1.Craniofacial resection for a case of chondrosarcoma in nasal cavity.
Jang Su SUH ; Moon Kyeong DO ; Kyeong Hang LEE ; Kwon Yeoung HUN
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1993;36(4):822-826
No abstract available.
Nasal Cavity*
2.An Integrated Inpatient Group Psychotherapy Model Led by a Psychiatrist.
Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; Woong HAHM ; Kyu Hang LEE
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1997;36(1):162-176
OBJECTS: The purpose of this study was to present a model of inpatient group psychotherapy led by a doctor in charge, to evaluate this model in practice, and to give a effective inpatient treatment by application of this model. METHODS: The subject composed of 25 psychiatric inpatient. The authors performed this model of group psychotherapy for 6 months and evaluate this model by objective data. Also we analyzed this model globally to get comprehensive understandings. RESULTS: The results of the objective data were as follows: 1) This model was effective to subside patients' symptoms. And the patients estimated this model to be important and helpful to them. 2) Identification with therapist' among therapeutic factors was high rank. This meant that therapist him- or her-self is a important tool for therapy. 3) Therapeutic factors in upper level group was much different from those in lower level group. And various therapeutic factors was used complementarily between two groups. 4) To check '13 therapeutic factors' repeatedly made the patients acquire therapeutic factors spontaneously. And to check 'the most important event' repeatedly gave the opportunity of self-reflection. The results of global analysis to this model were as follows: 1) This group psychotherapy gave a field in which a therapist met patients as human being. 2) This model was easy to perform, and helpful to a comprehensive therapeutic approach. 3) This model was able to make the basis of continuous outpatient and day hospital treatment, and the basis of outpatient group psychotherapy or individual psychotherapy. 4) In this model, social workers, nurses, or students in practice played a role of the healthy ego. Therefore they were able to activate group psychotherapy. 5) This model was a practical and useful tool of the education for psychiatric residents, medical students, social works, and other students. CONCLUSION: This model of group psychotherapy was useful f3r inpatient treatment and easy to perform in general.
Psychotherapy, Group*
Social Workers
Students, Medical
3.HDL cholesterol, copper, ceruloplasmin, zinc, iron values of the blood in newborn.
Kyeong Sang KIM ; Chun Hang LEE ; Hong Jin LEE ; Won Ill PARK ; Kyung Ja LEE ; Tae Hyon YOON ; Won Chan TAE
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(8):1096-1101
No abstract available.
Cholesterol, HDL*
Infant, Newborn*
4.A Day Care Model for Rehabilitation of Chronic Psychotic Patients.
Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; Han O KIM ; Woong HAHM ; Sang Kyung SEONG ; Kyu Hang LEE ; Bae Jung YOON
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1998;37(5):824-839
OBJECTIVES: The purpost of this study was to present general system,operation,and program of a day care model managed by a psychiatrist,to evaluate the results of performing this model,and thus to developa day care model applied to Korean situation appropriately for promoting maintenance and rehabilitation of chronic psychotic patients. METHODS: We performed this day care model(hereinafter called as this model) from March 1997 to February 1998. The subjects were composed of 23 psychotic patients. PANSS, Quality of Life Scale,Life Satisfaction Self-Rating Scale were used before beginning this model-and after three months of performing this model. Program Helpfulness Scale,13 Therapeutic Factors Scale were used at one month of day care and after three months of day care. RESULTS: 1) This model helped maintenance and rehabilitation of chronic psychotic patients through reducing their symptoms and increasing quality of life. 2) This model used the various group therapy, especially creative art therapy and activeity therapy, played an important fole,for recovering Physical,psychological,and social functions. 3) Important therapeutic factors at early and late period of this model were identification with therapists,guidance of therapists,and the corrective recatitulation of the primary family group. Important therapeutic factors at early period were group cohesiveness and altruism, and at late period instillation of hope. 4) This model was useful for integration the multidisciplinary therapeutic team and the various therapeutic methods. CONCLUSION: This model would be applied to day care in this country effectively and efficiently for maintenance and rehabilitation of chronic psychotic patients.
Art Therapy
Day Care, Medical*
Psychotherapy, Group
Quality of Life
5.A Day Hospital Model for Integrated Therapy of Psychotic Patients.
Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; Sun Jae KIM ; Sang Kyung SEONG ; Woong HAHM ; Kyu Hang LEE
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1997;36(6):969-986
OBJECTS: The purpose of this study was to present a day hospital model(hereinafter called as "this model") for integrated therapy, to evaluate the result of performing this model, and thus to develop day hospital model for helping psychotic patients effectively and promoting social readaptation. METHODS: The authors performed this day hospital model from 1996, May to December, A total of 25 psychotic Patients participated in this study. BPRS, Life Satisfaction Self-Rating Scale, Program Helpfulness Scale, 13 Therapeutic Factors, Scale, and Most Important Event Questionnaire were used at the start of day hospital treatment and at the end. RESULTS: The results were as follows: 1) In this model, it was possible to offer the wide treatment to heterogeneous patients who varied in age, number of admission, duration of illness, and functional level. 2) In the aspect of therapeutic effect, this model contributed for improving negative symptoms and increasing subjective life satisfaction. 3) When the patients were divided into the higher functional level group and the lower functional level group, the higher functional level group set a high value on group psychotherapy and psychodrama that were unstructured and could make patients explore their inner side deeply, But the lower functional level group did not so. Therefore dividing into two groups by functional level may be more effective for day hospital treatment. 4) Therapeutic factors were different between the periods of day hospital treatment, And in the higher functional level group, 'interpersonal learning' was important at the last period, but in the lower functional level group, 'socializing technique' was important at the last period. So long-term group psychotherapy may be more suitable for the after-care of the higher functional level group, and day care or other psychosocial rehabilitation programs may be more suitable for the after-care of the lower functional level group. 5) This model was easy to apply to Korean day hospital setting, and made staffs treat patients efficiently CONCLUSION: This day hospital model would be used effectively in Korean day hospital setting.
Day Care, Medical
Psychotherapy, Group
Surveys and Questionnaires
6.Therapeutic Factors of Large Group Psychodrama for Psychiatric Inpatients.
Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; Sun Jae KIM ; Kyu Hang LEE ; Woong HAHM ; Hyang Hee HONG
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1999;38(2):306-316
OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to make a model of large group psychodrama suitable for Korean inpatients and easy for psychiatrists trained in the individual psychotherapy and the group psychotherapy to use, to investigate the therapeutic factors after applying this model to inpatients, and then to contribute to the treatment of inpatients. METHODS: The study subjects were all the inpatients and the therapists(the auxiliary ego's) who participated in psychodrama from March 1998 to September 1998. The subjects were composed of 346 inpatients(152 males, 194 females) and 60 therapists. To the inpatients 13-Therapeutic Factors Scale, Scale of General Attitude to Psychodrama, and the Questionnaire describing helpful things in psychodrama were administered. To the therapists 13-Therapeutic Factors Scale and the Questionnaire describing helpful things in psychodrama were administered. The inpatient group were divided into 4 groups(the audience, the auxiliary ego's, the participants in sharing, the protagonists). The therapeutic factors among 4 groups were compared. RESULTS: First, the therapeutic factors described by the inpatient group were as follows: 1) Most inpatients made great account of 'existential factor' and 'the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group' regardless of their roles in psychodrama. 2) The inpatients who participated in psychodrama directly as the protagonists, the auxiliary ego's, or the participants in sharing made much account of 'development of socializing techniques'. The inpatients who participated in psychodrama more directly as the protagonists or the auxiliary ego's made much account of 'catharsis'. 3) All the inpatients except the protagonists made much account of 'instillation of hope'. 4) The audience made much account of 'identification' and 'universality'. Especially, 'identification with members' was much accounted of by the participants in sharing. 'Universality' also was much accounted of by the auxiliary ego's. Next, when we compared the therapeutic factors in the inpatient group with those in the therapist group, the therapist group made much account of 'group cohesiveness' which the inpatient group made little account of. And the therapist group made no account of 'development of socializing techniques' which the inpatient group made much account of. CONCLUSION: By dividing the inpatient group according to their roles, we found the characteristics of the inpatient large group psychodrama and of the therapeutic factors according to the roles of the inpatients. This model could be applied to the treatment for the inpatients easily and was helpful to many inpatients on the whole.
Psychotherapy, Group
Surveys and Questionnaires
7.The Effectiveness of a Day Hospital Model for Integrated Therapy of Psychotic Patients.
