1.Analysis of Mixed Samples using Automatic Sequencer and Establishment of Quantitative PCR.
Soong Deok LEE ; Seung Lim LEE ; Byoung Kook KIM ; Yoon Seong LEE ; Jung Bin LEE
Korean Journal of Legal Medicine 1997;21(1):23-31
To know the amplification pattern according to relative concentration ratio in mixed samples, two STRloci, vwF locus and MBP locus and two VNTR loci, D1S80 locus and d17S5 locus were amplified in DNA with various concentration of two individuals were easily identified. But when the concentration of one person were lowered to 1/20-1/40 of the other's the intensity of product bands diminshed and hardly discernible. Also different amplification efficiency according to the template length was noted, especially in VNTR loci. Using automatic sequencer and RFLP scan program, the intensity OD of each PCR product band could be calculated, and this correlates the felative amplification efficiency of each allele. By using this we could construct quantitative PCR for the mixed samples. This could be used in practical case work for forensic purpose, and also be a valuable candidate for 'chimerism detection' in case of bone marrow transplatation.
Bone Marrow
Minisatellite Repeats
Polymerase Chain Reaction*
Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length
2.Study on the pathology of metagonimiasis in experimentally infected cat intestine.
Jung Bin LEE ; Je Geun CHI ; Sang Kook LEE ; Seung Yull CHO
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 1981;19(2):109-130
To study the basic pathological changes of small intestine in metagonimiasis, light- and electron microscopic studies were made, using a total of 21 cats which were experimentally infected with metacercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai. The metacercariae were obtained from naturally infected sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) by digestion technique. The cats were divided in control, light-infection(10,000 metacercariae infected) and heavy-infection(50,000 metacercariae infected) groups. Cats were killed at the 5th, 10th, 15th day, and 4th, 8th and 10th week after the infection. And the small intestine was prepared for the study. Pathological studies comprised gross examination, worm distribution pattern, light microscopic examination and both transmission and scanning electron microscopic examinations. The results obtained were summarized as follows. Gross morphologic changes were the most marked during the first 2 weeks after infection. The gross abnormalities were severer in the heavily infected animals. The changes were dryness and listlessness of serosal surface due to dehydration, mushy and/or watery intestinal content, effacement of transverse nodes and enlargement of mesenteric lymph folds and Peyer's patches. After 4 weeks of infection, these changes became less marked showing a tendency to return to normal. The sectioned flukes were distributed from duodenum to proximal ileum. However, individual variation was marked in distribution. In the heavy-infection group, the locality of parasitism tended to extend more distally. The locality of M. yokogawai in the intervillous space was mostly in the lower-most portion of intervillous space, where they compressed and eroded epithelial cells probably due to mechanical damage to the structure. Very rarely the worms were found in lumen of Lierberkuehn's crypt, and reaching, in two occasions, into proprial lymphoid tissue. Light-microscopically the lesion was restricted in mucosa: Early mucosal changes were shortening, blunting, fusion, and thickening of the villi, crypt hypertrophy with consequent decrease of villus/crypt ratio, as well as stromal changes of edema, capilliary ectasia and marked inflammatory cell infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Goblet cells were markedly reduced in number as with depletion of its cytoplasmic content. In the later stages of infection, mucosa restored its normal configuration in spite of persistent parasitism of the worms. At the infection stage of 5-15 days, there was significant shortening of the microvillous height with varible destruction of glycocalyx in electron microscopic examination. With lapse of infection time, microvilli became to restore the normal pattern. With these morphological changes, it appears that diarrhea in experimental metagonimiasis would be related to the decrease of absorptive surface of the small intestine particularly in the early phase of infection. The significant changes seen in villi and microvilli might be due to massive intrusion or invasion of Metagonimus worms into the crypts, causing direct mechanical and possible host-immune response to the small bowel mucosa.
Metagonimus yokogawai
plasma cells
goblet cell
3.Histopathologic Study of the Effect of two Bovine Bone Powder on Healing of Extraction Socket of Dogs.
Sang Hun LEE ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG ; Chong Heon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2002;32(2):339-350
Recently the esthetic demands of clinicians and patients made the surgeon try to regenerate bone defects and gingival tissue after extraction. For that, many surgical methods were used and socket preservation have been evaluated simple, effective and good prognosis in the implant placement. Bone grafting was one of the methods for socket preservation. This study was to evaluate the histologic view of the effects on healing of the extraction sockets when deproteinized bovine bone mineral and tetracycline coated deproteinized bovine bone mineral was implanted 1. In control group, at 4 weeks after implantation, the extraction sockets were filled with connective tissue. And after 8 weeks, osteoblasts were observed in newly formed trabecular among the fibrous connective tissue in the extraction sockets. 2. In experimental 1 group, there was connective tissue and new bone trabecular around newly formed woven bone at 4 weeks. And many osteoblasts were observed in various direction at 8 weeks. 3. In experimental 2 group, there was a lot of new bone made around the bone powder after 4 weeks, and the thicker bone trabecular, lamellar bone and irregular osteoblasts arrangement were observed at 8 weeks. From the results of this study, tetracycline coated BBP would be better than the other groups in the lamellar bone formation and be faster in the bone formation rate.
