1.Rape--the Malaysian scenario.
The Malaysian journal of pathology 2002;24(1):9-14
6.Lack of Rb2/p130 genetic alteration in Malaysian nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Susan Ling Ling Hoe ; Ee Soo Lee ; Alan Soo Beng Khoo ; Suat-Cheng Peh
The Malaysian journal of pathology 2009;31(1):53-6
The retinoblastoma-related gene Rb2/p130 has been reported to be mutated in several malignancies such as lung cancer and Burkitt's lymphoma. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common cancer in Malaysia especially amongst the ethnic Chinese. We screened for Rb2/p130 gene (exons 19 to 21) mutations in 53 archival NPC samples via PCR-SSCP-direct sequencing approach. Only one sample had a base change which involved a serine to glycine substitution at codon 995 (S995G). We conclude that Rb2/p130 genetic alterations are infrequent in NPC and may not be essential for the pathogenesis of the disease.
Malignant Neoplasms
7.Linkage and association studies in a Malaysian family with autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss.
Wahida I Farah ; B S Aminuddin ; B H I Ruszymah
The Malaysian journal of pathology 2006;28(1):23-33
Hearing loss is a common sensory deficit in humans. The hearing loss may be conductive, sensorineural, or mixed, syndromic or nonsyndromic, prelingual or postlingual. Due to the complexity of the hearing mechanism, it is not surprising that several hundred genes might be involved in causing hereditary hearing loss. There are at least 82 chromosomal loci that have been identified so far which are associated with the most common type of deafness--non-syndromic deafness. However, there are still many more which remained to be discovered. Here, we report the mapping of a locus for autosomal recessive, non-syndromic deafness in a family in Malaysia. The investigated family (AC) consists of three generations--parents who are deceased, nine affected and seven unaffected children and grandchildren. The deafness was deduced to be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner with 70% penetrance. Recombination frequencies were assumed to be equal for both males and females. Using two-point lod score analysis (MLINK), a maximum lod score of 2.48 at 0% recombinant (Z = 2.48, theta = 0%) was obtained for the interval D14S63-D14S74. The haplotype analysis defined a 14.38 centiMorgan critical region around marker D14S258 on chromosome 14q23.2-q24.3. There are 16 candidate genes identified with positive expression in human cochlear and each has great potential of being the deaf gene responsible in causing non-syndromic hereditary hearing loss in this particular family. Hopefully, by understanding the role of genetics in deafness, early interventional strategies can be undertaken to improve the life of the deaf community.
Relationship by association
Linkage (Genetics)
8.“Canditm”: A Malaysian-Tailored Dietary Smartphone App For Cancer Patients And Survivors
Noor Salihah ; Pei Lin Lua ; Aryati Ahmad ; Mohd. Razif Shahril
Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2017;2017(Special Volume (2)):22-40
Despite being effective in promoting healthy dietary behaviour, smartphone apps are scarcely available for our local communities and the majority of nutritional-related information is based on western food selections. Our new innovation aims to provide specific educational advice about recommended food intake, types, nutritional qualities and weight issues for cancer patients and survivors who suffer appetite problems and nutritional deficits. The Cancer Dietary (CanDiTM) app was developed as a convenient, flexible and attractively engaging smartphone app containing healthy tips which are uniquely tailored to the local food choices, preferences and ingredients. This helps customise users’ dietary needs besides permitting constant information up-dating. Features are broadly categorised into Healthy Eating Guide (advice from healthy eating to eating problems, weight loss prevention and increasing proteins and calories intake) and Malaysian Recipes For Cancer Patients (focusing on common Malaysian dishes, ingredients, treatment-based recipes and special diets). An additional Symptom Diary allows user’s personal profile to be recorded and stored virtually online. Its feasibility and acceptability were further tested among 30 cancer patients, family caregivers and dieticians recruited from a public hospital in Terengganu, Malaysia. Very good feasibility (> 80%) and excellent acceptability (> 90%) were reported regarding its ease of operation, suitability of language used, attractiveness, knowledge enhancement and perceived usefulness. With this scientific yet creative innovation, routine dietary habits related to cancer conditions could be easily facilitated for both patients/survivors as well as family caregivers for their independent and healthy living.
Cancer dietary app
Smartphone app
Malaysian dishes
10.The role of the Malaysian Medical Council in medical education.
The Medical journal of Malaysia 2005;60 Suppl C():28-31
The Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) operates under the Medical Act of 1971, which defines its core functions related to (a) the registration and practice of medical practitioners (b) the period of compulsory service (c) provisions to be enacted for purposes of (a) and (b). In the early years the MMC used the list of recognised colleges or Universities that appeared in the list of degrees recognised by the General Medical Council of United Kingdom (GMC). Over the years the MMC has undertaken the role of granting recognition to other medical schools in the country and overseas, and added the name of these schools to the existing register of recognised medical degrees in the second schedule of the Act. For the purpose of recognition of medical schools the MMC endorsed a guideline on standards and procedures on accreditation developed in 1996, which was later realigned with international and regional guidelines, in 2000 and 2001. It is recommended that the MMC establishes an active functional 'Education Committee' and that the role of MMC in medical education should be clearly and explicitly stated in the Act. An amendment to the Act would require the MMC to be responsible not only for undergraduate medical education but medical education in its entire phase.
Education, Medical