1.Comparative effectiveness of oral ivermectin, topical permethrin, and its combination, in the treatment of scabies
Rowena F. Genuino ; Ma. Christina Filomena R. Batac ; Malaya P. Santos ; Ma. Stephanie Fay S. Cagayan
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2024;33(Suppl 1):34-35
BACKGROUND<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">Scabies, caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, is a prevalent and burdensome skin disease in the Philippines, ranking second in disability. Recognized as a neglected tropical disease (NTD) by the WHO, scabies management is targeted for inclusion in universal healthcare programs worldwide by 2030. Current treatment involves topical neurotoxic drugs like permethrin, but issues such as expense and inconvenience hinder compliance. Oral ivermectin, recommended by the WHO only recently, is more cost-effective and easier to administer but is considered a second-line option in clinical practice guidelines. This research aimed to determine the comparative efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness, and acceptability of oral ivermectin, alone or in combination with topical permethrin, versus topical permethrin alone, in the treatment of classic scabies among Filipino patients.p>METHODS<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">This 4-part study was conducted from July 2021 to September 2023 and aimed to compare the efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness, and acceptability of oral ivermectin alone or in combination with topical permethrin versus topical permethrin alone for treating classic scabies among Filipino patients. Quantitative methods included a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 38 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and a pharmacoeconomic evaluation using decision tree modeling. Qualitative methods involved a multiple case study of patient experiences and perceptions and in-depth interviews with physicians.p>RESULTS<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">There seems to be comparable efficacy between oral ivermectin and permethrin, with limited evidence favoring the combination ivermectin/permethrin regimen. Adverse events were minor, and cost-effectiveness analyses favored ivermectin-based regimens over permethrin. Patient and physician perspectives supported the effectiveness of all treatments, with oral ivermectin recognized as safe but underutilized.p>CONCLUSION<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">Evidence synthesis suggests that oral ivermectin, especially in combination with permethrin, could be a viable and cost-effective alternative for scabies treatment in the Philippines. The optimal dosing regimen, safety in specific populations, and factors influencing treatment choice need further exploration. Recommendations include advocating for oral ivermectin inclusion in regulatory guidelines and national formulary, considering it as a first- or second- line treatment, and conducting further research, including mixed-methods designs, to confirm efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness in different settings. Shared decision-making, considering ethical, logistical, socioeconomic, and psychological aspects, is crucial in implementing effective scabies control programs.p>
2.Economic evaluation of oral ivermectin, alone or in combination with permethrin, versus permethrin, in the treatment of classic scabies in the Philippine Setting
Rowena F. Genuino ; Mac Ardy J. Gloria ; Clarence Pio Rey S. Yacapin ; Maria Christina Filomena R. Batac ; Fernando B. Garcia Jr. ; Francis R. Capule ; Mary Ann J. Ladia ; Malaya P. Santos ; Ailyn M. Yabes ; Ma. Stephanie Fay S. Cagayan
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(Early Access 2024):1-23
Background and Objective:
Oral ivermectin is recommended as an alternative to topical permethrin in Japanese, European, and CDC-STI guidelines for treating classic scabies. The combination of oral ivermectin and topical permethrin is also used in some settings. Partial economic evaluations conducted in India and Egypt have conflicting results, and no cost-effectiveness analysis in the Philippines has compared ivermectin-based regimens to permethrin for scabies treatment. We aimed to determine the cost-effectiveness of oral ivermectin, alone or in combination with permethrin, compared to permethrin, in the treatment of Filipino adult patients with classic scabies.
We used a decision tree model to estimate the cost-effectiveness of two regimens, oral ivermectin alone or in combination with permethrin, compared with permethrin to treat adults and children aged five years and older with classic scabies in the outpatient setting from the household perspective in the Philippines. We estimated total costs and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) over a one-month follow-up. Input parameters were obtained from secondary data, such as effect estimates for probabilities of clinical outcomes from a network meta-analysis, DALYs from the Global Burden of Disease 2019, and prevailing market cost in the Philippines (DPRI 2022 with recommended markup by DOH, and leading drugstores) as of August 2022. We computed for incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) and net monetary benefit (NMB) to determine which of the interventions are cost-effective. Univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses, and scenario analyses were conducted to assess the impact of parameter and structural uncertainty.
Ivermectin-based regimens are suggested to be likely cost-saving compared to permethrin in the Philippine outpatient setting. Base case analysis showed that oral ivermectin had higher cost-savings (change in cost, -1,039.31; change in DALYS, 0.00027), while combination oral ivermectin/permethrin had higher DALYs averted (change in cost, PhP -1,019.78; change in DALYs, 0.00045), compared to permethrin. Combination oral ivermectin/permethrin (56%) was the most cost-effective, followed by oral ivermectin (44%) compared to permethrin (0%) through probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Estimates for ivermectin were sensitive to risk of cure for ivermectin vs permethrin using 1-way deterministic sensitivity analysis. Oral ivermectin was favored over combination oral ivermectin/permethrin at all thresholds based on the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve.
Both ivermectin-based regimens seem to be cost-saving compared to permethrin in the treatment of classic scabies in the Philippine outpatient setting. Clinicians may consider oral ivermectin, alone or in combination with permethrin as an alternative first-line or second-line treatment depending on patient preference, adverse event risk profile, availability, and economic capacity. This needs to be confirmed using primary data from Filipino patients to enhance the robustness of the findings and support evidence-based local decision-making in different settings. Less uncertainty in modelled parameters can give greater confidence in the results, which can be adopted for budget impact analysis and allow more rational resource allocation. Value of information analysis can be done to determine whether the expense of future RCTs or surveys in Filipinos to collect primary data is worth it. The cost of reducing uncertainty, if deemed worth the cost of further studies, may facilitate population-level decision-making and budget planning. Findings may further inform practice guideline development, coverage decisions, and national control program planning by providing the most cost-effective scabies intervention.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
3.Comparative efficacy and safety of oral ivermectin, topical permethrin, and its combination in the treatment of scabies: A systematic literature review.
