1.Antimutagenic reduction of chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood lymphocyte of flavonoid
Journal of Medical Research 1998;6(2):3-6
Study on lymphocyte culture technique of 20 peripheral blood sample, which were taken from adults nerve exposed with radiation and toxic chemical. The result showed that The chromosome aberration were caused by dose of 20rad. When radiation effect at the hour of 68 can cause chromosomal aberrations especially in chromatic aberrations. Flavonoid can reduce chromosomal aberration but it wasn't significant.
Chromosome Aberrations
2.Human prenatal sex determination using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Journal of Medical Research 1999;9(1):3-7
A sex determination method has been developed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which involved the amplification of sex determining region Y (SRY) gene and the amplification of the HLA-DQ gene as an internal control, in the one PCR reaction using two sex of the primers. The PCR products were sort ADN of 139 bp for SRY and 239/242 bp for HLA-DQ region spectively. The amplification of this method in prenatal diagnosis to prevent genetic diseases, in forensic science.
Neural Tube Defects
3.The effect of (substrate) water content to growth and enzyme producing in some species of micromycetes
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):30-32
Water content of low material (<=0.8aw) does not only inhibit the growth and enzyme-producing ability of 9 species of micromycetes, but also limit the catalysing gelatin and amidon
Enzymes micromycetes
4.Some opinions of level of hemocyte in peripheral blood of women in Th¸i B×nh countryside
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):30-31
A study on hemocyte in peripheral blood of women ages of 18 and above in some suburb communes in Th¸i B×nh province has shown that level of average Hb is about 120 - 130 g/l, highest level of it is in ages of 18 -30 (141, 44 g/l) and lowest in ages of 70 and above (123,66g/l). The rate of subjects with Hb level less than average normal threshold (120% g/l) is 24,76%. This rate is 20,16% in ages of 41 -50 and highest rate is 48,48% in ages of 70 and above mild anemia (most common); moderate anemia: uncommon; and severe anemia: 0.
Anemia Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation
5.Preliminary evaluation of antianemic effect of the traditional receipt: "Quy ty pills" in experiment
Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):17-20
“Quy ty hoan” is a remedy which is used in traditional medicine as digestive and cardiac tonic. Hemolytic aneamia models on rabbits and malnutrition-bleeding aneamia were used in this study. Results showed Phenylhydrazin and malnutrition-bleeding decreased erythrocyte number and hemoglobin concentration significantly in blood of rabbits. These models could be used in treatment of anemia. “Quy ty hoan” in dose of 8g/kg b.w.per os decreased hemolytic effects of phenylhydrazin and recovered quickly erythrocyte number, hemoglobin concentration and increased albumin and iron in blood after malnutrition bleeding.
Medicine, Traditional
6.Results of using Quy Ty pill for women with anemia in community.
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):21-23
The research was conducted on the women with anemia from Vu Hoi, Vu Thu, Thai Binh. The participants, with age ranged from 18-49 years, were divided into 2 groups. One group was given Quy Ty pills and other received iron pills. The diet of participants was not directed. Rate of hematological symptom resolution (74.5%) in Quy Ty group and (51.4%) in iron pill group was higher than placebo group. Rate of serum iron and ferritin deficiencies was lowered significantly in both Quy Ty and iron pill groups.
Medicine, Traditional
7.High-risk and multiple human papillomavirus infections among married women in Can Tho, Viet Nam
Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2012;3(3):57-62
Introduction: The two currently licensed human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are highly efficacious in preventing cervical pre-cancers related to HPV 6, 11, 16 and 18. Before implementing a large-scale HPV vaccine campaign in Viet Nam, information about the prevalence of infection with the HPV vaccine types is required. This study was done in Can Tho, the province with the highest prevalence of cervical cancer in the south of Viet Nam, to explore the distribution of other high-risk types of HPV among married women in this province. Method: The study employed a cross-sectional design with multistage sampling. A total of 1000 participants were randomly selected, interviewed and given gynaecological examinations. HPV infection status and HPV genotyping test were completed for all participants. Results: A broad spectrum of HPV types was reported in this study. The prevalence of cases infected with HPV 16 and/or 18 was 7%; the prevalence of cases infected with other high-risk HPV types was 6%. The highest prevalence for single and multiple infections, as well as for high-risk infections, was reported for the youngest age group (less than 30 years). Discussion: While it is relevant to implement an HPV vaccine campaign in Viet Nam due to the high prevalence of infection with HPV 16 and/or 18, it is important to note that one can be infected with multiple types of HPV. Vaccination does not protect against all types of high-risk HPV. Future vaccine campaigns should openly disclose this information to women receiving vaccines.
