In this review, we present: (1) trends of environmental lead exposure of global dimension including Japan, (2) environmental lead exposure issue in the field of international health, (3) effects of environmental lead exposure in mothers and children, (4) introduction of our research in Kunming, China, and (5) further consideration. Lead poisoning is one of the oldest diseases to humankind because human has been used lead for long time to fabricate various products. Industrial uses of lead have decreased sharply in many industrially developed nations including Japan in the past several decades. However, environmental lead exposure still remains an important problem because of rapid industrialization in less developed nations and the persistence of lead in the environment. Since elevated blood lead levels of immigrating children and people who are exposed to lead from imported consumer products have been reported, health-care providers should be aware of the information for appropriate follow-up care. In addition, lead is a well-known human reproductive toxin, and moreover, several studies have demonstrated that lead can be mobilized from the maternal skeleton during pregnancy and lactation. It is very important to prevent lead exposure for not only mothers and children but also women in pre-pregnancy period. Health burden of environmental lead exposure are only a part of issues of environmental lead pollution. To solve this problem, health-care providers should state expert opinion and collaborate with other field of specialists.