1.A Case of Surgical Resection of Malignant Lymphoma of the Duodenum with Right Atrial Invasion
Kiyoshi Chiba ; Hiroyuki Abe ; Yosuke Kitanaka
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2011;40(4):206-209
We report a case of malignant lymphoma of the duodenum with right atrial invasion. A 71-year-old man presented with anemia and exertional dyspnea. Gastric fibroscopy showed a duodenal tumor pathologically diagnosed as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Echocardiography showed a large right atrial tumor. We performed urgent surgery to prevent a tumor embolism. As the tumor was firmly attached to the atrium, septum and ascending aorta, we performed partial resection to improve the patient's hemodynamics status. Pathologic findings showed DLBCL. Systemic chemotherapy induced partial remission with out any cardiac recurrence.
2.Surgical Treatment for Angiosarcoma Occupying the Bilateral Atrial Cavities and the Atrial Septum
Keita Kikuchi ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Hiroshi Murakami ; Toshiya Kobayashi ; Masahide Chikada ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Takashi Ando ; Kiyoshi Chiba
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2006;35(1):25-28
A 48-year-old man complained of hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a large cardiac tumor invading the atrial septum and both atria, as well as multiple small nodules in bilateral lung fields. They were diagnosed as a malignant cardiac tumor and its lung metastases. As the tumor in the left atrium was extremely massive, operation was performed to prevent sudden death due to occlusion and to make a pathological diagnosis. The cardiac tumor invaded the atrial septum from the right atrium and occupied the left atrium. After the cardiac tumor was completely removed, the bilateral atria, the atrial septum, SVC, IVC and the right lower pulmonary vein were reconstructed with prosthetic pericardial patches. The tumor was angiosarcoma. During the postoperative period, Interleukin-2 was used as the treatment for angiosarcoma. Unfortunately the patient died of lung failure on the 107th postoperative day. Though IL-2 could not stop the development of lung metastasis in this case, the effectiveness of radiotherapy or IL-2 for angiosarcoma has recently been reported. In such cases where complete resection of the primary cardiac lesion is possible, postoperative radiotherapy or IL-2 administration seems to be effective for cardiac sarcoma.
3.Effects of Edaravone on Prevention of Paraplegia Caused by Ischemic Spinal Cord
Kiyoshi Chiba ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Hiroshi Murakami ; Kayoko Tanaka ; Shigeko Ohnuma ; Mamoru Tadokoro
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2008;37(2):82-90
Spinal cord injury after successful operation of the thoraco-abdominal aorta is an unpredictable complication which negatively affects the patient's quality of life. The main cause of spinal cord injury has been reported to be peroxidation of lipids. Edaravone, a free radical scavenger, has been used in the acute phase of cerebral infarction to ameliorate the brain damage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effect of edaravone on the neurological and histological outcome, and to examine the method of its administration so as to obtain the better effect, using animal models with ischemic spinal cord. Three groups of rabbits underwent surgical exposure of the abdominal aorta that was clamped for 20min to achieve spinal cord ischemia. Group A (n=6, control group) was given no medication. In group B (n=6), edaravone (3mg/ml saline/kg body weight) was administered intravenously 30min after reperfusion. In group C (n=6), the same dose of edaravone was administered at 30min, 24h and 48h after reperfusion. Neurological status was clinically assessed, using Tarlov's score, at 24h, 48h and 1week after reperfusion. Somatosensory evoked potential was measured preoperatively, at 20min after ischemia, at 30min after reperfusion, and at 24h, 48h and 1week after operation. Spinal cord sections were examined histologically to determine the degree of neuronal damage given by ischemic-reperfusion. Group A presented paraplegia with marked neuronal necrosis. Groups B and C maintained better neurogical function than Group A (p<0.001), and Group C was much better than Group B (p<0.05). In the model rabbits with 20min of ischemia-reperfusion, systemic repetitious administration of edaravone was found to have a more protective effect than a single administration on the spinal cord neurons and glia cells both neurologically and histologically.
