1.Detection of Babesia spp. in Free-Ranging Pukus, Kobus vardonii, on a Game Ranch in Zambia.
Hetron Mweemba MUNANG'ANDU ; Musso MUNYEME ; Andrew Mubila NAMBOTA ; King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Victor M SIAMUDAALA
The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2011;49(4):437-440
Babesia spp. were detected from 4 asymptomatic pukus captured on a game ranch in central Zambia in October 2008. Blood smears were examined in 4 species of aymptomatic free-ranging antelopes, namely the puku (Kobus vordanii), reedbuck (Redunca arundinum), bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus), and kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), and showed the presence of Babesia parasites only in the puku. In the puku, the prevalence of babesiosis was estimated at 33.3% (n=12), while the overall prevalence in all examined animals was 8.5% (n=47). The parasites showed morphological characteristics of paired ring-like stages with the length varying between 1.61 microm and 3.02 microm (mean=2.12 microm, n=27; SD=0.76 microm). Both the infected and non-infected pukus showed good body condition scores (BCS), while the dominant tick species detected from all animals were Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Rhipicephalus spp., and Boophilus spp. To our knowledge this is the first report of Babesia spp. infection in pukus in Zambia. These findings suggest that wildlife could play an important role in the epidemiology of babesiosis in Zambia.
Animals, Wild/parasitology
Arachnid Vectors/classification
Asymptomatic Diseases
Babesia/*isolation & purification/ultrastructure
Tick Infestations/epidemiology/parasitology/veterinary
2. Prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal helminths in wild and domestic guineafowls (Numida meleagris) in the Southern Province of Zambia
King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Eugene Chisela BWALYA ; Ntombi Basimbi MUDENDA ; Musso MUNYEME ; Hetron Mweemba MUNANGANDU ; David SQUARRE
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2015;5(8):663-670
Objective: To determine the gastrointestinal tract helminthic fauna in domestic and wild guineafowl in Zambia. Methods: Post-mortem and laboratory parasitological examinations for helminth identification and enumeration were conducted on 198 guineafowls (148 domestic and 50 wild) from November 2010 to October 2011. Results: All guineafowls were infested with one or more helminths. Eleven helminth species, namely, Raillietina echinobothrida, Raillietina tetragona, Raillietina cesticillus, Ascaridia galli, Allodapa suctoria, Gongylonema ingluvicola, Tetrameres spp., Heterakis spp., Acuaria spiralis, Syngamus trachea, and Streptocara pectinifera were identified with no trematodes recorded. Mean nematode burden between domestic and wild fowl showed no differences having 113.7 [confidence interval (CI) 98.9-128.6] and 108 (CI 76.6-139.5) nematodes respectively. In contrast, female guineafowls had a mean of 151.9 (CI 128.4-177.8) nematodes per host which was significantly more than the males that had a mean of 79.6 (CI 66.8-94.4). However, there were differences in helminth species richness between domestic and wild guineafowls with domestic guineafowls having more species present at a mean of 4.2 (CI 3.91-4.44) than the wild ones at a mean of 3.4 (CI 2.92-3.88) but there were no sex differences. Eight of the eleven helminth species cooccurred in domestic and wild fowl and five of the helminth species had higher prevalence in domestic guineafowls. Conclusions: Syngamus trachea, Streptocara pectinifera and Acuaria spiralis are reported for the first time in domestic poultry in Zambia. This study represents the first comparative study of helminths in domestic and wild guineafowls at an interface area and adds to the knowledge base in a discipline where a dearth currently exists.
3. Seasonal variations in health indices of free-ranging asymptomatic guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) in Zambia
King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Eugene Chisela BWALYA ; Maxwell MASUKU ; Musso MUNYEME ; Ntombi Basimbi MUDENDA ; Hetron Mweemba MUNANG'ANDU
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2014;7(S1):S143-S149
Objective: To determine the impact of seasonal variations on health indices of free-ranging asymptomatic guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) in Zambia. Methods: A time series analysis was carried out on a prospective cohort study over a 12 month period between March 2010 and February 2011 by examining a total 147 guinea fowls for haematological and morphometric data of selected organs. Results: There was a strong correlation in erythrocytic indices between packed cell volume and red blood cell counts (=0.824, P<0.001) as well as between packed cell volume and hemoglobulin (Hb) counts (r=0.648, P<0.001). Seasonal differences showed that erythrocytic indices were higher in the males than the females and that the difference was significantly higher (P<0.001) during the rainy season, which coincided with the breeding period when females were laying eggs. Increase in total plasma protein was positively correlated with overall body weight. Generally, females had higher body weights and total plasma protein levels than the males in the rain season. Of the 147 birds examined, 51% (n=147) had the bursa of Fabricius. For birds that had the bursa of Fabricius, the weights of bursae were higher (P<0.05) in the cold-dry season than the other seasons and no sex differences were observed. Spleen morphometric data did not show any seasonal nor sex differences. Conclusions: Overall, data presented herein demonstrate that seasonal variations have a significant influence on health indices of free-ranging guinea fowls and that these factors could influence the susceptibility of this species of birds to disease infections at different times of the year.