1.The Histological Change of the Fractured epiphyseal Plate of the Distal End of the Femur in the Growing Rabbit
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1976;11(2):301-306
The orthopaedic treatment regarding to the residual deformity secondary to epiphyseal plate injury is the most important thing. Author particularily interested in the microscopic finding upon the repair of damaged transepiphyseal fracture of the distal femoral end of growing rabbits. Experimentally this type of fracture is produced surgically and fixation is achieved by two Kirshner wires; one Kirshner wire is inserted obliquely through the metaphysis. A total of 10 growing rabbits were fed with normal diet, and each 5 rabbits were psacrified by 8 and 10 weeks after the surgical procedure respectively and histological change is examined. No rabbit had infection for those experiment. The results of observation were summarized as follows:1. The ruptured epiphyseal plate due to osteotomy through epiphyseal plate was found to be healed by new bone and fibrotic tissue, not by cartilage regeneration. 2. The epiphyseal plate in the small part of fracture fragments revealed as follows; a. The arrangement of cartilage zones revealed marked irregularity. b. The form and the character of cartilage cells revealed an abnormality such as the hyperophy or the atrophy of cells or both. c. The necrotic area revealed at the several places. d. The thickness of epiphyseal plate revealed more narrowing and irregularity. 3. The effect on the kirschner wires were seen as follows; a. There was no evidence of cartilage regeneration on the margin of the damaged epiphyseal plate. due to Kirschner-wire insertion b. The adjacent tissues around the both kirschner Wires revealed pretty heavy new bone formation.
Bone Wires
Congenital Abnormalities
Growth Plate
2.A Case of Cavernous Hemangiomatosis involving all Tendon Sheath of Flexors and Median Nerve of the Right Forearm
Tae Jung OH ; Kun Youg LEE ; Jae Jung KIM
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1972;7(1):159-162
A case of eavernous hemangiomatosis involving alI tendon sheath of flexors and median nerve of the right forearm is reported. This case was a 22 year old Korean male who complained of painful swelling of the flexor side of right wrist region, limited motion of wrist joint, loss of pinching and opposition with tingling sensation on the admission. Roentgenographic examination revealed fusiform swelling of the soft tissues in flexor aspect of the right wrist region, with phlebolith, 3mm. in diameter. The tumor mass looked like strawberry in shape, and was scattered into all tendon sheath of flexors of the forearm, median nerve, the distal half of pronator quadrtus and other surrounding soft tissues. The specimen was confirmed as cavernous hemangioma in microscopic examination. The right long arm splint was applied for 3 weeks, and then the patient was treated with physical therapy for 4 months. Pinching, opposition, and motion of the right wrist joint recovered almost completly, and no evidence of the recurrence of hemangiomatosis was seen until 8 months after surgery.
Hemangioma, Cavernous
Median Nerve
Wrist Joint
3.Genetic Causes in Male Infertility and Current Studies on Infertility Genes.
Kyung Ho LEE ; Jung Min LEE ; Kun Soo RHEE
Journal of Korean Society of Endocrinology 2001;16(6):550-561
No abstract available.
Infertility, Male*
4.Histopathologic Features of Gastric Mucosa Colonized by Helicobacter pylori.
Tae Jung JANG ; Dong Haeng LEE ; Sang Kun SIM
Korean Journal of Pathology 1994;28(4):368-375
TO evaluate the histopathologic features of gastric mucosa by Helicobacter pylori (HP), we reviewed 70 endoscopically biopsied chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer. The results are as fonows. l. HP was detected in 923% (48/52) of active gastritis, 8l8% (9/l l) of peptic ulcer and l43% (1/7) of chronic gastritis. The prevalence of HP infection was significantly higher in active gastritis and peptic ulcer than chronic gastritis (P<0005). 2. The infiltration of intraepithelial neutrophil of the 58 HP-positive cases was significantly more than of the l2 HP-negative cases (P<0005). 3. The infiltration of neutrophil and chronic inflammatory cells in the lamina propria of the 58 HP positive cases were significantly more than of 12 HP-negative cases (P<0.005, P<0.01) 4. The gastric epithelium of 58 HP positive case showed characteristic degenerative change, such as epithelial pits (93.l%), irregular surface (84.4%), individua1 cell drop-out (46.5%) and microerosion (27.6%). The similiar changes were not seen in l2 HP-negative cases. In summary, HP is significantly correlated with inflammatory reaction of the gastric mucosa. It is also significantly correlated with the epithelial degenerative changes that is considered to the precursor of peptic ulcer.
5.Congenital Syphilis: Radiologic Findings of Early Congenital Syphilis.
Dong Kun KIM ; Jung Bock LEE ; Ki Keun OH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(1):39-44
A retrospective study was made of the previous medical records of 32 infants with congenital syphilis borne from mothers with untreated syphilis at Severence Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine during the years 1,972 through 19g3, These infants had a VDRL titer higher than 1: 8 with reactive FTA-ABS test and were also subjected to radiologic examinations. Radiologic changes and clinical features were analyzed, The following results were obtained: Of the total of 32 infants with congenital syphilis under 5 months of age, those under 1 month of age, were the most common group numbering a total of twelve. Of 32 infants with congenital syphilis, twenty-nine(91%) showed skeletal changes upon radiologic examination, Among them the different sites of bone involvernent revealed that the femur(92%) was the most commonly affected bone, followed by the humerus(88%), tibia(81%,), fibula(80%), ulna(72%), radius (68%). Among the same 29 infants a study of the presence of various abnormal bone changes showed that periostitis was the most common, being involved in 83%, the others being metaphysitis and periostitis(72%), metaphysitis(66%). 3. Among the clinicaI features presented in the 32 infants with congenital syphilis, hepatomegaly was the most common(63%,), followed by erythema with desquamation(47%), pneumonia(38%), maulopapules(34%).
Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test
Medical Records
Retrospective Studies
Syphilis, Congenital*
6.Congenital Syphilis: Hematologic Findings of Early Congenital Syphilis.
Jung Bock LEE ; Dong Kun KIM ; Young Jin KOH
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1985;23(6):759-763
A retrospective study was made of the previous medical records of 47 infants with congenital syphilis born from mothers with untreated syphilis at Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine during the years 1972 through 1983 The VDRL titer of these infants was higher than 1: 8 with reactive FT.A-ABS test. They were subjectd to hematologic examinations and the results were as follow s, 1. Of 46 infants with congenital syphilis, anemia was observed in thirty-one (68%) Reticulocytosis occurred in seventeen(89%) of nineteen infants with congenital syphilis having the mean value of 6. 0%. 3, Of 4.7 infants with congenital syphilis, leucocytosis was noted in seveenteen 4, Thrombocytopenia was observed in twenty (64%) of thirty-one infants with congenital syphilis.
Medical Records
Retrospective Studies
Syphilis, Congenital*
7.The Educational Needs of the Mothers of LBW infant and Normal Neonate.
Kyoul Ja CHO ; Yun JUNG ; Kun Ja LEE
Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1997;3(1):5-18
This study was designed to compare the educational needs of the mothers of LBW infants and normal neonate for development of the educational program. The subjects for this study were 37 mothers of LBW and 60 mothers of normal neonate at 3 general hospitals in Seoul and Inchon. The data were collected during the period from July to November, 1996. The Educational Need for Infant Care was measured by questionnaire that has developed by researchers. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics, non-paired t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA using SPSS PC+. The results were as fellow ; 1) The educational needs of the mothers of LBW infant were higher than the mothers of normal neonate(F=14.50, P=.000). 2) There were significant associations between the educational needs of the mothers of LBW infant and delivery history(nullipara, or multipara.) and caregiver of postpartum(t=-2.08, P=.045 ; F=3.94, P=.0282). 3) There were significant associations between the educational needs of the mothers of normal neonate and numbers of children and caregiver of postpartum(F=5.53, P=.0064 ; F=3.22, P=.0480). 4) The educational need by content was signs, symptomes and management of disorders(i.g.cyanosis, seizure, fever, vomiting, etc.) were higher than general care of baby(i.g. feeding, diaper change etc.) at two groups. In conclusion, when the nurses teaching the method of infant care to mother, there should be in consideration of delivery history and caregiver of postpartum. Also, its educational contents must be included of signs, symptomes and management of disorders.
Hospitals, General
Infant Care
Infant, Newborn*
Postpartum Period
Seizures, Febrile
Child Health
Surveys and Questionnaires
8.Osteopoikilosis: A Case Report
Eun Woo LEE ; Jho Woong KANG ; Kun Young JUNG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1978;13(3):493-495
Osteopoikilosis is a familial, rare condition only discovered on radiological examination for a coincident disease. It is characterized by numerous nodules of dense bone in the spongiosa of the metaphysis or in the epiphysial nucleus. They are particularly seen in the small bones of the hands and feet and at the ends of the large bones of the extremities. Most of the bones have been reported as being affected but the skull is rarely involved. This condition is usually symptomless and no specific treatment is necessary. A case of osteopoikilosis is presented with a brief review of literatures.
9.Total Hip Replacement of Pathologic Fracture in Fibrous Dysplasia involving Proximal Part of the Femur
Sang Won PARK ; Young Soo BYUN ; Hong Kun LEE ; Jung Kun SONG
The Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association 1978;13(3):473-478
The fibrous dysplasia, divided into 3 categories of the monostotic, polyostotic and extraskeletal forms, is a relatively rare disease which was first reported by Well in 1922 and shows a characteristic findings replacing the medullary cavity of noe or more bones by the pathologically proliferating fibrous connective tissues. In a consequence, the structural integrity of the diseased bone becomes weakened and suffers frequent episodes of pathologic fracture and deformities of the bone, which are most common around the hip. Various operative methods and instruments have been tried to manage the pathologic fracture around the hip recently. The authors report a satisfactory resnlt of total hip replacement for the pathologic fracture in a patient of the fibrous dysplasia involving the proximal half of the right femur.
Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip
Congenital Abnormalities
Connective Tissue
Fractures, Spontaneous
Rare Diseases
10.Noduloulcerative syphilis.
In Joon LEE ; Eun Sun CHOI ; Dong Kun KIM ; Min Geol LEE ; Jung Bock LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1992;30(2):217-220
A 26-year-old female presented herself to our clinic due to noduloulcerative lesions of one month duration on her face and trunk with accompaning headache and mild fever. In family history, her husband was reported to have a history of chaner. On physical examinat.ion, rice sized eythematous papules and bean sized nodules with central ulceration were seen on the face and trunk. VDRL was 1:31 positive. A skin biopsy iif a noduloulcerative lesion showed ulceration, vascular dilatation with fibrinoid changes and perivascular inflarnmatory cellu infilt.rations, especially plasma cells. Immunoperoxidase stain showed T. pallidum at the epidermis and papillary dermis. The diagnsis was made asecondary syphilis with unusual clinical presentation as noduloucerative skin lesions. The skin lesions completely disappeared one month after treatment with injection of benzathine pelnicillin G 2.4 million unit intramuscularly weekly for three times.
Plasma Cells