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Author:(Mark WALTER)

1.Immunohistochemical study of constitutive neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the central nervous system of goat with natural listeriosis.

Taekyun SHIN ; Daniel WEINSTOCK ; Marlene D CASTRO ; Helene ACLAND ; Mark WALTER ; Hyun Young KIM ; H Graham PURCHASE

Journal of Veterinary Science 2000;1(2):77-80

2.Contrast Does Not Affect Cholangioscope Image Quality.


Gut and Liver 2011;5(1):115-116

3.Chair-side CAD/CAM fabrication of a single-retainer resin bonded fixed dental prosthesis: a case report

Carlos Alberto JURADO ; Akimasa TSUJIMOTO ; Hidehiko WATANABE ; Jose VILLALOBOS-TINOCO ; Jorge Luis GARAICOA ; Mark David MARKHAM ; Wayne Walter BARKMEIER ; Mark Andrew LATTA

Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2020;45(2):e15-

4.Perioperative Anticoagulation in Patients with Mechanical Heart Valves Undergoing Elective Surgery: Results of a Survey Conducted among Korean Physicians.

Doyeun OH ; Sehyun KIM ; Chang Young LIM ; Jong Seok LEE ; Seonyang PARK ; David GARCIA ; Mark A CROWTHER ; Walter AGENO

Yonsei Medical Journal 2005;46(1):66-72

5.Role of Cytolethal Distending Toxin in Altered Stool Form and Bowel Phenotypes in a Rat Model of Post-infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Venkata POKKUNURI ; Mark PIMENTEL ; Walter MORALES ; Sam Ryong JEE ; Joel ALPERN ; Stacy WEITSMAN ; Zachary MARSH ; Kimberly LOW ; Laura HWANG ; Reza KHOSHINI ; Gillian M BARLOW ; Hanlin WANG ; Christopher CHANG

Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility 2012;18(4):434-442

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