1.An Epidemiology Study on Temporo-mandibular Disorders of Employees Residing at Seoul.
Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine 1996;13(2):308-323
This study tried to find the prevalence and distribution of temporo-mandibulr disorders(TMD) for workers (employee) in Seoul area to investigate the correlation between TMD and possible etiological factors such as general muscle and joint symptoms, headache, unilateral chewing and parafunction. This study was an epidemiological investigation of answers obtained from 282 persons by questionaire from Aug. 1995 to Nov. 1995. The major findings from the questionaire were as follows. (1) 43.26% of the subjects(282 persons) has TMD. (41.88% of man and 43.26% of women) (2) The more often people have general muscle and joint symptoms and -headache, the more susceptible they are to TMD. Their correlation was very significant(p<0.001). (3) The more people have bad oral habits such as bruxism, clenching and biting habit, the more likely they have TMD. The more sensitive people are to stress, the more frequently they have bad oral habits such as bruxism, clenching and biting habit. (4) Unilateral chewing has higher TMD index than bilateral chewing. There is no relationship between ache areas and TMD index.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
2.A comparison study of the effects of nasal breathing dysfunction due to adenoid obstruction on dentition by facial type.
Korean Journal of Orthodontics 1996;26(6):647-655
In discussing the effects of adenoids on the development of the face and dentition, it is important to note their influence on the mode of breathing and to relate this to specific facial types and dentition. This study, therefore, assumed that the ability to adapt to individual's neuromuscular complex is various. And tried to investigate the effects of reduced nasal respiratory function on the development of dentition by facial type. This paper is based on children patients with enlarged adenoids and comparing them to data taken from a control group with normal respiratory function. Among the three facial types, the most statistical significant difference was observed from dolichofacial type between experimental and control group. In dolichofacial type, the experimental group showed labioversion of upper incisor, decrease in the width of upper arch, increase in overjet, increase in the rate of cross-bite, and increase in the height of palatal vault. No significant difference was observed between the two groups in the inclination of upper and lower incisors in mesofacial type, but the experimental group was observed to show decrease in the width of upper arch and increase in the height of palatal vault. On the other hand, in brachyfacial type, no significant difference was observed between the two groups in dentition variables except showing linguoversion of upper incisor. The results, which were observed in dolichofacial type, consist with Nordlund's theory of Compression.
3.A Study of beta-glucuronidase and Lactic Dehydrogenace Activities in the Neoplastic Tissue of Stomach Carcinoma.
Hee Kyung CHANG ; Sun Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1985;19(2):141-149
To observe whether the measurement of enzyme activity has any critical role in assesment of diagnostic value, beta-glucuronidase and lactic dehydrogenase activities in neoplastic tissue of stomach were compared with those in the stomach at the stomach mucosa at the antrum and body which was uninvolved by tumor. And then activities of those enzymes were also compared with differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas. The stomach tested were obtained by gastrectomy in Pusan National University Hospital during the months from March to June in 1983. The results were summarized as follows: 1) beta-glucuronidase activity in the neoplastic tissue of stomach was higher than that in the antral and body mucosa, and this enzyme activity in the antral mucosa with intestinal metaplasia was higher than that in the body mucosa of stomach. 2) Lactic dehydrogenase activity in the neoplastic tissue of stomach was similar to that in the antral mucosa with intestinal metaplasia, and was higher than that in the body mucosa of stomach. 3) Acitivities of both enzymes in the neoplastic tissue of differentiated carcinoma were slightly higher than that of undifferentiated one, but did not found statistically significant difference. 4) In the neoplastic tissue of the stomach there was no significant correlation between beta-glucuronidase and latic dehydrogenase activities. Above results support that the measurement of gastric juice enzymes is useful in the diagnosis of stomach carcinoma and may be of value in the identification of high-risk groups.
4.Intraosseous Ganglion: Report of a case.
Jeong Hee KANG ; Sun Kyung LEE
Korean Journal of Pathology 1993;27(1):69-71
Ganglia in soft tissue are common and usually occur in close relations with joints, tendon sheaths, or tendons. However, intra-osseous ganglia are very rare. We report a case of intra-osseous ganglion arising from the right sided proximal humerus in a 33 year-old woman. It was multiple cysts surrounded by thin rims of sclerotic bone in the subchondral epiphysis without other features of degenerative joint disease or destruction of adjacent soft tissue.
