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Author:(Liucheng LONG)

1.A Case-control Study for Smoking on the Risk of Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Morbidity in Different Gender and Age Population

Ni ZHANG ; Dingcheng XIANG ; Jinxia ZHANG ; Hua XIAO ; Liucheng LONG ; Yuanfeng WU ; Feng LONG

Chinese Circulation Journal 2016;31(9):858-861

2.Correlation betwe en single nucleotide polymorphism in FBN-1 gene (rs2118181) and sporadic acute aortic syndrome in Chinese Han population

Liucheng LONG ; Dingcheng XIANG ; Hua XIAO ; Jinxia ZHANG ; Ni ZHANG ; Yuanfeng WU

Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology 2016;24(6):305-310

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