1.Clinical study of colorectal cancer in the southern area of Ibaraki Prefecture.
Koichi SHIBATA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Katuhiro SANADA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1991;39(5):1031-1039
The surgical treatment cases of 452 colorectal cancer patients at Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital in the years 1973-87 were analyzed and the following results were obtained.
1) Operative cases of colorectal cancer have increased among the elderly. There was no difference between men and women. Recently, elder patients have been increasing with the advent of an aging society.
2) Survival prospects were better for women and younger patients.
3) There were no deaths in patients below 53 years of age. A high post-operative mortality rate was found in non-resectable cases.
4) Survival was significantly related to involvement of lymph nodes. Significant difference was recognized between the lymph node metastasis of n0 and n1. It showed good correlations with lymphtic invasion. Histological stages would reflect survival rates well as a factor predicting prognosis.
5) The cases of peritoneal dissemination were found more in younger patients than older ones. Age had nothing to do with liver metastasis. It was found more frequently in patients with serosal invasion, invaded by moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma and marked lymphtic and venous invasion.
6) There was a fall in the survival rate of patients undergoing curative resection almost according to age. Among them, significantly worse survival was found in patients aged 40-50 years, whose condition was mostly advanced on histological stage and Dukes classification.
7) Sufficient clearing of regional lymph node and considering of serosal invation for good prognosis from the surgical treatment are very important. For the future subject, to improve the surival rate, education about cancer. early detection and effect of multidisciplinary treatment are imperative.
2.Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer Cases in a Rural Area.
Katsuhiro SANADA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Koichi SHIBATA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1992;41(2):103-109
During the twelve years from January 1978 to December 1989, a total of 1, 409 cases of gastric cancer were treated in the surgical department of Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital, located in the southern agricultural district of Ibaraki Prefecture.
Observations on these cases revealed: 1) Cases of gastric cancer tend to decrease, 2) Results of surgical treatment are improving remarkably, in terms of the resection rate and five-year survival rate, and 3) Most of the patients who survived more than five years after surgery are in satisfactory conditions.
The main factor contributing to the improvement of the results of surgical treatment of gastric cancer was increased detections of cancer in relatively early stages through mass survey or total check-up in the asymptomatic stage.
The decline of the morbidity rate of gastric cancer is reported to be more prominent in younger generations. This fact and the aging of the population in our society, especially in rural areas, will increase the number of elderly gastric cancer patients.
The future of surgery of gastric cancer depends on how early we can detect cancer and treat elderly patients. For this purpose, mass survey and total check-up on older people will be the most effective means.
3.Factors that Influence Long-term Prognosis after Surgical Operations for Stomach Cancer in a Rural Area.
Katsuhiro SANADA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Koichi SHIBATA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Masahiro TSUBAKI ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1994;43(4):969-975
Three main factors that sway the postoperative prognosis of stomach cancer are, the curability of the surgical operation, the depth of the cancer lesion and the stage of the disease. With these factors in mind, we further studied what other factors could influence the long-term prognosis of stomach cancer.
We picked up two categories of patients from our file of stomach cancer cases. Category one; those patients who survived five years or longer after surgery, although the operations for them were not curative, or the depth of the lesion in these patients reached to the serosa, or the cancer was in stage IV. Category two; those patients who died of stomach cancer within five years after surgery, although the operations were curative, or the depth of the lesion reached only the submucosal layer, or the cancer was in stage I.
By comparing these two groups, we found out the factors that influence the prognosis.
1) In the cases of absolutely curative operations, the factors that made the prognosis worse, were that the lesion was advanced, that the lesion existed in the C region, and that the lesion was poorly differentiated histologically.
2) In the cases of noncurative operations, caused by P1, H1, ow (+) or aw (+), factors that brought a good prognosis were, that the lesion was not of diffuse type, that there was no lymph node metastasis, and that lymph node dissection was done effectively.
3) In the cases of early gastric cancer, lymph node metastases made the prognosis worse. Even when the lesion reached the serosa, prognosis was favorable if cancer cells did not invade other organs, had no peritoneal dissemination, or if lymph node dissection was perfect.
4) In the cases of stage I histologically, prognosis was poor when the cancer looked advanced to the naked eye.
5) In the cases of stage IV, when the degrees of lymph node metastasis was slight and lymph node dissection was done adequate, prognosis was good.
4.Results of gastric mass survey in Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital.
Katsuhiro Sanada ; Mamoru Takeshi ; Koji Koike ; Kazuo Hirose ; Koichi Matsuda ; Yoshio Ishida ; Yoji Nakazawa ; Masahiro Tsubaki ; Tomoyuki Suzuki ; Kazushi Seki ; Susumu Hiranuma ; Koichi Shibata ; Kohei Okamoto ; Shin Tonouchi
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1985;33(5):907-912
We began gastric mass survey at our hospital in May, 1980. During 3 years and 8 months since then, (May, 1980-December, 1983) we performed screening examinations to 16, 341 people by indirect radiography, and checked 2, 824 cases (17.3%) for thorough examination. Among these cases, 2, 083 (73.8%) received endoscopic examination actually, and 55 cases of gastric cancer were discovered. The discovery rate of gastric cancer was 0.336 per cent.
