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Author:(Kim Thi Le)

1.Situation of tuberculosis in Viet Nam from an IS 6110 fingerprint analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients

Tuyen Thi Kim Le

Journal of Preventive Medicine 1998;8(4):5-13

2.Some opinions of coagulation in artherosclerosis.

Dung Thi Kim Le

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2001;267(12):40-43

3.Study on the colony of lymphocyte B, T in the treatment of the bronchial asthma combining with the traditional Qi training.

Dung Thi Kim Le

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):51-54

4.Clinical changes in the treatment of asthma combining with traditional Qi training and vital maintenance

Kim Thi Le

Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):2-5

5.Research on some effects and acute toxicity of Kim Ngan Hoa

Loan Thi Kim Le

Journal of Medical Research 2002;18(2):40-46

6.Evaluation of initial antibiotic regimens for nosocomial pneumonia in the elders

Le Thi Kim Nhung

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2005;314(9):22-27

7.Antibiotic resistance of bacteria caused nosocomial pneumonia in adults at Thong Nhat hospital from Jan 2004 to Jun 2005

Le Thi Kim Nhung

Journal of Vietnamese Medicine 2005;313(8):15-23

8.Nucleotide analysis of restricted fragment DNA extremities for characterizing the restriction enzyme cutting activity

Le Thi Kim Tuyen

Journal of Medical Research 2003;23(3):105-108

9.Some anthropometric indicator in puplils at Sapa and Yen Binh regions

Le Thi Kim Dung

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003;13(2):49-52

10.Vital respiratory indexes of secondary school students at Sapa and Yen Binh

Le Thi Kim Dung

Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003;13(2):53-56

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