1.Overweight and obesity of children aged 7-12 years old in Hanoi city 2002
Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2003;288(9):25-30
A cross sectional study was performed from January to May 2002 on 6726 children of 7-12 years old (3485 males and 3244 females) at 14 primary schools of 7 districs of Hanoi city. Results found that: the prevalence of 7.9% in general, 8.5% in male and 7.2% in female with a trend of increase in the past years. These prevalence is higher in Central districts than in new established districts. In the special schools, the prevalence is 10.3%, 2 times higher than normal school 4.8%
2.Intestinal worm control for primary school children in Thai Nguyen 2004
Journal of Malaria and parasite diseases Control 2003;0(6):72-78
A model of intestinal helminth control program for primary school children was conducted during two years in Thai Nguyen province, where a high prevalence of intestinal worm had been found before the intervention. Results of the base line surveys showed a cumulative infection rate of intestinal worm of 86.23%, of which Ascaris: 83.6%, Trichuris: 20.6%, and hookworm: 3.9%. The cure rate was 97% (+/-2.52%) after intervention, but the reinfection rate was 53.11 % (+/-1.43%) by 4 months after the first treatment, and 35.88% (+/-1.85%) after the second treatment. Thus, periodical mass treatment every 6 months is needed for intestinal worm infection control. KAP surveys were performed to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice of the children and their parents before and after intervention. The knowledge on the ways of transmission of worm infection and the role of environment among children and their parents was found to have been significantly improved immediately after the campaign of health education (P<0.05). Their attitude on the prevention of infection relating to the ways of infection, environment contamination and personal hygiene was enhanced significantly (P<0.05). Accordingly, their practice in term of intestinal worm infection control was also significantly enhanced (P<0.05), especially after the second round of health education and the school supervision. All families agreed to contribute budget to annual deworming program. The model was much supported by children, their parents and teachers for its high cost-effectiveness, easy application and safety, and therefore, it should be expanded to other places.
3.Surgical treatment of relapsed cholelithiasis in Hospital 103
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;408(2):27-30
162 cases with cholelithiasis received endosurgery for cholelithotomy in which rate of relapsed cholelithotomy was 21% and rate of intrahepatic cholelithiasis was 58.8%. For relapsed cholelithiasis, prepared operation (73.5%) found better than emergency operation. The endoscopy helped the biliary examination and found the residue of stone in the liver. The bilio-intestinal anastomosis type Y (11.8%) indicated for cholelithiasis combined with oddi stenosid, many repeated cholelithotomy and much intrahepatic cholelithiasis.
4.Kidney transplantation in Vietnam - Observations on 62 cases
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):25-28
The study was carried out on 62 patients with living related donors’ kidney transplant performed in Vietnam from June 4th, 1992 to May 7th, 2002. The results were promising. In recent years, the kidney transplant in our country was improved (39 cases of kidney transplantation with good results were carrying out in 2000, 2001 and 5 months of 2002). Donor selection (in accordance with the process), operation and post-transplant treatment were the most important factors related graft function and health of patient
Kidney Transplantation
5.Kidney transplantation in Viet Nam
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):47-50
The study included 47 patients who were received kidney transplantation from living relative donors at 4 settings in Viet Nam from 6/1992 to 10/2001. Results: 91.5% of patients were in labour age. 97.9% of patients had to have 20 times of haemodialysis and more blood transfusions before transplantation. The common donors are mothers and blood elder sisters. Rate of left kidney removal is 85.1%. The mortality and morbidity decreased dramatically after transplantation. 75% of kidney transplanted patients remained working and 80% have normalised functions
Kidney Transplantation
6.Research outcomes of experimental liver transplantation at the Academy of Military Medicine
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):57-59
The study was divided into 2 phases: In phase 1 (1997), the left lobes were removed and transplanted autogenously to other sites. Phase 2 (1998 - 2000) was performed according to the human liver transplantation model. Results: In phase 1, the left lobes were removed in 6 animals, 4 animals were transplanted autogenously at spleen holes. 3/4 grafts had good outcomes. One out of 4 grafts discoloured with poor circulation. In second phase, 23 animals were removed left lobes, 21/23 grafts met requirements, and 5/23 animals had complications and dead soon postoperation. 18/23 animals remained to be survival postoperation. Among liver-received pigs, 5 animals were dead perioperation. 14/18 grafts had good outcomes. 4/18 grafts discoloured. The average extra survival of liver-received pigs was 14.6 hours
Liver Transplantation
7.Investigation of degree of retarded liberation of artesunate from achito.
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):15-171
Achito compound was prepared by the grft-copolymerization of artesunate and chitosan. The dynamic of Achito hydrolytis process into artesunate and chitosan has been studied. The obtained results showed that: the artesunate content has been quickly released from polymeric carrier in the first hour, then it was slowly liberated in the following 24 hours. At the 24th hour 99% artesunate was released from the Achito. After 48 hours 100% artesunate was released.
Pharmaceutical Preparations
8.Investigation on reaction of fixation of artesunate on receptor of polymer chitosan
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):14-17
Achito was synthesized by grafting artesunate on to chitosan polymeric carrier without catalyst. The influence of some factors on this reaction have been investigated, such as: artesunate/chitosan ratio, reactive duration, reactive temperature. The studied results showed that: achito with the best grafted artesunate content 74.49% mol has been performed at the follows conditions: artesunate/chitosan ratio: 1/1(mol/mol), reactive duration: 2 hours, reactive temperature: 80oC in vacuum
Pharmaceutical Preparations
Medicine, Traditional
Plants, Medicinal
9.Safe transport for pediatric patients
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2005;0(12):9-12
Transport for pediatric patients from one department to another ones in the same hospital or from one hospital to another must be sure of their safety and during the transportation, the patients’ situation were followed up and treated appropriately. The patient needs to move to a better place that includes care condition and treatment or where the explorative tests can be done to server for diagnosis and treatment
Pediatrics, Transportation
10.Blood stagnation syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis
Journal Reasearch of Vietnam Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy 2003;0(9):16-19
In studying the relation of blood stagnation syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis, the incidence and the severity were evaluated on 78 subjects of rhumatoidal poly arthritis (4 males, 74 females) aged 38-83 in Toyama Hospital, in April 2001. The incidence of blood stagnation in 53.8% following Terasawa is related significantly with the progress of rhumatoid poly arthritis, using the indication of Lansbury activity (p=0.083). This indicator increases dramatically in 5 patients of blood stagnation after 6 months (p=0.043). The results showed the relation between the level of stagnation and the activity of arthritis
Arthritis, Rheumatoid