35 cases of these 55 gastric cancer were operated in the surgical department of our hospital. 34 cases were resected (rate of resection was 97.1%) and 33 cases were resected curatively (rate of curative resection was 94.3%). These results were better than that of gastric cancer cases from out-patient clinic of the same period. The results of cases from out-patient clinic of our hospital were: total number of cases 321, resected cases 254 (79.1%), curative resection 189 cases (58.9%), respectively.
5.Prevention of Homologous Blood Transfusion by Intraoperative Predonation on Valvular Surgery without Preoperative Autologous Donation
Koichi Sato ; Masakazu Sogawa ; Osamu Namura ; Chizuo Kikuchi ; Manabu Isoda ; Junzo Watanabe ; Takeshi Okamoto ; Takehito Mishima ; Jun-ichi Hayashi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(1):1-4
Though preoperative autologous donation is not acceptable for all cases partly because some are preoperatively in a severe condition, intraoperative predonation is possible in almost all cases. We retrospectively evaluated the major factors related to the prevention of homologous blood transfusion by intraoperative predonation in 25 cases following valvular surgery without preoperative autologous donation. Homologous blood was not transfused in 18 cases {Group-(-)} but in 7 cases only after CPB {Group-(+)}. The male/female ratio, type of operation, body weight, CPB dilution, CPB duration, and perioperative change in hematocrit were comparable in the 2 groups. However, the autologous blood pooled before CPB in Group-(-) was significantly more than in Group-(+) (11.3±2.5 vs 7.3±1.8ml/kg, p<0.001). In conclusion, homologous blood transfusion may be prevented by appropriate intraoperative predonation during surgery for valvular disease.
6.Clinical histories before hospitalization in gastric cancer cases.
Katsuhiro SANADA ; Shoichi KATO ; Masashi KONO ; Satoshi OKABE ; Kazumi NAKAJIMA ; Susumu HIRANUMA ; Koichi SHIBATA ; Kohei OKAMOTO ; Shin TONOUCHI
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1986;35(2):157-164
An investigation was performed about clinical histories before hospitalization in 1142 cases of gastric cancer during 16 years from 1969 to 1984.
The average term from onset of the disease to hospitalization was 4.53 months which tends to decrease becoming 3.49 months in the latest 5 years. The patients had visited 0.72 other doctor in average before coming to our hospital, 0.35 in early cancer cases and 0.83 in advanced cases. The sources of patients of our surgery were as follows ; 60.5% were introduced from medical department of our hospital, 20.2% were introduced from other clinics or hospitals, 10.6% visited our surgical department directly, and 8.7% came to us after visiting one or some other doctors. The rate of early cancer cases were high and unresectable cases were low relatively in cases from our medical department and direct visitors to our surgical department.
The causative factors of delay of hospitalization more than one month were considered from both sides of patient and doctor. The results were ; no delay 55.3%, delay due to patient's fault 28.2%, delay due to doctor's fault 19.9%. The delay of hospitalization due to either side's fault was one factor of decreasing early cancers and increasing advanced cases. Among those with no delay, however, 22.6% were unresectable cases. Gastric cancers are too malignant to be cured by visiting hospitals with complaints. Gastric mass survey among symptomeless people is the only reasonable way to come out of this difficult situation.
7.Physicians' Awareness Regarding Evidence-based Medicine, Practice Guidelines and Clinical Information Resources in Japan
Toshihiko Satoh ; Takeo Nakayama ; Yasuto Sato ; Keika Hoshi ; Koichi Miyaki ; Noriko Kojimahara ; Narumi Eguchi ; Takahiro Okamoto ; Yoko Hayashi ; Naohito Yamaguchi
General Medicine 2004;5(1):13-20
BACKGROUND: physicians' awareness regarding evidence-based medicine (EBM), clinical practice guidelines, and clinical information resources were rarely examined in Japan. We need to know them prior to the initiation of the Medical Information Network Distribution Service (Minds) by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JCQHC) .
METHODS: A total of 10, 000 directors/owners of private clinics (CDs: clinic physicians) affiliated with the Japan Medical Association (JMA) and 8682 physicians working for hospitals certified by the JCQHC (HDs: hospital physicians) were randomly selected and surveyed by a mailed questionnaire.