Bone Transplantation
Connective Tissue
4.Detection of Collagenase in Inflammatory Gingiva using Root planning and Argon Laser.
Chang Gon LEE ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 1999;29(3):577-592
The major cause of periodontal disease is microorganism in the dental plaque. Gingival sulcular fluid, which is exudate released from the tissue near crevicular epithelium is related with inflammation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the argon laser efficiency between the clinical index and onset of collagenase of gingival sulcular fluid. Material divided 16 patients into 4 groups. The first control was without treatmemt. The second was with just treatment of argon laser, The third was treated by scaling and root planning and the fourth was treated with both scailing and root planning and argon laser. The level of periocheck test, the index of bleeding, and the depth of periodontal pocket were evaluated from for 128 teeth of 64 anterior teeth and 64 posterior teeth. The results were as follows; 1. In the score of periocheck test, root planing group(group 3) was significantly reduced more than the group without treatment(group 1) and the argon laser treatment(group 2) for results of 3 days and 7 days. But root planing plus argon laser treatment(group 4) in the 7days after experiment, was significantly reduced than no treatment(group 1) and root planing treatment(group 3)(P < 0.05), in the 3 days after experiment, was significantly reduced than root planing(group3)(P < 0.05). The score of periocheck test to the root planning group(group 3) were significantly reduced between days1, day3 and day7(P < 0.05). Root planning plus argon laser group(group 4) were significantly reduced to 1 or 7days and 3 or 7days(P < 0.05). The argon laser group(group 2) didn't show any changes. 2. In the case of sulcus bleeding index, the root planning group(group 3) and root planning plus argon laser group(group 4) were reduced more than without treatment group(group 1)(P < 0.05) and sulcus bleeding index in the root planning group(group 3) were reduced more than the argon laser group(group 2)(P < 0.05). 3. There wasn't any changes of pocket depth between the control and the experiment group as with experiment periods also.
Dental Plaque
Exudates and Transudates
Periodontal Diseases
Periodontal Pocket
Root Planing
5.Effects on the Tissue Reaction Using GI Cement in the Maxillary Grade II Furcation in the Beagle Dogs.
Yong Gon LEE ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2000;30(4):793-802
Procedures for treatment of molar furcation invasion defects range from open flap debridement, apically repositioned flap surgery, hemisection, tunneling or extraction, to regenerative therapies using bone grafting or guided tissue regenerative therapy, or a combination of both. Several clinical evaluations using regenerative techniques have reported the potential for osseous repair of treated furcation invasions. Regenerative treatment of maxillary molars are more difficult due to the multiple root anatomy and multiple furcation entrances therefore, purpose of this study was to evaluated histologically self-curing glass-ionomer cement and light-curing glass-ionomer cement as a barrier in the treatment of a bi-furcated maxillary premolar. Five adult beagle dogs were used in this experiment. With intrasulcular and crestal incision, mucoperiosteal flap was elevated. Following decortication with 1/2 high speed round bur, degree II furcation defect was made on maxillary third(P3), forth(P4) and fifth(P5) premolar. 2 month later experimental group were self-curing glass-ionomer cement and light-curing glass-ionomer cement. After 4, 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed by vascular perfusion. Tissue block was excised including the tooth and prepared for light microscope with Gomori's trichrome staining. Results were as follows. 1. In all experiment group, there were not epithelial down growth and glass ionomer cement were encapsulated connective tissue. 2. In 4 weeks experiment I group slighly infiltrated inflammatory cells but not disturb the new bone or new cementum formation. 3. In 8 weeks, experiment groups I, II were encapsulated fine connective tissue. 4. Therefore glass-ionomer cement filling to the grade III maxillary furcations with multiple root anatomy and multiple furcation entrances were possible clinical methods and this technique is useful method for Maxillary furcation involvement.
Bone Transplantation
Connective Tissue
Dental Cementum
Furcation Defects
Glass Ionomer Cements
6.Effects on the tissue reaction using compomer & Ketac Silver in the maxillary furcation in the beagle dogs.
