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Author:(L M Vallely)

2.“I have a heart to help the mothers”: 25 years of the Village Birth Attendant Program in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea

L M Vallely ; R Paul ; P Naidi ; J Morewaya ; G Kariwiga ; A Vallely ; C Morgan ; C S.E Homer

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2016;59(3-4):164-177

3.Women’s recall of provision of antenatal care in Papua New Guinea: findings of a maternal and infant health survey conducted in three provinces

R. Emori ; A. J. Vallely ; H. Gouda ; P. Siba ; S. Phuanukoonon ; C. S. E. Homer ; L. M. Vallely

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2017;60(1-2):15-26

4.Supervised and unsupervised birth and early newborn care practices in Papua New Guinea: findings of a maternal and infant health survey conducted in three provinces

R. Emori ; A. J. Vallely ; H. Gouda ; P. Siba ; S. Phuanukoonon ; G. Mola ; C. S. E. Homer ; L. M. Vallely

Papua New Guinea medical journal 2017;60(1-2):27-40

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