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Author:(Lan Thi Hoang)

1.Antimutagenic reduction of chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood lymphocyte of flavonoid

Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang

Journal of Medical Research 1998;6(2):3-6

2.Human prenatal sex determination using multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang

Journal of Medical Research 1999;9(1):3-7

3.The effect of (substrate) water content to growth and enzyme producing in some species of micromycetes

Lan Thi Hoang

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2000;(4):30-32

4.Some opinions of level of hemocyte in peripheral blood of women in Th¸i B×nh countryside

Lan Thi Hoa Hoang

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):30-31

5.Preliminary evaluation of antianemic effect of the traditional receipt: "Quy ty pills" in experiment

Lan Thi Hoa Hoang

Pharmaceutical Journal 1999;282(10):17-20

6.Results of using Quy Ty pill for women with anemia in community.

Lan Thi Hoa Hoang

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):21-23

7.High-risk and multiple human papillomavirus infections among married women in Can Tho, Viet Nam

Vu Lan Thi Hoang

Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2012;3(3):57-62

8.Prenatal diagnosis down syndrome, turner syndrome by using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique with chromosome analysis from amniotic cell

Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Tho Thi Quynh Nguyen ; Cuong Danh Nguyen

Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(1):4-8

9.Prenatal diagnosis of turner syndrome

Tho Quynh Nguyen ; Lan Thu Hoang ; Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Hoan Thi Phan ; Cuong Danh Tran

Journal of Medical Research 2008;0(1):38-43

10.Some ultrasound markers that association with down syndrome fetus

Lan Thi Ngoc Hoang ; Huong Thi Thanh Tran ; Phuong Thi Kim Doan ; Cuong Danh Tran

Journal of Medical Research 2007;47(2):51-56

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