Jea Youn RYU ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG ; Chong Heon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2003;33(4):705-715
Procedures for treatment of molar furcation invasion defects range from open flap debridement, apically repositioned flap surgery, hemisection, tunneling or extraction, to regenerative therapies using bone grafting or guided tissue regenerative therapy, or a combination of both. Several clinical evaluations using regenerative techniques have reported the potential for osseous repair of treated furcation invasions. Regenerative treatment of maxillary molars are more difficult due to the multiple root anatomy and multiple furcation entrances therefore, purpose of this study was to evaluated histologically compomer and Ketac Silver as a barrier in the treatment of a bi-furcated maxillary premolar. Five adult beagle dogs were used in this experiment. With intrasulcular and crestal incision, mucoperiosteal flap was elevated. Following decortication with 1/2 high speed round bur, furcation defect was made on maxillary premolar. 2 month later one premolar was filled with compomer and the other premolar was filled with Ketac Silver. After 4, 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed by vascular perfusion. Tissue block was excised including the tooth and prepared for light microscope with H-E staining. Results were as follows. 1. Compomer & Ketac Silver restoration were encapsulated fine connective tissue. 2. In 4 weeks, compomer & Ketac Silver restoration slightly infiltrated inflammatory cells but not disturb the new bone or new cementum formation. 3. In 8 weeks, compomer & Ketac Silver restoration were less infiltrated inflammatory cell and encapsulated fine connective tissue. 4. Therefore, compomer & Ketac Silver filling to the grade III maxillary furcations with multiple root anatomy and multiple furcation entrances is possible clinical method and this technique is useful method for maxillary furcation involvement but it is thought that periodic maintenace should be needed
Bone Transplantation
Cermet Cements*
Connective Tissue
Dental Cementum
Furcation Defects
7.A Histo-Pathological Study of Effect on Periodontal Regeneration with Calcium Sulfate Membrane on The Grade II Furcation Defects in Beagle Dogs.
Young Chool KIM ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUN ; Chong Heon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2003;33(4):693-703
The present study evaluated the effects of guided tissue regeneration using xenograft material(deproteinated bovine bone powder), with and without Calcium sulfate membrane in beagle dogs. Contralateral fenestration defects (6 x 4 mm) were created 4 mm apical to the buccal alveolar crest of maxillary premolar teeth in 5 beagle dogs. Deproteinated bovine bone powders were implanted into fenestration defect and one randomly covered Calcium sulfate membrane (experimental group). Calcium sulfate membrane was used to provide GTR. Tissue blocks including defects with soft tissues which were harvested following four & eight weeks healing interval, prepared for histo-phathologic analysis. The results of this study were as follows. 1. In control group, at 4 weeks after surgery, new bony trabecular contacted with interstitial tissue and osteocytes like cell were arranged in new bony trabecule. Bony lamellation was not observed. 2. In control gruop, at 8 weeks after surgery, scar-like interstitial tissue was filled defect and bony trabecule form lamellation. New bony trabecular was contacted with interstitial tissue but defect was not filled yet. 3. In experimental group, at 4 weeks after surgery, new bony trabecular partially recovered around damaged bone. But new bony trabecule was observed as irregularity and lower density. 4. In experimental group, at 8 weeks after surgery, lamella bone trabecular developed around bone cavity and damaged tissue was replaced with dense interstitial tissue. In conclusion, new bone formation regenerated more in experimental than control groups and there was seen observe more regular bony trabecular in experimental than control groups at 4 weeks after surgery. In control group, at 8 weeks after surgery, the defects was filled with scar-like interstitial tissue but, in experimental group, the defects was connected with new bone. Therefore xenograft material had osteoconduction but could not fill the defects. We thought that the effective regeneration of periodontal tissue, could be achieved using GTR with Calcium sulfate membrane.
Bone Regeneration
Calcium Sulfate*
Furcation Defects*
Guided Tissue Regeneration
8.The Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Regeneration around Dental Implant Defects.
Ki Seok HONG ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG ; Chong Heon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2003;33(4):673-691
The current interest in periodontal tissue regeneration has lead to research in bone graft, root surface treatments, guided-tissue regeneration, and the administration of growth factors as possible means of regenerating lost periodontal tissue. Several studies have shown that a strong correlation between platelet-rich plasma and the stimulation of remodeling and remineralization of grafted bone exists, resulting in a possible increase of 15-30% in the density of bone trabeculae. The purpose of this study was to study the histopathological correlation between the use of platelet-rich plasma and a bone xenograft used in conjunction with a non-resorbable guided-tissue membrane, e-PTFE, compared to a control group with regards to bone regeneration at the implant fixture site. Implant fixtures were inserted and graft materials placed into the left femur of in the experimental group, while the control group received only implant fixtures. In the first experimental group, platelet-rich plasma and BBP xenograft were placed at the implant fixture site, and the second experimental group had platelet-rich plasma, BBP xenograft, and the e-PTFE membrane placed at the fixture site. The degree of bone regeneration adjacent to the implant fixture was observed and compared histopathologically at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after implant fixture insertion. The results of the experiment are as follows: 1. The rate of osseointegration to the fixture threads was found to be greater in the first experimental group compared to the control group. 2. The histopathological findings of the second experimental group showed rapid resorption of BBP with subsequent new bone formation replacing the resorbed BBP. 3. The second experimental group showed new bone formation in the area adjacent to the fixture threads beginning two weeks after fixture implantation, with continued bone remodeling in the areas mesial and distal to the fixture. 4. Significant new bone formation and bone remodeling was observed in both experimental groups near the implant fixture sites. 5. The rate of osseointegration at the fixture threads was greater in the second experimental group compared to the first group, and the formation of new bone and trabeculae around the fixture site occurred after the fourth week in the second experimental group. The results of the experiment suggest that a greater degree of new bone formation and osseointegration can occur at the implant fixture site by utilizing platelet-rich plasma and bone xenografts, and that these effects can be accelerated and enhanced by concurrent use of a non-resorbable guided tissue membrane.