4.A Case of Partial Arch and Descending Aortic Replacement for a Ruptured Type B Acute Aortic Dissection
Ko Shibata ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Toshiya Kobayashi ; Masahide Chikada ; Hirosi Murakami ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Hirokuni Ono ; Kiyoshi Chiba ; Tokuichiro Nagata
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2009;38(1):64-66
Ruptured type B acute aortic dissection (AAD) is a life-threatening condition, in which surgical treatment most often yields unsatisfactory results. We report a case of a ruptured type B AAD in a 67-year-old man detected on computed tomography that required a partial aortic arch replacement with reconstruction of the left subclavian artery with adjunct deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA). Although the patient had a postoperative stroke, he recovered markedly with rehabilitation. DHCA and open proximal anastomosis are useful for the surgical treatment of type B AAD, however, an elaborate strategy to prevent an intraoperative cerebral embolism is especially important.
5.New Procedure to Detect Intra-Muscular and/or Intra-Fat Coronary Artery Using an Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Keita Kikuchi ; Haruo Makuuchi ; Hiroshi Murakami ; Takamaro Suzuki ; Takashi Ando ; Makoto Ohno ; Hirokuni Ono ; Kiyoshi Chiba ; Shinichi Endo
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(2):159-161
Detection of the coronary artery is usually an easy procedure in the coronary artery surgery. However in cases with an intra-muscular and/or intra-fat coronary artery, it requires special skill and experience. Dissection of epicardial adipose tissue and/or muscle along the epicardial groove is a common procedure to reach such coronary artery in conventional CABG (C-CABG). Recently, off-pump CABG (OPCAB) has become a standard operation, and detection of such a coronary artery is difficult under the beating heart. Then conversion to the C-CABG becomes necessary to avoid ventricular rupture. We report a new procedure to easily detect such a coronary artery in OPCAB, using an ultrasonic Fowmeter used in neurosurgery. Because the tip of the probe is small (2mm in diameter) and flexible, its handling is quite similar to that of the micro-blade knife. Furthermore, audiable Doppler flow sound allows detection and dissection of the coronary artery without looking away from the operative field to check the coronary flow. In our case, use of the instrument enabled us to detect the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery which was very deep in adipose tissue. Therefore, application of this ultrasound instrument is beneficial in OPCAB with an intra-muscular and/or intra-fat coronary artery.
6.Incorporating Flipped Classroom and Peer-Assisted Learning for Improving Students' Physical Examination Skills
Kiyoshi SHIKINO ; Shoichi ITO ; Masatomi IKUSAKA
Medical Education 2020;51(2):133-137
Physical examination is an important skill that is indispensable for physicians’ practice, but clinical practice tends to be a case dependent experience. In addition, there is not enough opportunity to systematically train the physical examination skills. Hypothesis is driven according to the clinical context. Our objective is to improve hypothesis-driven physical examination skills. Fifth and sixth grade medical students launched an interest group “General Medicine Interest Group” at Chiba University. Flipped classroom and peer teaching were adopted to the General Medicine Interest Group. The educational approach of incorporating flipped classroom and peer-assisted learning was considered useful for improving students’ motivation and physical examination skills. We will report on the activities and their effectiveness.
7.Variations in Editions of Fukushokiran and Contributory Factors
Tatsuhiko SUZUKI ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Kiyoshi MINAMIZAWA ; Takao NAMIKI
Kampo Medicine 2024;75(1):1-17
Fukushin, or abdominal diagnosis, is one of the characteristics of the Kampo medical examination. During the Edo period, “Fukushokiran (腹証奇覧)” became popular due to its explanations of illustrations of abdominal diagnosis and findings, focusing on the prescriptions in “Shanghanlun (傷寒論)” and “Jinguiyaolue (金匱要略).” In this study, we examined various existing editions of “Fukushokiran” and highlighted the differences in abdominal diagnosis illustrations and findings among them. According to the year indicated at the beginning and end of the volume, “Fukushokiran” is divided into pre-Kyowa and Bunka editions. Although the currently facsimile edition is based on the Bunka edition, significant differences were observed in abdominal diagnosis illustrations and other findings, which were revised from the pre-Kyowa edition. “Fukushokiran” has two parts including the first and second parts; however, differences between the pre-Kyowa and Bunka editions are particularly noticeable in the second part. Inaba Bunrei, the author of “Fukushokiran,” died in Bunka 2 (1805) ; therefore, it is unlikely that he was involved in the revision of the Bunka edition. Instead, it is assumed that the views of Wakuta Shukuko, a disciple of Bunrei, are reflected in the Bunka edition.