8.Prenatal diagnosis down syndrome, turner syndrome by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with chromosome analysis from amniotic cell
Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Tho Thi Quynh Nguyen ; Cuong Danh Nguyen
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(1):4-8
Background: FISH can detect number and structural chromosome aberrations in DNA. FISH is new technique in Vietnam, we combine FISH with chromosome analysis to prenatal diagnosis Down syndrome and turner syndrome that are high rate in birth defect.Objectives: To detect Down syndrome and turner syndrome by using FISH technique with chromosome analysis from amniotic cell.Subjects and method: 14amniotic cells samples 15th - 20th week with high risk of birth defects. Advance using FISH and chromosome analysis from amniotic cell. Results: We obtained results as follow: - 14/14 samples: correspondence between FISH and chromosome analysis. \ufffd?Detected 2 Down syndrome (female. Trisomi 21) and 4 Turner syndrome (45, X). Conclusion: Detected Down syndrome and Turner syndrome by using FISH technique with chromosome analysis from amniotic cell.
Down Syndrome/ diagnosis
Turner Syndrome/ diagnosis
Predictive Value of Tests
Prenatal Diagnosis
In Situ Hybridization
9.Prenatal diagnosis of turner syndrome
Tho Quynh Nguyen ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Cuong Danh Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):38-43
Background/Introduction:The proportion of TS \u2013 Q96 ranges from 1/1500 \u2013 1.300 female newborns and about 3% of fetuses. In most of the world, TS can be diagnosed and treated at the early stages of pregnancies. In Vietnam, TS patients are frequently detected at the later stages with serious syndromes. TS diagnosis mainly relies on chromosomal analysis of amnion cells. Thus, prenatal diagnosis of TS is the rationale of this study.\r\n', u'Objectives: Utilize chromosomal analysis and FISH methods to diagnose Turner syndrome from amnion cells. \r\n', u'Subject and method: 30 pregnancies (from week 14-22) with high risks of TS, which were detected by ultrasound scan and triple test, 15 mil amnio fluid is withdrawn for the FISH technique from interphase amniocytes and amnio cultures, chromosomal analysis from metaphase cultured cells. \r\n', u'Results/Outcomes: Chromosomal analysis and FISH analysis give the same results: - 12/30 fetus with TS, 5/30 fetus with normal female results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with normal male normal results, \u2013 4/30 fetus with Down syndrome, \u2013 5/30 fetus with Edward syndrome. 11/12 TS fetus have large cystic hygromas, 9/11 cystic hygromas are separated. 12/12 TS fetus have triple test (+) with the threshold: APF \u2264 0.7 MoM, HCG \u2265 2 MoM, uE3 \u2264 0.7 MoM.\r\n', u'Conclusion:Chromosonal analysis and FISH are standards for diagnosing TS fetus. FISH can provide a quick result (48-72h). \r\n', u'
Turner syndrome (TS)
Fluorescence in site hybridization (FISH)
10.Some ultrasound markers that association with down syndrome fetus
Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Phuong Thi Kim Doan ; Cuong Danh Tran
Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):51-56
Background: Down syndrome is a developmental disorder caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays in the way a child develops, both mentally and physically. It affects about 1 in every 700 babies. The fetus having high risk for Down syndrome (OS) can be detected early by ultrasound. Objectives: The aim of the study is to find out some ultrasound markers that relate to OS fetus. Subjects and method: A descriptive study was carried out on 612 pregnant women with fetus \ufffd?12 weeks by ultrasound to detect abnormal markers in fetus. The fetus were diagnosed Down syndrome by analysis chromosome from amniocyte and monitor up to the neonate. Then, finding out association between OS fetus and ultrasound markers. Results: Among 612 pregnant women,36/12 pregnant women had abnormal imaging in fetus, 11/12 pregnant women had OS fetus. There were 12 pregnant women detected OS fetus. 6/12 OS fetus associated with the maker of nuchal skin fold (cut off 2: 3mm at the first trimester and 2: 6 mm at the second trimester): Detection rate (DR) was 50%; false positive rate (FOR): 0,83%. 3/12 OS fetus associated with the marker of duodenal atresia. DR was 25%; FOR: 0%. Conclusions: The two common markers associated with OS fetus: \r\n', u'the first marker was nuchal skin fold (with cut off 2: 3mm at the first trimester and > 6 mm at the second trimester) and the second marker was duodenal atresia. \r\n', u' \r\n', u'
Down Syndrome
Fetus/ anatomy &