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Author:(Kou SAKABE)

1.Evaluation of subjective symptoms of Japanese patients with multiple chemical sensitivity using QEESI(c).

Sachiko HOJO ; Kou SAKABE ; Satoshi ISHIKAWA ; Mikio MIYATA ; Hiroaki KUMANO

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2009;14(5):267-275

2.Chemical intolerance: involvement of brain function and networks after exposure to extrinsic stimuli perceived as hazardous.

Kenichi AZUMA ; Iwao UCHIYAMA ; Mari TANIGAWA ; Ikuko BAMBA ; Michiyo AZUMA ; Hirohisa TAKANO ; Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA ; Kou SAKABE

Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2019;24(1):61-61

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