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Author:(Kwan MK)

1.Safety Issues and Neurological Improvement following C1 C2 Fusion using C1 Lateral Mass and C2 Pedicle Screw in Atlantoaxial Instability.

Kwan MK ; Chan CYW ; Kwan TCC

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2010;4(2):17-22

2.Use of the Tip-Apex Distance in predicting Dynamic Hip Screw Cut Out in Intertrochanteric Fracture of the Femur in Asian Population

YP Chua ; MK Kwan ; WM Ng ; A Saw

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(2):24-27

3.Improved Accuracy and Safety of Intracorporeal Transpedicular Bone Grafting - using Contrast Impregnated Bone: A Case Report

CK Chiu ; CYW Chan ; MK Kwan

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2014;8(3):27-29

4.Extensive Brown Tumors of Spine, Distal femur and Patella Presenting with Acute Cord Compression. A Case Report

Low TH ; Saw LB ; Kwan MK

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2011;5(1):60-62

5.Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Lower Limb A Prospective Study of Prognostic Factors Affecting Mortality

Chee EK ; Kwan MK ; Khoo EH

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2009;3(1):32-35

6.Comparison of Srs 24 And Srs 22 Scores in Thirty Eight Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients Who Had Undergone Surgical Correction

Chan CYW ; Saw LB ; Kwan MK

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2009;3(1):56-59

7.A Technique for Removal of Forearm Dynamic Compression Plate with Stripped Screws: A Report of Three Cases

Lee CK ; Kwan MK ; Chua YP

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2009;3(1):85-87

8.Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Masquerading as Psoas Abscess: A Case Report

WM Ng ; TC Ong ; MK Kwan ; CY Cheok

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2008;2(1):49-51

9.Use of Unlocked Intramedullary Nailing in Winquist Type I and II Femoral Isthmus Fracture

HT Ling ; WM Ng ; MK Kwan ; LK Fathi Aizuddeen ; PCM Tay

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2008;2(1):17-22

10.The Clinical Effectiveness of School Screening Programme for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Malaysia

Deepak AS ; Ong JY ; Choon DSK ; Lee CK ; Chiu CK ; Chan CYW ; Kwan MK

Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal 2017;11(1):41-46

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