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Author:(Maristela Schiabel ADLER)

1.Double-blind evaluation of homeopathy on cocaine craving: a randomized controlled pilot study.

Ubiratan Cardinalli ADLER ; Ana Carolina ACORINTE ; Fernando Oliveira CALZAVARA ; Adriano André Da SILVA ; ; Maristela Schiabel ADLER ; Edson Zangiacomi MARTINEZ ; José Carlos Fernandes GALDURÓZ

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2018;16(3):178-184

2.Homeopathy for COVID-19 in primary care: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (COVID-Simile study).

Ubiratan Cardinalli ADLER ; Maristela Schiabel ADLER ; Ana Elisa Madureira PADULA ; Livia Mitchiguian HOTTA ; Amarilys DE TOLEDO CESAR ; José Nelson Martins DINIZ ; Helen DE FREITAS SANTOS ; Edson Zangiacomi MARTINEZ

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2022;20(3):221-229

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