1.A Study on the fabrication request for the removable partial denture framework.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Lim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOUN ; Kill sam KIM ; Jeong Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyoung GO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2011;44(1):71-84
The purpose of this study was to investgate and evaluate whether the recording information contained in the work authorization was performed properly and master casts were designed accurately according to the rationale and principles of the removable partial denture when the work authorization and the master casts were sent to the dental framework. the accurate recording of the work authorization sent to dental laboratory in Hwasun for removable partial denture framework, the normal form of the occlusal rest guiding plan of the surveyed crown using the surveyor, the location analysis of the occlusal rest seat, the design patten of the maxillary and mandibulary major connectors, the use of the surveyor on the master cast, the status of the secondary impression taken in the distal extension edentulous areas were investigated for this study. The following results were obtained : 1. In the status of the occlusal rest seat prepared in the abutment, the occlusal rest seat with normal form was 81.25%, 95.45%, that without form was 6.25%, 0.00%, respectively in Class I and Class II on the maxillary cast and the occlusal rest seat with normal form was 76.92%, 95.45%, that without form was 7.69%, 0.00% respectively in Class I and Class II on the mandibular cast. 2. In the status of the guiding plan, the guiding plan with the normal form was 79.17%, 86.36% that with abnormal form was 20.84%, 13.64% respectively in Class I and Class II on the maxillary cast and the guiding plan with normal form was 79.49%, 77.27%, that with abnormal form was 20.51%, 22.73% respectively in Class I and Class II on the mandibular cast. 3. The abutment splinting in the distal extension removable partial denture was 20.78%, 27.27%, respectively in Class I and Class II on the maxillary cast and was 25.64%, 13.64% respectively in Class I and Class II on the mandibular cast. 4. The location and form of the major connector delineated on the maxillary and mandibular master cast was 95.83%, 98.41% respectively. 5. The delineation and recording on the work authorization was incomplete as group II(73.33%), group I(14.07%), group III(12.59%) and group IV (0.00%) in investigating the contents of the work authorization. 6. Aker's clasp of the types of the direct retainer was nots used 72.22%, 74.60%, in the maxillary and mandibular casts respectively. 7. The location of the indirect retainer delineated on the maxillary and mandibular master cast was 51.43%, 50.82% respectively. 8. The types of metal used were mostly Cr-Co non-precious metal alloy and the cases using color coding on the drawing paper of work authorization were not observed. 9. The cases taking secondary impression in the distal extension removable partial denture were 45.71%, 52.46% respectively in the maxillary and mandibular master cast. 10. The delineation of tripoding or reference line on the master cast was not observed in surveying procedure.
Clinical Coding
Denture, Partial, Removable
Laboratories, Dental
2.Oral Infection Diagnosis and Treatment in Hansen's Patient.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Rim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOON ; Kill Sam KIM ; Jeoung Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyung KO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2009;42(1):81-98
Dental infection which has been harmful to human for a long time occurs when the balance of three factors; host, environment and source of infection are broken and occurs especially when the balance of the resistance of the host and the toxin of bacteria are collapsed. Though dental-origin infection causes severe pain, it is commonly localized in gingiva, pulp and the surface of alveolar bone and as the decrease of its prevalence due to the development of antibiotics and the ease of treatment by a simple aids, there are no case that proper caution are made for the infection. Expecially in case of patient with infectious Hansen's disease(leprosy), as they have many other medical diseases, dental disease are mostly passed by. As oromaxillary infection can end up to death, though it is hard to treat a severly progressed myofascial space infection, general understanding about the reason, the pattern of spreading, treatment, prevention of it should be needed to make actual management in the situation of an doubtless developing of infection in patient treatment and situation of suspicious development of early myofascial space infection. Since last 5 years, 36% of the patients were hospitalized due to their dental infection and consistent advertising and treatment resulted in a gradual decrease of it.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
Stomatognathic Diseases
3.Subjective oral health perception of Hansen's disease in Sorokdo.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Lim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOUN ; Kill sam KIM ; Jeong Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyoung GO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2010;43(1):15-25
The purpose of this study was to examine subjective oral health perception of Hansen's disease in Sorokdo. And the relationship of four categories (chewing ability, intraoral pain, intraoral othersysptom, and communication ability and social relationship) with clinical index was tried to clarify. The 460 subjects of Hansen's disease in Sorokdo was selected for oral examination and survey. The results are as follows: 1. 73.1% of Hansen's disease in Sorokdo recognized that their oral health is unwell. 2. 70% of total population recognized that they have limitation about chewing function, Especially, 35.9% of Hansen's disease feels chewing difficulty for standard foodstuffs as rice cake. 3. In intraoral pain, painful tooth was 76.3%, sensitive tooth was 43.2%. and temporomandiblular joint pain was 15.2%. 4. In intraoral other symptoms, tooth mobility was 71.3%, food impaction was 78.9% gingiavl bleeding was 96.8%, xerostomia was 62.8%, and halitosis was 84.2%. 5. 21.5% of Hansen's disease in Sorokdo has communication difficulty by teeth or denture problem, and 39.2% of them avoid relationship with other people.