Bone Regeneration
Bone Remodeling
Dental Implants*
Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins
Platelet-Rich Plasma*
9.A Histo-Pathological Study of Effect on Bone Regeneration with Fibrin Adhesive.
Young Woo KO ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG ; Chong Heon LEE
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2003;33(1):91-102
Several effective treatment methods and materials have been developed for the treatment of furcation involvement. Currently, the combination of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and bone grafts is the most commonly prescribed method of treating furcation involved defects. But because these cases often present with poor accessibility, placement of the membrane may be difficult and consequently, clinically impractical. In this study, the alveolar bone healing patterns of adult beagle dogs presenting with alveolar bone destruction treated by one of two methods - treatment using solely bone aIlografts (BBP(R)), or treatment using bone allografts (BBP(R)) stabilized by a fibrin adhesive - were comp ared. The effects of the fibrin adhesive on the initial stabilization of the newly formed bone, subsequent regeneration of bone, and the feasibility of the clinical application of the fibrin adhesive were analyzed. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Clinical signs of inflammation at the 4-8 week interval were not observed: but signs of mild inflammation were histologically observed at the 4-week interval. 2. Allografts stabilized by fibrin adhesive showed good bone formation, whereas defects treated with only the allograft material showed incomplete alveolar bone regeneration. 3. Allografts stabilized by fibrin adhesive showed a decrease in the amount old bone with a concurrent increase in the formation of new lamellar bone four weeks post-op, whereas defects treated with only the allograft material showed no new lamellar bone formation at the same interval. 4. In detects treated with only the allograft material, the defective area was filled with connective tissue 8- weeks post-op, whereas fibrin adhesive stabilized allografts showed viable connections between the original bone and the newly formed bone, in addition to neovascularization 8-weeks post-op. The results of this study show that concurrent use of fibrin adhesive materials can stabilize the allograft material and aid in new bone formation Although the stability of fibrin adhesives fall short of the results achievable by GTR membranes, in cases presenting with poor accessibility that contraindicate the use of membranes, fibrin adhesive materials provide a viable and effective alternative to graft stabilization and new bone formation.
Bone Regeneration*
Connective Tissue
Fibrin Tissue Adhesive*
Guided Tissue Regeneration
10.Analysis of surface form change after performing prophylaxis procedure on implant surface using various oral hygiene instruments.
Sun Goo LEE ; Sung Bin LIM ; Chin Hyung CHUNG ; Sang Ho KWON
The Journal of the Korean Academy of Periodontology 2004;34(1):1-17
It is improtant that performing prophylaxis procedure on an infected implant surface in order to treat periimplantitis should not change the surface roughness and composition, so that the surface can be recovered to almost same condition as initial implant surface. This thesis, therefore, studied an effect of various oral hygiene instrument on implant surface. A surface roughness measurement instrument and an injection electron microscope were used to observe a change on surface. The purpose of this study was to obtain a clinical guideline during implant care and peri-implantitis treatment. The result were as follows 1. Ra values (surface roughness value) at experimental group 1, group 2, and group 5 were increased significantly as compared with comparison group (p<0.05). 2. When compared experimental group 1 with each exprimental groups at which prohylaxis procedure was performed, mean values of Ra at experimental group 2, group 3, group 6, and group 7 were decreased significantly(p<0.05). 3. Mean value of Ra was lowest at experimental group 2, and highest at experimental group 2, and highest at experimental group 5. 4. Analysis of SEM showed that was significant surface change at experimental group 2, group 3, group 4, group 5, and group 6 as compared with comparison group(X1000). 5. Analysis fo EDX showed that a quantity of Ti on surface for experimental group 6 was very similar to that for comparison group. In conclusion, air-powder abrasive and citric acid, plastic instrument are safe methods to use for performing prophylaxis procedure on implant care or for cleaning and sterilization process on treatment of peri-implantitis, based on the result that those method did not affect implant surface roughness and Ti composition.
Citric Acid
Oral Hygiene*