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Author:(King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA)

1.Detection of Babesia spp. in Free-Ranging Pukus, Kobus vardonii, on a Game Ranch in Zambia.

Hetron Mweemba MUNANG'ANDU ; Musso MUNYEME ; Andrew Mubila NAMBOTA ; King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Victor M SIAMUDAALA

The Korean Journal of Parasitology 2011;49(4):437-440

2. Prevalence and burden of gastrointestinal helminths in wild and domestic guineafowls (Numida meleagris) in the Southern Province of Zambia

King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Eugene Chisela BWALYA ; Ntombi Basimbi MUDENDA ; Musso MUNYEME ; Hetron Mweemba MUNANGANDU ; David SQUARRE

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2015;5(8):663-670

3. Seasonal variations in health indices of free-ranging asymptomatic guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) in Zambia

King Shimumbo NALUBAMBA ; Eugene Chisela BWALYA ; Maxwell MASUKU ; Musso MUNYEME ; Ntombi Basimbi MUDENDA ; Hetron Mweemba MUNANG'ANDU

Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2014;7(S1):S143-S149

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