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Author:(Kiyomi MINAKUCHI)

1.Quantitative Evaluation of the Corticospinal Tract on CT Predicts Functional Recovery after Lacunar Infarction of the Corona Radiata

Shinya FUKUDA ; Hitoshi FUKUDA ; Yusuke UEBA ; Kenji TANAKA ; Kiyomi MINAKUCHI ; Tetsuya UEBA

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022;():22009-

2.Quantitative Evaluation of the Corticospinal Tract on CT Predicts Functional Recovery after Lacunar Infarction of the Corona Radiata

Shinya FUKUDA ; Hitoshi FUKUDA ; Yusuke UEBA ; Kenji TANAKA ; Kiyomi MINAKUCHI ; Tetsuya UEBA

The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2022;59(11):1151-1163

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