; Takako Igarashi ; Masahiko Hayashi ; Hiroki Sugimori
Japanese Journal of Social Pharmacy 2013;32(2):8-17
The Medication Guides for Patients (MGPs) are being offered as information on prescription drugs for patients by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). The MHLW published the Risk Management Plan in April, 2012, and it noted that the MGPs should be utilized in usual risk minimization activities. It is not clear, however, whether the MGPs are efficiently utilized in actual settings. Hence, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the pharmacists in the pharmacies with dispensing and the hospitals in Mie and Yamagata prefectures to investigate the actual circumstances of MGPs utilization and to understand the existing barriers associated with the use of the MGPs as medication instructions for patients. We sent the questionnaires by mail and obtained responses from 444 facilities (33.9%) of 1,309 facilities. The recognition level of the MGPs was about 30 percent in the dispensing pharmacies, and about 50 percent in the hospitals. The MGPs were utilized as a common communication tool with the patients in approximately 20 percent of the facilities. Many respondents requested that the frequency of important and other adverse reactions should be described in the MGPs, and wider ranges of MGPs should be further implemented.
Moreover, our data suggests the problem is that the present MGPs are mainly applied to special types of patients, such as those with higher literacy level or those who requested a detailed explanation. Thus, it is apparent that it is necessary to review the MGPs contents again to improve their practical benefits and disseminate them more widely.
3.Myocardial Protection with Differences of Administration Method of Human Superoxide Dismutase on Reperfusion Injury.
Noriyoshi YAMAMOTO ; Eiji IKEDA ; Masahiko TAKEO ; Yorikazu NAKAYAMA ; Yoshimasa SENOO ; Shigeru TERAMOTO
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1993;22(1):30-35
To investigate the efficacy of human superoxide dismutase (h-SOD) in myocardial ischemia and reperfusion with difference of administration of h-SOD, twenty four dogs were subjected to 120min ischemia by the cross clamping of the ascending aorta, and followed by 60min reperfusion, The dogs were randomly assigned to three groups: group G, h-SOD (8mg/kg) was injected into the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) circuit 5min prior to reperfusion; group L, h-SOD (3mg/kg) was administered by bolus injection through the aortic root into the coronary artery 1min prior to reperfusion; group C, nothing was administered. The values of creatinine phosphate MB isozyme (CPK-MB) and a-hydroxydehydrogenase (HBD) in coronary effluent, and lipid peroxides (LPO) in coronary artery and sinus blood, were measured during CPB. Cardiac function was evaluated by cardiac index (C. I.) and LV max dp/dt, and it was expressed as a percent recovery of pre-CPB state. Myocardial water contents as myocardial edema were measured after CPB. Effluents of CPK-MB and HBD at 60min after reperfusion were less in group L than group G, C. Generations of LPO (A-Cs difference) were less at 5min after reperfusion in group G, L than group C and there were significant differences between group G, L and group C. The percent recovery of C. I. and LV max dp/dt at 60min after reperfusion was superior in group G, L than group C and there were significant difference between group G, L and group C. Myocardial water contents at 60min after reperfusion were less in group G, L than group C and there were significant difference between group G, L and group C. In the lipid peroxides generation, cardiac function and myocardial edema except effluents of cardiac enzymes, group G was as well as group L. These data suggest that the injection of h-SOD into the CPB circuit just before reperfusion is effective to prevent the reperfusion injury as well as the administration through the aortic root.
4.Influence of the Patient/Doctor Relationship on the Non-attendance Rate of General Practice, and Investigation of Reasons for Hospital Non-attendance
Daisuke Danno ; Shinichi Fujimoto ; Yuka Yamamoto ; Reiko Mizuno ; Koichi Maeda ; Masatoshi Kanno ; Takashi Fujimoto ; Masahiko Matsumura ; Shinobu Nakamura
General Medicine 2005;6(1):17-21
BACKGROUND: In general practice, though patients often stop visiting ambulatory clinics of their own vo-lition despite the need for ongoing medical treatment, there is little reported research on the reasons for nonattendance in Japan. In this study, we investigated whether the patient/doctor relationship influences nonattendance rates in general practice. In addition, we investigated the reasons why patients stopped visiting the hospital.
METHODS: We collected data from 115 patients (58 males, 57 females; age range: 16 to 94 years old, median age: 52 years old) whose initial diagnoses were made in our department from June to July 2000. We classified the patients into five groups based on the level of their complaints concerning the initial consultation (‘A’ representing the highest degree of complaint, ‘E’ representing the lowest) and determined the relationship between the strength of complaints and the non-attendance rate. Furthermore, we investigated the reasons for non-attendance concerning 28 patients who stopped visiting the hospital from April 2000 to November 2001.
