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Author:(Lizheng SHI)

1.Policy options for addressing the high cost of specialty pharmaceuticals

Abbott KRISTI ; Hui SHAO ; Lizheng SHI

Global Health Journal 2019;3(4):79-83

2.Containing the rising cost of insulin: select policy recommendations

Titus MARY ; Lizheng SHI

Global Health Journal 2019;3(4):84-88

3.Patient questionnaire compilation for the public benefit nature of medical institutions as seen by patients

Wenbin LIU ; Yingyao CHEN ; Fei LIANG ; Xianzhi HU ; Qian GU ; Liebin ZHAO ; Bin DONG ; Lizheng SHI ; Wei DENG

Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration 2012;28(4):296-299

4.Health technology assessment in China: challenges and opportunities

Lizheng SHI ; Yiwei MAO ; Meng TANG ; Wenbin LIU ; Zude GUO ; Luyang HE ; Yingyao CHEN

Global Health Journal 2017;1(1):11-20

5.Health technology assessment in traditional Chinese medicine in China: current status, opportunities, and challenges

Yi YANG ; Kan TIAN ; Gengliang BAI ; Xiangyuan ZHU ; Yong YANG ; Xiaoyong YU ; Lizheng SHI

Global Health Journal 2019;3(4):89-93

6.Association between Hemoglobin A1c and Stroke Risk in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Yun SHEN ; Lizheng SHI ; Elizabeth NAUMAN ; Peter KATZMARZYK ; Eboni PRICE-HAYWOOD ; Alessandra BAZZANO ; Somesh NIGAM ; Gang HU

Journal of Stroke 2020;22(1):87-98

7.Can health technology assessments assist the global campaign against poverty?

Winberg Renee DEBRA ; Lu YE ; Chen YINGYAO ; Shi LIZHENG

Global Health Journal 2021;5(3):116-119

8.Nursing homes'social responsibility and competitive edge:a cross-sectional study on elderly choices about care service and price levels in Zhejiang Province,China


Global Health Journal 2022;6(1):50-57

9. Applications of health technology assessment in value-based management of total health expenditure

Ningze XU ; Kun ZHU ; Lizheng SHI ; Xiaoguang YANG ; Yingyao CHEN

Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration 2019;35(9):719-722

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