1.Double H-flap technique, an anti-reflux adjunct to esophagogastrostomy after proximal gastrectomy for gastric leiomyoma: A case report.
Ma. Katrina B. Guillermo ; Shiela S. Macalindong
Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2021;76(2):63- 72
A significant challenge after performing resection of the
esophagogastric region, is the reconstruction that follows.
Esophagogastrostomy is a simple and direct method to restore
gastrointestinal continuity using a single anastomosis but is associated
with reflux esophagitis and anastomotic stenosis. This case report
presents a 29-year-old man with a bleeding gastroesophageal
junction leiomyoma who underwent a proximal gastrectomy and an
esophagogastrostomy reconstruction with a double H-flap technique
to reduce the incidence of gastric reflux. This illustrative description
of the double H-flap technique created a valve mechanism that
mimicked the function of the resected sphincter and cardia. This antireflux adjunct technique is reproducible and effective in preventing
gastroesophageal reflux symptoms after an esophagogastrostomy.
2.Multiple strategies to avoid life-threatening blood loss during intralesional resection of a giant Plexiform Neurofibroma: A case report
Ma. Katrina B. Guillermo ; Rodney B. Dofitas
Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2022;77(2):51-65
Giant plexiform neurofibroma (PNs) are benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors known to contain multiple fascicles of nerve and numerous friable vascular components. Most consult due to significant disfigurement and functional deficit. Though surgery is the current standard of therapy, there is high reservation in pushing through with resection in most cases. The reservation stems from the recognized
difficulty in controlling intraoperative life-threatening hemorrhage. A 25-year-old female came in our institution due to multiple debilitating giant PNs on her scalp, back, neck, shoulder, and chest. She opted
for debulking surgery despite possible complications and recurrence. Multiple modalities used to prevent massive bleeding in this case included preoperative arterial embolization, energy sealing device, cutting linear stapler, and interlocking retention sutures. The aim of this case report was to discuss the utility of each of these techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach based on our
Neurofibroma, Plexiform