RESULTS: The non-attendance rates were 0% (014) for group A, 14.3% (2114) for group B, 5.6% (5189) for group C, 33.3% (216) for group D, and 50% (1/2) for group E. The rate tended to be higher in groups with fewer complaints. The reasons for non-attendance were the following: remission of symptoms (9 patients), request for another hospital or department (6 patients), relief due to consultation at the university hospital (6 patients), and lack of time to come to the particular hospital (5 patients) . In contrast, the most common reason for satisfaction at the time of consultation was ‘enough explanation and listening to complaints well’ in 7 of 11 patients who were satisfied with the consultation.
CONCLUSIONS: The level of patient's complaints at the time of consultation is related to the non-attendance rate. However, sufficient explanation about symptoms and careful listening to complaints are important for establishing a good patient/doctor relationship.
5.Temporary External Bypass during Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Operation: Two Patients with Heart Failure of Aortic Dissection.
Hiroshi Yamamoto ; Tadahiro Sasajima ; Masashi Inaba ; Norifumi Ohtani ; Masahiko Ishikawa ; Nobuyoshi Azuma ; Nobuyuki Akasaka ; Kazutomo Goh ; Yoshihiko Kubo
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(3):186-189
We report two cases of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, one with congestive heart failure, and the other with a dissecting aortic aneurysm (type IIIb), who underwent an aorto-bifemoral bypass operation under a temporary external axillofemoral bypass. In one patient (Case 1, a 74-year-old male), who had an abdominal aortic aneurysm with congestive heart failure due to aortic valve insufficiency and stenosis, perioperative transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated that, with a temporary external axillofemoral bypass, the regurgitant doppler signal was unchanged during the cross-clamping period of the abdominal aorta. In the other patient (Case 2, a 71-year-old male), who had a dissecting thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with the lower abdominal aorta having a true aneurysm formation, the transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated that, with a temporary external axillofemoral bypass, the false lumen of the dissecting thoracic aneurysm had no change in size during the cross-clamping period of the abdominal aorta. Thus, a temporary external axillofemoral bypass might avoid any unfavorable hemodynamic effect during and after the abdominal aortic clamping in patients suffering from an abdominal aortic aneurysm with cardiovascular complications.
6.Unusual Dilatation of Gelatin-Impregnated Knitted Dacron Prostheses after Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery.
Takaaki Sugita ; Shoji Watarida ; Masahiko Onoe ; Takehisa Nojima ; Kazuhiko Katsuyama ; Yasuhiko Nakajima ; Rie Yamamoto ; Ryoko Tabata ; Shuichi Matsuno ; Atsumi Mori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1995;24(6):363-367
We experienced unusual dilatation of gelatin-impregnated knitted Dacron prostheses after abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Therefore, we investigated dilatation of gelatin impregnated knitted Dacron grafts compared with other types of Dacron grafts after abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Eighteen grafts inserted after abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery were studied for to evaluate dilatation. Enhance CT was used to determine the external diameter of the most dilated portion of the abdominal aortic grafts and high speed plain CT was used to determine the most dilated internal diameter. The gelatin-impregnated knitted Dacron grafts dilated from 25% to 43.8% (mean 31.8±7.2%), significantly more than collagen impregnated woven Dacron grafts (p=0.0003). Moreover, high fever was frequently noticed after these grafts implantation (66.7%). Therefore, caution must be used concerning these implantation in aortic lesions and careful follow-up study should be performed after implantation.
7.The Physical Effects of Body Movement on Axillary-to-Femoral Artery Graft.
Rie Yamamoto ; Takaaki Sugita ; Shouji Watarida ; Masahiko Onoe ; Kazuhiko Katsuyama ; Yasuhiko Nakajima ; Ryoukou Tabata ; Shuuichi Matuno ; Astushi Mori
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(2):109-112
We encountered an unusual disruption of an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (EPTFE) axillofemoral bypass graft apart from that anastomoses. We suspected the possible robe of the physical effects of body movement provoking the disruption of the axillofemoral bypass graft and therefore examined the physical effect of body movement on the axillary-to-femoral artery graft in 15 healthy men. At the lower part of the graft, the physical effect was significantly stronger. The disruption of this axillary-to-femoral artery graft was associated with the physical effect of body movement.
