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Author:(Liangliang JI)

1.Determination of α-radionuclides in environmental samples by large area grid ionization chamber

Liangliang YIN ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Baoming SHEN ; Yucheng LI ; Yanqin JI

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2015;35(6):461-464

2.Radioactivity analyses of food and drinking water in China following the Fukushima nuclear accident

Yanqin JI ; Liangliang YIN ; Qing TIAN ; Baorong YUE ; Xu SU

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2012;32(2):125-128

3.ICP-MS method for the determination of uranium concentration and 235U/238U ratio in urine and its uncertainty evaluation

Liangliang YIN ; Qing TIAN ; Wei HUANG ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Yanqin JI

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2017;37(5):376-380

4.Rapid measurement of 210Po in seafood with large area grid ionization chamber α spectrometry

Yucheng LI ; Liangliang YIN ; Fei CHEN ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Baoming SHEN ; Xiangyin KONG ; Yanqin JI

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2015;35(5):367-370

5.HR-ICP-MS method for the determination of ultratrace uranium in multi-stage atmospheric particles

Ying XU ; Liangliang YIN ; Fei CHEN ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Xiangyin KONG ; Yanqin JI

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2017;37(3):212-215

6.Determination of uranium in drinking water in the vicinity of nuclear power plants by ICP-MS

Qing TIAN ; Yanqin JI ; Liangliang YIN ; Wei HUANG ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Baoming SHEN ; Xu SU

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2011;31(2):160-162

7.Determination by ICP-MS of uranium isotopic ratios in drinking water in the vicinity of nuclear power plants

Qing TIAN ; Yanqin JI ; Liangliang YIN ; Wei HUANG ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Baoming SHEN

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2013;(1):72-75

8.Determination of uranium concentrations and isotopic ratios in drinking water in Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia by ICP-MS

Qing TIAN ; Yanqin JI ; Liangliang YIN ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Baoming SHEN ; Guilin BAI ; Chengguo WANG

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2013;(3):306-309

9.90Sr in Chinese tea of typical regions: activity concentration and hygienic evaluation

Fei CHEN ; Liangliang YIN ; Xiangyin KONG ; Ying XU ; Yao ZHANG ; Xianzhang SHAO ; Yanqin JI

Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection 2017;37(5):367-371

10.Isolation, culture and identification of goat alveolar macrophages

Xiaofang JI ; Huiqing YU ; Liangliang YUE ; Xujun XU ; Jianquan CHEN ; Guoxiang CHENG ; Zongping LIU

Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine 2017;27(8):75-79

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