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Author:(Lim ES)

1.Experience with Tunnelled Femoral Hemodialysis Catheter

Lim ES ; Chooi LK ; Loh JW ; Umasangar R

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

2.Our Experience in Brachio-Basilic Fistula

Chooi LK ; Lim ES ; Loh JW ; Umasangar R

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

3.Proximal Neo – Anastamosis for a Case of Thrombosed Autogenous Brachiocephalic Fistula

Lim ES ; Chooi LK ; Loh JW ; Umasangar R

Journal of Surgical Academia 2012;2(2):1-1

4.Prevalence and Awareness of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms among Males in the Outpatient Clinics of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

Christopher Ho CK ; Praveen S ; Goh EH ; Tan GH ; Badrulhisham B ; Zulkifli MZ ; Khoo HW ; Su XV ; Ng JY ; Chong LL ; Lim DW ; Chen ES ; Teoh SY

Medicine and Health 2011;6(2):98-106

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