Sun Jae KIM ; Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; Sang Kyung SEONG ; Woong HAHM ; Kyu Hang LEE
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1998;37(6):1099-110
OBJECTIVES: A day hospital has been remodeled after a vision to help psychotic patients quickly recover their psychological and social functions and lessen their induced regressions caused by long-term hospitalization, thereby enhancing their social abilities. The authors concerned once developed a day hospital model of an integrated therapy for psychotic patients suitable for Korean situation in their previous paper. Based on it, the present study was to determine how effective a day hospital would be, in comparison of the following two paired groups: day hospital group with experience of hospitalization(hereinafter abbreviated as DH group) & day hospital parents group with experience of hospitalization(hereinafter abbreviated as DH parents group) and OPD group with experience of hospitalization(hereinafter abbreviated as OPD group) & OPD parents group with experience of hospitalization(hereinafter abbreviated as OPD parents group). METHODS: During the 18-month long research period(from May to 1996 October 1997), 17 day hospital patients with experience of hospitalization & their parents and the same number of OPD patients with experience of hospitalization & their parents were corespondingly paired with at random, who identified themselves closest in the following categories: diagnosis, age, sex and function. All of them were asked to check questionnaires on their respective quality of life, insight, and their attitude about drug. Day hospital patients with experience of hospitalization and their parents were checked from the first day they were treated while OPD patients with experience of hospitalization and their parents were examined after discharge from hospital, commonly at the interval of 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months. RESULTS: 1) The quality of life scored higher in DH group than in OPD group. It turned increased significantly at the 3rd month and continued the same until the 12th month. At the 18th month, it showed a significant downturn. Meanwhile, DH group showed a significant upturn at the 3rd month and it turned down at 12 month. 2) The insight of DH group and DH parents group scored higher compared with OPD group and OPD parents group between the 3rd and 18th month, with the 3rd and 6th month showing a particular strength as well. Meanwhile, it continued unchanging for day DH group and DH parents group from the date on, of their discharge from hospital. 3) Attitude towards drugs scored higher in DH group than in OPD group at the 3rd and 6th month. It continued unchanging between the 6th and 18th month. It didn't score significantly higher in DH parents group than in their counterparts. 4) Satisfaction on the therapy started upward in DH group at the 3rd and 6th month, and scored higher in them than in their counterparts during the period form the 6th and 18th month. It started upward as well in DH parents group at the 3rd and 6th month, and scored higher in them than in their counterparts during the period form the 6th to the 18 month. 5) Number, and duration of DH group totalled lower than those by OPD group during the research period. CONCLUSION: The day hospital model, developed by the authors concerned, has proved a highly effective treatment for psychotic patients, as the data scored higher in the day hospital patients and their parents than in the OPD patients with experience of hospital and their parents in terms of "quality of life" by patients, insight, attitude toward drugs and satisfaction on its therapy.
Quality of Life
Surveys and Questionnaires
8.A Comparative Study on the Therapeutic Factors of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama Applied to Psychotic Patients.
Sung Chul YOON ; Hoo Kyeong LEE ; In Kwa JUNG ; Kyu Hang LEE ; Woong HAHM ; Jeong Hwa CHA
Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association 1998;37(3):437-452
OBJECTIVES: This study was performed to investigate the therapeutic factors of group psychotherapy and psychodrama which were applied to psychotic patients, and to compare the therapeutic characteristics of two therapies. METHODS: The subjects of this study were patients of a day hospital from September 1996 to May 1997. The subjects were composed of 35 psychotic patents(22 males, 13 females). Both of group psychotherapy and psychodrama were done to the patients of the day hospital. After these therapeutic factors were checked by the members of group psychotherapy, the protagonists of psychodrama, and the audience of psychodrama using 13 therapeutic factors scale. All three groups divided into higher functioning group and lower functioning group by mutual consent of the therapists in the treatment team meeting according to the patient's life of the day hospital, the attitude in programs, and the state during the interview with the therapist. And then therapeutic factors of higher and lower functioning group were compared. By the mean score of each therapeutic factor the rank of therapeutic factors was decided. By these ranks we compared the important therapeutic factors on the members of group psychotherapy, the protagonists, and the audience. RESULTS: The results were as follows : 1) The protagonists of psychodrama set a very high value on 'catharsis' and 'the corrective recapitulation of the primary family group', regardless of their functional level. 2) The protagonists with a higher function set a higher value on 'guidance of therapists', while those who had a lower function set a higher value on 'guidance of members'. 3) The audience of psychodrama set a very high value on 'identification with therapists', 'identification with members', and set a high value on 'universality'. 4) The higher functioning group of the group psychotherapy, the audience, and the protagonists set a high value on 'interpersonal learning', especially the patients of group psychotherapyset a very high value on 'interpersonal learning' 5) The lower functioning group of the protagonists and the group psychotherapy set a high value on 'development of socializing techniques'. CONCLUSION: From the results of this study, we can draw some suggestions. First, if therapists take the above-mentioned therapeutic factors into consideration during the sessions of group psychotherapy or psychodrama, they can obtain more effective therapeutic outcome. Second, it is desirable that both group psychotherapy and psychodrama should be used more extensively as important methods of treatment in clinical settings. Third, the combination of group psychotherapy and psychodrama would be more effective than the separate application of each therapy.