Rowena F GENUINO ; Maria Christina Filomena R. BATAC ; Francis R. CAPULE ; Fernando B. GARCIA ; Mary Ann J. LADIA ; Malaya P. SANTOS ; Ailyn M. YABES ; Maria Stephanie Fay S. CAGAYAN ; Kimberly Anne G. Ednalino
Journal of the Philippine Dermatological Society 2022;31(1):7-19
<p style="text-align: justify;">INTRODUCTION: Oral ivermectin is an approved first-line option to topical permethrin in Europe and Japan for the treatment of classic scabies, while combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin is used in clinical practice for extensive or recurrent cases. There is unclear evidence on comparative efficacy and safety.p><p style="text-align: justify;">OBJECTIVES: To review the evidence on efficacy and safety of oral ivermectin versus topical permethrin or its combination in the treatment of classic scabies.p><p style="text-align: justify;">METHODS: We searched PubMed from January 1, 2016 up to August 7, 2021 for systematic reviews that included RCTs comparing oral ivermectin versus topical permethrin or its combination in the clinical treatment of scabies. We described the characteristics of included studies, assessed reporting quality, and summarized results and conclusion.p><p style="text-align: justify;">RESULTS: We included five systematic reviews. Permethrin did not differ from oral ivermectin in cure rate at the 3 to 6-week time point but had an earlier cure at 1-2 weeks. Adverse effects did not significantly diff er and were few, mild, and transient with both treatments. The evidence ranged widely from low to high certainty and mainly came from three moderate-to-high quality systematic reviews. Combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin was ranked higher in efficacy but lower in safety compared to either drug alone in one moderate validity network meta-analysis.p><p style="text-align: justify;">CONCLUSION: There is varying certainty of evidence suggesting comparable efficacy and safety of oral ivermectin versus topical permethrin. Limited evidence suggest higher efficacy and lower safety of combination oral ivermectin and topical permethrin compared to either drug alone. An updated systematic review and network meta-analysis is warranted.p><p style="text-align: justify;">KEYWORDS: scabies, ivermectin, permethrin, effectiveness, efficacy, safetyp>
4.Understanding perceptions and experiences on acceptability of oral ivermectin, topical permethrin, and their combination in the treatment of adult Filipino patients with scabies: A multiple case study.
Rowena F. Genuino ; Ma. Christina Filomena R. Batac ; Alena Marie B. Mariano ; Ma. Carla E. Buenaflor ; Ma. Veronica Pia N. Arevalo ; Francis R. Capule ; Fernando B. Garcia Jr. ; Mary Ann J. Ladia ; Malaya P. Santos ; Ailyn M. Yabes ; Maria Stephanie Fay S. Cagayan
Acta Medica Philippina 2024;58(17):24-41
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">Oral ivermectin, a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug, alone or in combination with permethrin, may be a cheaper and more convenient alternative drug to topical permethrin alone in the treatment of classic scabies. There are no previous studies on the treatment acceptability of the three interventions among individual patients with scabies in the Philippines. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences and perceptions on treatment acceptability for oral ivermectin, topical permethrin or combination treatment among patients with scabies using the multiple-case study approach.p>METHODS<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">We conducted a qualitative multiple case study among adult Filipino patients with classic scabies who were prescribed oral ivermectin, topical permethrin or its combination at a government tertiary hospital dermatology outpatient clinic from December 2022 to September 2023. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary source of data and analyzed together with chart reviews, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores, and clinical images. Interviews were transcribed, coded, and triangulated with other secondary data. A three-person research team employed a reflexive and iterative process of familiarization, coding, and thematic analysis using a modified Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA) to generate case descriptions, within-case analyses, and cross-case syntheses.p>RESULTS<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">The acceptability of scabies treatments (permethrin, ivermectin, and combination therapy) was generally positive. Permethrin, used in three patient cases, was generally perceived as effective but itch relief varied. The burden of whole-body application of permethrin was context-dependent, influenced by living arrangements and family support. Perceived affordability of permethrin was linked to socioeconomic status. Ivermectin, used by one patient case, was perceived as highly effective with no side effects. Its single dose use did not interfere with patient routine. Combination therapy was also considered effective but potential antagonistic effects and the cost of adding permethrin made it less preferred. Reluctance in taking oral pills was noted. All patients valued medical advice and deferred to their physicians for treatment decisions.p>CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">All three treatment options were considered effective and safe. Patients generally preferred permethrin over oral ivermectin due to its topical nature and perceived lower side effects. However, affordability and logistical challenges, especially for large households and low-income families, were noted with permethrin. Oral ivermectin elicited hesitation due to its controversial role in COVID-19 and veterinary use. Concerns about added costs and potential antagonism in combination therapy were raised. Despite these considerations, patients ultimately relied on physicians for treatment decisions. This study underscores the importance of understanding patient perspectives, experiences, and the patient-physician relationship in choosing scabies interventions. Addressing patient concerns, providing education, and ensuring ease of use and affordability can enhance treatment acceptability and adherence for better outcomes.p>
Case Study
Case Reports
Qualitative Research