8.Evaluation of the outpatient clinic education of our department by the patient
Daisuke DANNO ; Shinichi FUJIMOTO ; Yuka YAMAMOTO ; Reiko MIZUNO ; Koichi MAEDA ; Masatoshi KANNO ; Masahiko MATSUMURA ; Takashi FUJIMOTO ; Shinobu NAKAMURA
Medical Education 2008;39(1):51-54
1) We investigated the patients'evaluations of the students, our management of the medical training, and the patients' recognition of our outpatient clinic education. We then requested the patients to give their opinions regarding such interviews.
2) The patients'evaluations of the outpatient clinic and the patients'recognition of our outpatient clinic education were relatively good, but some patients complained about the short duration of medical care and also expressed anxiety over the students'medical interview.
3) Many patients expressed the desire to positively participate in medical education because the patients had high expectations of the medical students.In addition, this interview training fulfilled the patients'desire to be listened to and have their concerns acknowledged.
9.Optimal Maintenance Strategy for First-Line Oxaliplatin-Containing Therapy with or without Bevacizumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Toshikazu MORIWAKI ; Masahiko GOSHO ; Akinori SUGAYA ; Takeshi YAMADA ; Yoshiyuki YAMAMOTO ; Ichinosuke HYODO
Cancer Research and Treatment 2021;53(3):703-713
Maintenance therapy after oxaliplatin withdrawal is useful in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). This study aimed to investigate the timing of discontinuation or reintroduction of oxaliplatin and the optimal maintenance therapy regimen for survival.
Materials and Methods:
PubMed and conference abstracts were searched to select phase II and III trials of first-line oxaliplatin-containing therapy with or without bevacizumab using maintenance therapy for mCRC. Correlations of median overall survival (OS) with induction therapy regimens, induction therapy duration, maintenance therapy regimens (fluoropyrimidine plus bevacizumab [FP+Bev], FP/Bev alone, and no treatment), and oxaliplatin reintroduction were investigated using correlation and weighted multivariate regression analyses.
Twenty-two treatment arms were analyzed, including 2,581 patients. The maintenance therapy regimen FP+Bev showed the strongest correlation with a prolonged OS (Spearman’s partial correlation coefficient=0.42), and the other three variables correlated weakly with the OS. The maintenance therapy regimen significantly interacted with the induction chemotherapy duration (p=0.019). The predicted OS for FP+Bev crossed the lines of FP/Bev alone at 18 weeks of induction therapy, and of no treatment at 23 weeks. The corresponding OS at 12 and 27 weeks of induction therapies were 28.6 and 24.2 months for FP+Bev, 25.9 and 28.8 months for FP/Bev alone, and 20.5 and 27.5 months for no treatment.
The optimal maintenance therapy regimen for the OS is a continuous induction therapy as long as possible followed by FP/Bev alone and switching to FP+Bev within approximately 4 months if induction therapy is discontinued.
10.Optimal Maintenance Strategy for First-Line Oxaliplatin-Containing Therapy with or without Bevacizumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis
Toshikazu MORIWAKI ; Masahiko GOSHO ; Akinori SUGAYA ; Takeshi YAMADA ; Yoshiyuki YAMAMOTO ; Ichinosuke HYODO
Cancer Research and Treatment 2021;53(3):703-713
Maintenance therapy after oxaliplatin withdrawal is useful in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). This study aimed to investigate the timing of discontinuation or reintroduction of oxaliplatin and the optimal maintenance therapy regimen for survival.
Materials and Methods:
PubMed and conference abstracts were searched to select phase II and III trials of first-line oxaliplatin-containing therapy with or without bevacizumab using maintenance therapy for mCRC. Correlations of median overall survival (OS) with induction therapy regimens, induction therapy duration, maintenance therapy regimens (fluoropyrimidine plus bevacizumab [FP+Bev], FP/Bev alone, and no treatment), and oxaliplatin reintroduction were investigated using correlation and weighted multivariate regression analyses.
Twenty-two treatment arms were analyzed, including 2,581 patients. The maintenance therapy regimen FP+Bev showed the strongest correlation with a prolonged OS (Spearman’s partial correlation coefficient=0.42), and the other three variables correlated weakly with the OS. The maintenance therapy regimen significantly interacted with the induction chemotherapy duration (p=0.019). The predicted OS for FP+Bev crossed the lines of FP/Bev alone at 18 weeks of induction therapy, and of no treatment at 23 weeks. The corresponding OS at 12 and 27 weeks of induction therapies were 28.6 and 24.2 months for FP+Bev, 25.9 and 28.8 months for FP/Bev alone, and 20.5 and 27.5 months for no treatment.
The optimal maintenance therapy regimen for the OS is a continuous induction therapy as long as possible followed by FP/Bev alone and switching to FP+Bev within approximately 4 months if induction therapy is discontinued.