Psychotherapy, Group*
9.Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of Dermatophytes.
Kyeong Han YOON ; Tae Suk CHUNG ; Hang Kye SHIN ; Dongsik BANG ; Kwang Hoon LEE
Korean Journal of Medical Mycology 1997;2(2):153-160
BACKGROUND: It is important to understand the morphologic characteristics for the identification of a microorganism. Electron microscopy has contributed a great deal to the field of mycology. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) has become a useful tool to study three-dimensional images of fungi. Vacuum dessicator aqueous fixation is a useful sample preparation technique for SEM examination of fungal specimens without surFace distortions. OBJECTIVE: This study was done to observe the three-dimensional structures of dermatophytes preserving their natural growth characteristics. METHODS: Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum canis, M. gypseum, and Epidermophyton floccosum were isolated and cultured on Sabourd agar, corn meal agar, or rice agar plate. Vacuum dessicator aqueous fixation was utilized as p preparation technique for SEM examinations of fungi. RESULTS: Vacuum dessicator aqueous fixation led us to examine the aerial mycelia including conidia of the dermatophytes under SEM. The five species of dermatophytes showed their own characteristic structures especially on microconidia and macroconidia. CONCLUSION: The use of ultrastructural research has made it possible to identify the species of fungi and can be expanded and improved along with the development of SEM and specimen preparation techniques.
Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Microscopy, Electron
Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Spores, Fungal
Zea mays
10.MUC Expression in Gallbladder Epithelial Tissues in Cholesterol-Associated Gallbladder Disease.
Kyo Sang YOO ; Ho Soon CHOI ; Dae Won JUN ; Hang Lak LEE ; Oh Young LEE ; Byung Chul YOON ; Kyeong Geun LEE ; Seung Sam PAIK ; Yong Seok KIM ; Jin LEE
Gut and Liver 2016;10(5):851-858
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gallstone pathogenesis is linked to mucin hypersecretion and bacterial infection. Several mucin genes have been identified in gallbladder epithelial cells (GBECs). We investigated MUC expression in cholesterol-associated gallbladder disease and evaluated the relationship between mucin and bacterial infection. METHODS: The present study involved 20 patients with cholesterol stones with cholecystitis, five with cholesterol stones with cholesterolosis, six with cholesterol polyps, two with gallbladder cancer, and six controls. Canine GBECs treated with lipopolysaccharide were also studied. MUC3, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 antibodies were used for dot/slot immunoblotting and immunohistochemical studies of the gallbladder epithelial tissues, canine GBECs, and bile. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction was performed to evaluate MUC3 and MUC5B expression. RESULTS: MUC3, MUC5AC, MUC5B, and MUC6 were expressed in the normal gallbladder epithelium, and of those, MUC3 and MUC5B exhibited the highest expression levels. Greatly increased levels of MUC3 and MUC5B expression were observed in the cholesterol stone group, and slightly increased levels were observed in the cholesterol polyp group; MUC3 and MUC5B mRNA was also upregulated in those groups. Canine GBECs treated with lipopolysaccharide also showed upregulation of MUC3 and MUC5B. CONCLUSIONS: The mucin genes with the highest expression levels in gallbladder tissue in cholesterol-associated diseases were MUC3 and MUC5B. Cholesterol stones and gallbladder infections were associated with increased MUC3 and MUC5B expression.
Bacterial Infections
Epithelial Cells
Gallbladder Diseases*
Gallbladder Neoplasms
Polymerase Chain Reaction
RNA, Messenger