RESULTS: The response rate to the questionnaire was 18.7% (n=1865) among CDs and 67.8% (n=5885) among HDs. The percentage of respondents who uses internet was 39.9% among CDs and 69.3% among HDs. The information resource most commonly used by all respondents was medical journals, followed by textbooks. The percentage of respondents who used medical literature database was 10.8% among CDs and 49.7% among HDs, respectively. Approximately 80% of all respondents approved implementing EBM in daily practice. Fifty percent of all respondents indicated to have used clinical practice guidelines, and 90% of all the guideline users replied that clinical practice guidelines are useful tools for clinical decision-making. Over half of HDs required to access to the abstracts of the literature cited in the guidelines.
CONCLUSIONS: Many physicians who responded to the survey acknowledged that EBM will contribute to improving the quality of medical services. They are positive in using clinical practice guidelines that include a series of recommendations proposed by specialists in the relevant field (s) in accordance to the reviewed evidence.
8.Preferred Information Media for Providing Clinical Practice Guidelines to Physicians in Japan : A Needs Assessment Study by the Medical Information Network Distribution Service (Minds)
Yasuto Sato ; Takeo Nakayama ; Toshihiko Satoh ; Keika Hoshi ; Noriko Kojimahara ; Koichi Miyaki ; Narumi Eguchi ; Takahiro Okamoto ; Yoko Hayashi ; Naohito Yamaguchi
General Medicine 2006;7(2):45-52
BACKGROUND: The purpose of our study was to compare the characteristics of medical practitioners who prefer using the Internet as their information resource and those who prefer using printed materials.
METHODS: From December 2002 to January 2003, a non-anonymous questionnaire was sent out by post to members of the Japanese Medical Association (JMA) and physicians working in hospitals. Contributing factors were examined by using logistic regression analysis.
RESULTS: The response rates for the questionnaires were 18.7% (n=1868) for JMA physicians and 68.0% (n=5901) for hospital physicians. Factors associated with the preference for using the Internet were: ‘younger age’; ‘use of the Internet to solve clinical problems and uncertainties’; ‘use of personal computers at work’; and, ‘use of personal computers at home’.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that, although some younger physicians prefer printed materials, providing medical information via the Internet is better suited for younger physicians who are making full use of computers. In contrast, older physicians prefer printed materials because they tend to be less familiar with using computers and may have limited accessibility to the Internet. Therefore, using both the Internet and printed materials to provide medical information is necessary to meet the needs of the larger physician population.
9.A Case of Prolonged Lumbago with Severe Cold Intolerance Successfully Treated with Keppuchikuoto and Uzushakusekishigan
Cheolsun HAN ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Hideki OKAMOTO ; Keigo UEDA ; Akio YAGI ; Hirobumi SHIMADA ; Takeshi OJI ; Koichi NAGAMINE ; Takao NAMIKI
Kampo Medicine 2015;66(2):112-118
We report a case of prolonged lumbago with severe cold intolerance successfully treated with keppuchikuoto and uzushakusekishigan. The patient was a 71-year-old female with lumbar spinal canal stenosis which was refractory to several nerve and intervertebral disc block therapies and oral medications. She had been also suffering from constipation, leg cramps, intermittent chest pains, and severe cold intolerance. We prescribed keppuchikuoto for chronic blood stagnation and deficiency and uzushakusekishigan for intermittent chest pains in order to improve those symptoms all together. The severity of her lumbago and severe cold intolerance were remarkably reduced after the administration of the two formulas. This case suggests that the two formulas exerted their effectiveness by ameliorating chronic severe cold intolerance, blood stagnation, and blood deficiency and resulted in remarkable improvement in lumbago.
10.Consideration of Seishoekkito as Described in “Futsugoyakushitsuhokankuketsu”
Koichi YOKOYAMA ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Hideki OKAMOTO ; Koichi SUGIMOTO ; Takashi ITO ; Yukitaka HIYAMA
Kampo Medicine 2022;73(4):367-374
We investigated the history and indications of Toenho, Kinseiho, and Cho-Sanshaku-Shinteiho, which are different formulae with the same name of seishoekkito. According to the description in “Futsugoyakushitsuhokankuketsu” written by Sohaku Asada, Kinseiho exhibits an immediate effect, while Toenho has preventive effects. However, according to the original text, Kinseiho was formulated such that it could be administered regularly in the summer for prophylaxis. Furthermore, Kinseiho is regarded as a simplified formula with the central structure of Toenho. This implies that Kinseiho is composed of selected crude drugs used in Toenho that are responsible for the main effects of Toenho, such as invigorating spleen energy, clearing fever and generating body fluids. Moreover, there is an instruction to arrange Kinseiho to fit each patient’s condition. In this study, it was found that Cho-Sanshaku-Shinteiho described in “Futsugoyakushitsuhokankuketsu” is a modification of Kinseiho prescribed by Katsuki Gyuzan for patients with fever, consistent with the concept of personalized medicine. The medical extract preparation seishoekkito, which is currently widely used, is Kinseiho. We may use it with heat-clearing formula, fluid-regulating formula or some modifications to make the appropriate formulation based on the patient's symptoms.