Diagnosis, Oral
Oral Health
Tooth Mobility
4.Association between perception of dry mouth and pre and post-wearing denture satisfaction in the Hansen people.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Lim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOUN ; Kill Sam KIM ; Jeong Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyoung GO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2014;47(1):35-46
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated on the severity of dry mouth in the hansen people and the association between dry mouth(low, moderate and high) with pre and post wearing denture satisfaction. METHODS: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 104 hansen people(mean age=69.3). Data were collected by means of a personal interview from April 30 through to Jane 20, 2014. Pre and post wearing denture satisfaction was measured by the 24-items and dry mouth was measured by the 4-items. The data was analysed with t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Logistic regression using the SPSS program. RESULTS: Regarding perception of dry mouth, the subjects achieved a mean of 6.13 out of a maximum 12 points. Scores were categorised as high(8~12), medium(5~7) or low(1~4) and the proportion were 24.5%(9.56), 42.2%(5.81) and 33.3%(4.00) respectively. Those who were older and had fewer natural teeth felt that their perception of dry mouth was more severe. A logistic regression analysis showed that the subjects perception of dry mouth had a significant impact on their gender (OR=2.73), comfort (OR=0.21), aesthetic appreciation (OR=7.56) satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings, the perception of dry mouth has a significant and negative impact on denture satisfaction. These results suggest that oral health promotion should be considered various factors related dry mouth in the elderly with removable denture.
Cross-Sectional Studies
Logistic Models
Oral Health
5.The effectiveness of maintenance care by non-surgical treatment on the periodontal disease in the people affected by leposy.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Lim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOUN ; Kill sam KIM ; Jeong Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyoung GO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2013;46(1):49-62
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to prove the effectiveness of professional maintenance care to the periodontal disease by non-surgical approach with the toothpick method to improve the periodontal health. METHODS: The patients of this study were composed of 46 patients( 18 men and 28 women), suffering from chronic adult periodontitis, who had visited the department of dental clinic center. All of the subjects were over 50years old and be treated just by non-surgical method. Professional maintenance care using the toothpick method was performed every 3 months, and evaluations were also done after 1, 2, and 3 year-professional maintenance care based on the indices such as plaque index(O' Leary index), periodontal probing pocket depth, bleeding on probing, tooth mobility, the number of tooth loss, and the rate of tooth loss representing the state of periodontal health. RESULTS: 1. The longer the maintenance care, the more the effectiveness of controlling plaque. The rate of decrease in the dental plaque index was 1.5%, 4.2%, and 6.5% in 1, 2, and 3 year maintenance groups respectively(P>0.05). 2. The periodontal pocket depth decreased depends on the severity of periodontal pocket depth in all groups the maintenance years(P<0.05). 3. On the evaluation of the bleeding tendency on probing, there was a significant difference in 1 year- maintenance group(P<0.05), but the other groups did not show any difference statistically(P>0.05). 4. Tooth mobility has decreased in the maintenance years, but did not show any difference statistically(P>0.05). 5. The number and the rate of tooth loss among the patients of 1year-maintenance group was 0.38, 1.44% respectively and that of 3 year-maintenance group was 0.44, 1.73% each. CONCLUSION: The results of this study mentioned above suggest that professional maintenance care should be operated effectively to prevent and to maintain the periodontal disease systematically on the purpose of proving the quality of life, and that it could be applied to the medical insurance system in other to try to make the most of the adult oral health care positively.
Chronic Periodontitis
Dental Clinics
Dental Plaque Index
Oral Health
Periodontal Diseases*
Periodontal Pocket
Quality of Life
Tooth Loss
Tooth Mobility
6.A study on the design of the removable partial denture in the identical master cast of the leprosy patient.
Dong Chan OH ; Young Tag LEE ; Sung Lim LEE ; Jin Ah JUNG ; Hyun Chul SONG ; Young A YOUN ; Kill Sam KIM ; Jeong Hee CHOI ; Eun Kyoung GO
Korean Leprosy Bulletin 2012;45(1):53-66
The upper and the lower master models of Class II mod.1 by the Kennedy of classification were duplicated to the dentists in the dental clinic Suncheon, and the status of the surveying procedure, the form and type of the major connector, the form and type of the direct retainer, the location and status of the indirect retainer, and the modification of abutment were surveyed and analyzed and were compared to the principles of the design rationale of the removable partial denture to evaluate whether or not each component of the removable partial denture framework designed by the dentists. The analyzed results were as follows: 1. The status with or without the surveying procedure was showed 7 cases(10.29%) and 61 cases(89.71%) respectively. 2. Single palatal strap, A-P bar, broad palatal plate, complete coverage palatal major connector, single palatal bar, U-shaped palatal connector, and the others without drawing of the major connector were 27 cases (38.57%), 25 cases(35.71%), 5 cases(7.01%), 4 cases(5.71%), 2 cases (2.86%), 1 cases(1.43%), 6 cases(8.57%) respectively in the design patterns of the maxillary major connectors, and lingual bar, linguoplate, and others without drawing of the major connector were 55 cases(80.88%), 11 cases(16.18%), 2 cases(2.84%), respectively in the pattern of the mandibular major connectors. 3. The direct retainer designed to the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right adjacent to the free-end edentulous area was that the design of bar clasp was 67.41% in the highest rate and that of Akers clasp was 23.36%. 4. The direct retainer designed to the 1st bicuspid of the upper right and the lower left was that the of Akers clasp was 56.62% in the highest rate and that of bar clasp was 33.82%. 5. The mesial rests of the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right adjacent to the free-end edentulous area were 77.46%, 66.20% respectively and the distal rests and mesial rests of the 1st bicuspid of the upper left and the lower right were 58.82%, 55.71%, 38.24%, 38.57% respectively and the mesial rests of the 2nd molar of the upper right and the lower left were 95.71%, 95.65% respectively, viewed from the location of the occlusal rest seat. 6. The cases without the design of the indirect retainer were 51.47% in the upper and the lower master models respectively. 7. The modification of abutments(surveyed crown) of upper and lower teeth were 8.82%, 8.82% respectively.
Dental Clinics
Denture, Partial, Removable