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Author:(Kiyoshi Ishikawa)

1.Clinicostatistical Study on Urinary

Kiyoshi Ishikawa ; Masaru Yamamoto

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(1):42-46

2.Statistical Study on Urologic Patients for These 10 Years in Hiraka General Hospital

Kiyoshi Ishikawa ; Yoshitaka Shibuya ; Masaru Yamamoto ; Akira Kotanagi ; Takashi Sato

Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1983;32(1):37-41

3.Application of low-crystalline carbonate apatite granules in 2-stage sinus floor augmentation: a prospective clinical trial and histomorphometric evaluation

Takayuki NAKAGAWA ; Keiko KUDOH ; Naoyuki FUKUDA ; Shohei KASUGAI ; Noriko TACHIKAWA ; Kiyoshi KOYANO ; Yasuyuki MATSUSHITA ; Masanori SASAKI ; Kunio ISHIKAWA ; Youji MIYAMOTO

Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science 2019;49(6):382-396

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