1.Food and Aeroallergens Sensitisation Pattern amongst Atopic Dermatitis Children in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Ai Leen WEE ; Kin Fon LEONG ; Sabeera BEGUM
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2018;40(June):22-26
Introduction:Various foods and aeroallergens are commonly attributed as the cause and exacerbating factors ofatopic dermatitis (AD) in children. This study aim to describe the common food and aeroallergensImmunoglobulin E (IgE) sensitisation pattern and the association between atopic dermatitis (AD)children of varying eczema severities and age groups.Methods:Patients who fulfil the criteria of AD were recruited and their eczema severities were assessed usingEczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score. Skin prick test (SPT) was performed and serum totalIgE and specific IgE taken for 6 common foods (cow’s milk, soya, egg white, peanut, wheat andchicken) and 4 aeroallergens [cat dander (Felix domesticus) and house dust mites (Dermatophagoidespteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae and Blomia tropicalis)]. IgE sensitisation was diagnosedpositive when the SPT yield a wheal of ≥3mm compared with the negative control and/or serumspecific IgE level of >0.35ku/L. Data was analysed using SPSS®v20.Results:Overall IgE sensitisation to at least one food and/or aeroallergen was 95%. The most prevalentfood allergen in Group A [≤1 year old] (n=10) was egg white in which both tests showed statisticalsignificant results when compared with Group B [>1 year old] (n=50). Other common food allergensincluded cow’s milk and peanut. D. pteronyssinus was the commonest aeroallergen. Aeroallergenswere significantly more prevalent in Group B when comparing both groups.Conclusion:Food and aeroallergen sensitisations were very common among AD children. Food allergens weremore common in infants and aeroallergens in older children. Bigger sample size may provide morerepresentative results.
2.Vascular Anomalies: A 3-Year Review in the Paediatric Institute Hospital Kuala Lumpur Between 2013 And 2015
Fei Yin NG ; Min Moon TANG ; Sabeera BEGUM ; Kin Fon LEONG
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2017;39(Dec):22-30
Introduction:Vascular anomalies, regardless of tumour or malformation, may result in significant morbidity. Thediagnosis of vascular anomalies in the paediatric group is always challenging. We aim to describe thepattern of vascular anomalies referred to the Paediatric Institute Kuala Lumpur Hospital (PIKLH).Methods:This is a 3-year retrospective review on vascular anomalies among children referred to PIKLH between2013 and 2015.Results:There were 289 children; male to female ratio of 1:2.1; aged from birth to 14 years with median age of5 months recruited. The referring diagnoses included haemangioma (71.3%), capillary malformation(13.8%), lymphatic malformation (1.7%), kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (1.0%) and others. Ahundred and sixty-one (55.7%) had lesions located at the head and neck region, followed by trunk(14.2%), lower limbs (9.3%), upper limbs (7.6%), perineum (3.8%) and multiple sites (6.9%). In 197patients (68.2%), there were no further investigations performed, 13.5% had ultrasonography, 7.3%had MRI, 4.8% had both ultrasonography and MRI; 4.1% had skin biopsy, 0.3% had angiogram.The final diagnoses were haemangioma (72.3%) of which 10 were ulcerated; capillary malformations(17.6%), combined vascular malformations (2.4%), kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (2.8%),lymphatic malformations (2.1%); venous malformations (1.4%); tufted angioma (1.0%) andarteriovenous malformations (0.3%). One hundred and nine patients (37.7%) received beta-blockers;71(24.6%) underwent laser, 16(5.5%) received sirolimus, 9(3.1%) received systemic corticosteroidswith vincristine, 4(1.4%) had systemic corticosteroids, 3(1.0%) had excision and 2(0.7%) hadsclerotherapy. The remaining patients were put under observation.Conclusion:Three-quarters of the vascular anomalies referred were hemangioma followed by vascularmalformations. Vascular anomalies have a large variation in clinical presentation. Expertise inthe diagnosis and management modalities are essential to achieve optimum outcomes. Thereforevascular anomalies are best managed in a multidisciplinary setting.
3.Patch Testing in Children and Adolescents: 7 Years’ Experience in Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Sharifah ROSNIZA ; Min Moon TANG ; Kin Fon LEONG ; Sabeera BEGUM ; Asmah JOHAR
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2018;40(June):27-35
Introduction:Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) was thought to be infrequent in children. However, there isincreasing number of case reports and cross-sectional studies that indicate ACD is not as rare aspreviously thought. This study aims to explore the pattern of allergic contact dermatitis in childrenand adolescent patients.Methods:This is a retrospective study of children and adolescent patients between 5 and 19-years-old whounderwent patch test in the Department of Dermatology, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia fromJanuary 2010 to December 2016. Patch tests were performed with European Baseline Series andother additional commercial series. Readings were recorded according to the International ContactDermatitis Research Group recommendation.Results:There were 116 children and adolescent patients who underwent patch test. The median age of patientswas 14 years (range: 5-19) with a male to female ratio of 1: 2.7. Seventy patients had dermatitisinvolving the upper limbs (60.3%), followed by 61(52.6%) patients with dermatitis involving thelower limbs, 36(31.0%) patients with face and ears involvement and 31(26.7%) patients with truncalinvolvement. Of the 116 patients, 74(63.8%) had at least one positive patch test reaction. The 5most common allergens were nickel sulfate (39.2%), fragrance mix (17.6%), potassium dichromate(14.9%), cobalt chloride (12.2%), methylcholoroisothiozolinone and methylisothiozolinone (KathonCG) (8.1%) and thimerosal (8.1%).Conclusion:Around 64% of our children and adolescents had a positive patch test reaction. Patch testing shouldbe recommended for children and adolescents suspected to have allergic contact dermatitis.
4.Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising in A Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus
Sabeera BEGUM ; Sheau Szu HEAH ; Kin Fon LEONG ; Bang Rom LEE
Malaysian Journal of Dermatology 2018;40(June):49-52
A variety of malignancies have been documented to arise within congenital melanocytic nevi (CMNs).Although the most frequent malignancy arising within a CMN is melanoma, the association betweenrhabdomyosarcoma and CMN has rarely been documented. We report a 4-month-old girl presentedwith ulcerated nodule overlying a giant CMN at the posterior back that exhibited rapid growth.Biopsy of the nodule revealed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in association with CMN. She receivedchemotherapy with vincristine and actinomycin D. This the first case of rhabdomyosarcoma associatedwith giant CMN reported in our local setting. Clinicians must consider rhabdomyosarcoma as one ofthe differential diagnosis in patients presenting with ulcerated nodules on giant CMN.