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Author:(Ligo Eliezer L)

1.Clinical and demographic profile of male breast patients seen at Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC).

Pepito Alice A ; Siguan Stephen SIXTO ; Ligo Eliezer L

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2006;61(1):1-5

2.Clinical analysis of 1,393 females with mastalgia.

Laurito Arnold A. ; Siguan Stephen SIXTO ; Ligo Eliezer L.

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2006;61(2):62-65

3.The accuracy of combination ultrasound and fine needle aspiration biopsy in confirming malignancy in patients with clinically malignant breast masses seen at the breast center of Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

Baking Saleshe Tracy Anne G. ; Siguan Stephen Sixto ; Ligo Eliezer L.

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2011;66(1):13-15

4.Treatment outcome of implementing "pain as the 5th vital sign" in the standard of care of pain management among patients admitted in the Department of General Surgery, Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center .

Astillero Carlito B ; Siguan Stephen SIXTO ; Ligo Eliezer L ; Parreno Marlowe B ; Allego HANNAH ; Auguis Benjamin V ; Villegas JASON ; Ortiz Ceasar WILLIAM

Philippine Journal of Surgical Specialties 2006;61(1):22-28

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