8.Problem Extraction of Browser-Based Questionnaire System and its Solution for a Patient-Centered System
Ryutaro ARITA ; Tetsuhiro YOSHINO ; Yuko HORIBA ; Hiroaki HIKIAMI ; Yutaka SHIMADA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Eiichi TAHARA ; Kiyoshi MINAMIZAWA ; Shinichi MURAMATSU ; Kenji WATANABE
Kampo Medicine 2018;69(1):82-90
We have developed and operated a browser-based questionnaire system for Kampo medicine based on conventional questionnaires and review of systems to reveal implicit Kampo wisdom both in patients' questionnaire data and in some Kampo specialists' examination data. However, the questionnaire data were found to be inaccurate because too many questions were included and cumbersome input steps were required. The purpose of the present study was to solve these problems and to develop a new patient-centered questionnaire system with fewer questions and an easier input method. After analyzing inquiry database from collaborating institutes and hospitals, we deleted, combined, and added questions. We changed the evaluation method of symptoms from a visual analogue scale to a simple staged evaluation, and introduced another method to evaluate the main symptoms in each time of visit using a visual analogue scale. At the same time, a tool for predicting Kampo pattern diagnoses based on the questionnaire data was implemented. We have already started collecting more accurate and reliable data using the new questionnaire system. It is expected to support routine practices and facilitate more precise clinical research on Kampo medicine.
9.2. A Newly Established Quality/Competency "Taking a Multi-Systemic View towards a Patient as a Living Person"
Junji HARUTA ; Takayuki ANDO ; Amane ENDO ; Makoto KANEKO ; Kiyoshi SHIKINO ; Yuiko NAGAMINE ; Hiroshi NISHIGORI ; Hirohisa FUJIKAWA ; Hirotomo YAMANASHI
Medical Education 2023;54(2):142-148
Based on the social context of an aging society and surveys conducted since 2020, the need for comprehensive perspectives and approaches that consider patients'psychosocial background and a cross-organ perspective has been identified. As a result, a new quality and ability, namely comprehensive attitudes toward patients, has been established as part of the core curriculum for medical education in FY2022. Specific learning objectives include "holistic perspectives and approaches," "community perspectives and approaches," "life perspectives and approaches," and "social perspectives and approaches". An educational design that draws on multiple learning theories to enable reflection on one's own way of being has been proposed to integrate abstract and concrete, conceptual and experiential, and self and others perspectives. It is expected that this medical education will lead to improvement in the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.
10.Prediction Model for Deficiency-Excess Patterns, Including Medium Pattern
Ayako MAEDA-MINAMI ; Tetsuhiro YOSHINO ; Kotoe KATAYAMA ; Yuko HORIBA ; Hiroaki HIKIAMI ; Yutaka SHIMADA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Eiichi TAHARA ; Kiyoshi MINAMIZAWA ; Shinichi MURAMATSU ; Rui YAMAGUCHI ; Seiya IMOTO ; Satoru MIYANO ; Hideki MIMA ; Masaru MIMURA ; Tomonori NAKAMURA ; Kenji WATANABE
Kampo Medicine 2020;71(4):315-325
We have previously reported on a predictive model for deficiency-excess pattern diagnosis that was unable to predict the medium pattern. In this study, we aimed to develop predictive models for deficiency, medium,and excess pattern diagnosis, and to confirm whether cutoff values for diagnosis differed between the clinics. We collected data from patients' first visit to one of six Kampo clinics in Japan from January 2012 to February 2015. Exclusion criteria included unwillingness to participate in the study, missing data, duplicate data, under 20 years old, 20 or less subjective symptoms, and irrelevant patterns. In total, 1,068 participants were included. Participants were surveyed using a 153-item questionnaire. We constructed a predictive model for deficiency, medium, and excess pattern diagnosis using a random forest algorithm from training data, and extracted the most important items. We calculated predictive values for each participant by applying their data to the predictive model, and created receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves with excess-medium and medium-deficiency patterns. Furthermore, we calculated the cutoff value for these patterns in each clinic using ROC curves, and compared them. Body mass index and blood pressure were the most important items. In all clinics, the cutoff values for diagnosis of excess-medium and medium-deficiency patterns was > 0.5 and < 0.5, respectively. We created a predictive model for deficiency, medium, and excess pattern diagnosis from the data of six Kampo clinics in Japan. The cutoff values for these patterns fell within a narrow range in the six clinics.