5.The shear bond strength between dicor and several veneering porcelains.
Kyung Hee RYOO ; Sun Hyung LEE
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 1993;31(2):165-179
No abstract available.
Dental Porcelain*
6.A Cytogenetic Survey of the Mentally Retarded Children.
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000;43(1):11-16
OBJECTIVE: A cytogenetic survey of the mentally retarded children in Seoul City Welfare Center for the Mentally Retarded and St Peter school has been undertaken. METHODS: The chromosome analysis was carried out in 92 males and in 66 females as a total of 158 cases. RESULTS: Abnormal karyotypes were observed in 22.2% of the total cases (35/158). Autosome and sex chromosome anomaly were observed in 20.3%(32/158) and 1.9%(3/158) respectively. Of 35 cases of anomaly, 91.4%(32/35) was autosome anomaly and 8.6%(3/35), sex chromosome anomaly. CONCLUSION: Down syndrome karyotype was the most frequent anomaly among autosome anomalies which was 62.5%(20/32) and other autosome anomalies were observed in 37.5%(12/32).
Abnormal Karyotype
Down Syndrome
Mentally Disabled Persons*
Sex Chromosomes
7.A Study on Total Lactic Dehydrogenase (LD) Activity and Its Isoenzymes in Neoplastic Tissue of Stomach Carcinoma.
Korean Journal of Pathology 1989;23(3):279-286
This sutdy was performed to find out a LD isoenzyme pattern in neoplastic tissue of gastric carcinoma and in gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia, which has been known as premalignant lesion. The specimens used in this study were 18 stomachs with caarcinoma and 8 stomachs with peptic ulcer as control, and wer obtained by subtotal or total gastrectomy at Pusan National University Hsopital from Oct. 1987 to Sept. 1988. Total LD activity and its isoenzymes in body and antral mucosae and neoplastic tissue of stomach were assayed, and analysed statistically from several points of view. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1) There was no significant difference in total LD activity between univolved body and antral mucosae of stomach with carcinoma, and between mucosa of stomach with peptic ulcer and univolved mucosa of stomach with carcinoma. 2) Total LD activity in the neoplastic tissue of gastric carcinoma was significantly higher than those of univolved body and antral mucosae of stomach with carcinoam or that of stomach with peptic ulcer, but no significant difference was observed among histological types of gastric carcinoma. 3) The uninvolved body mucosa of stomach with carcinoma or peptic ulcer showed a pattern of LD1 predominance and increas of H to M ratio, while the antral mucosa of stomach with carcinoma or peptic ulcer showed a pattern of LD3 predominance and decrease of H to M ratio. 4) The LD4 and LD5 fractions in antral mucosa with moderate to severe intestinal metaplasia were slightly increased than those of antral mucosa with nil to mild intestinal metaplasia, but did not show statistically significant difference. 5) Marked increase of LD5 fraction was found in neoplastic tissue of gastric carcinoma, and thus ratio of H to M subunit in neoplastic tissue was significantly lower, as compared with body or antral univolved mucosa of stomach. In conclusion, the neoplastic tissue of gastric carcinoma and gastric mucosa with intestinal metaplasia show substantially predominant "M" subunit as well as increased total LD activity.
8.Effects of Humor Intervention Program on Anxiety, Depression and Coping of Humor in Hemodialysis Patients.
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 1999;2(1):95-108
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of the humor intervention program, administred to the hemodialysis patient as an adaptive coping mechanism. The research design was non-equivalent control group non-synchronized design. The study method had been done by investigating the experimental group and control group through the questionnaire on 36 patients who had been out patient hemodialysis room at B hospital in Pusan from August 18 to September 15, 1998. The humor intervention program consisted of 1 TV comedy, 1 home video and 1 comedy film. The humor intervention program was provided to the experimental group for 20-30 minute 3 times every other day at hemodialysis room. Dependent variables were measured by Spielberger's State Anxiety Inventory, Zung's Self Rating Depression Scale, Lefcourt & s Humor Coping Scale. The analysis of the collected data had been done for the hemogeneity test in which general characteristics of the experimental group and the control group had been tested by chi- test and the hemogeneity test had been tested by t-test before using the humor intervention program which is for anxiety, depression and coping of humor. To test the hypothesis the t-test had been given for the difference of anxiety, depression and coping of humor between the two groups. The result were summarized as follows: 1. Anxiety score in the experimental group and control group was not significant difference. 2. Depression score in the experimental group and control group was not significant difference. 3. Coping of humor score in the experimental group and control group was not significant difference. In conclusion, even though humor intervention program did not have any efficient effect on hemodialysis patients in reacting to anxiety, depression and coping humor, it caused very positive reactions from patients, and it also reducted anxiety of patients among the experimental group a little bit. If this program could be sufficiently applied according to the character of every patients with a little bit different appliences such as selection of humor intervention program, frequency and period, it will be used as an efficient the humor intervention program.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Renal Dialysis*
Research Design
9.A study on serum immunoglobulins and complements in newborn infants by gestational weeks.
