1.A three-year single center quality of life study among adult patients with tuberculosis arthritis who underwent surgery
Martin Louie S BANGCOY ; Charles Abraham C VILLAMIN
Journal of Medicine University of Santo Tomas 2020;4(1):433-447
Tuberculosis arthritis is a type of extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis (TB) and
can be seen in many clinical forms, especially in
developing countries.
This study will look into the quality of life
(QoL) of patients who were diagnosed with tuberculous arthropathy of the extremity and underwent
surgery at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital
(USTH) from January 2014 to December 2016 using the Tagalog SF – 36 questionnaire.
All patients who underwent surgery for
TB arthropathy at USTH for three years were included. The Tagalog SF – 36 questionnaire was administered to the patients during follow-up to assess the
QoL scores. A detailed evaluation of the questions
was performed to depict any pattern on specii c areas that affect the QoL of patients.
Patients who underwent surgery scored
high for role emotional (mean 93.33) and lowest
on the bodily pain scale (mean 69.2). Higher physical component scores (PCS) were noted in patients
who underwent surgery in 2014 compared to 2015
and 2016. Higher mental component scores (MCS) scores were also noted in patients operated in 2014
compared to 2015 and 2016. All patients have
good QoL scores after surgery and complete medical treatment as demonstrated by the SF-36 scores.
Tuberculous arthropathy can affect the physical and
mental aspects of patients. No signii cant difference
in mean scores by year were seen in all the scales of
the SF-36 (p = >0.05).
All patients have good QoL scores
after surgery and complete medical treatment as
demonstrated by the SF-36 scores. QoL scores
showed more improvement as the duration post-treatment is longer.
Quality of life