Ji Eun LEE ; Kyung Hyo KIM ; Kyung Hee KIM
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(11):1555-1561
The author investigated serum immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, and IgM) and complements (C3) of cord blood in 74 cases of normal fullterm infants and 50 cases of premature infants. Serum immunogloblin and complement levels were measured by the single radial immunodiffusion method. The following results were obtained; 1) The mean seru IgG levels of cord blood in 74 cases of the normal full term infants was 1407.3+/-230.5mg/dl. 2) The mean serum IgG levels of cord blood in 50 cases of the premature infants was 675.2+/-329.4mg/dl. In comparison of serum IgG levels between the premature infants and the normal full term infants, serum IgG levels in the premature infants was significantly lower than that level of the normal infants (P< 0.05). 3) The serum IgA levels were measured in 28 (37.8%) of 74 cases of the normal full term infants and in 6 912%) of 50 cases of the premature infants. The serum IgA levels measured ranged from 0.4mg/dl to 3.7mg/dl in the normal full term infants and ranged from 0.4mg/dl to 2.4mg/dl in the prematre infants. 4) The mean serum IgM levels of cord blood in 74 cases of the normal full term infants was 4.05+/-3.53mg/dl and that in 50 cases of the premature infants was 2.20+/-2.15mg/dl. 5) The mean serum C3 levels of cord blood in 74 cases of normal full term infants was 49.7+/-18.1mg/dl and those of the premature infants was 30.9+/-10.5mg/dl. In comparison of serum C3 levels between the premature infants and the normal full term infants, the mean levels of serum C3 in the premature infants was significantly lower A statistically significant increase of IgG and C3 levels of cord blood in newborn infants were observed in accordance with the increase of the gestational age. It has been suggested that decreased IgG levels among premature infants may provide a rationale for prophylactic gamma globulin administration.
Complement System Proteins*
Fetal Blood
Gestational Age
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M
Infant, Newborn*
Infant, Premature
10.Comparision of Body Image between DM patients who used Insulin Pump and didn't use Insulin Pump.
Myung Hwa LEE ; Kyung Hee KIM ; Kyung Mi WOO
Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing 2001;4(1):105-117
The purpose of study was to compare body image between diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy and didn't use insulin pump therapy. The study design was comparative survey study the subjects were 60 diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy and 60 diabetes mellitus patients who didn't use insulin pump therapy at B hospital in Busan. The data were collected from 15th April to 20th August, 1998. The instrument used for this study were Osgood's body image scale. The collected data were analyzed frequency, percentage, chi-test, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test. The results were as follows 1. Demographical characteristics between diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy and didn't use insulin pump therapy were no significant difference. 2. Characteristics related disease between diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy and didn't use insulin pump therapy were significant difference in paticipation of D.M. meeting. no of paticipation of D.M. meeting. 3. Body inmage score of diabetes mellitus patients was 69.08+/-18.13. In body image, diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy were higher than that didn't use insulin pump therapy (t= 1.964. p .05) 4. In body image's each item, common-strange item. noble-humble item, competent-incompetent item, light-heavy item. diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy were higher than diabetes mellitus patients who didn't use insulin pump therapy(p .05) 5. In body image according to economic status, marital status. occupational status were significantly difference. 6. In body image according to causes of regular hospital visiting. paticipation of diabetes mellitus class were significantly difference. In conclusion, diabetes mellitus patients who used insulin pump therapy were more positive than diabetes mellitus patients who didn't use insulin pump therapy.
Body Image*
Diabetes Mellitus
Marital Status