1.Bacterial Isolation by Bronchial Washing.
Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1984;27(8):753-759
No abstract available.
2.Socio-Psychological Analysis and Rate of Syphilis Infection in Prostitutes, Surrounding the U. S. Air Force in Kunsan.
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hoo Hyung LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1977;15(4):395-403
Following the Korean War, the presence of foreign troops in Korea and lowered. sexual morality caused an increase in the rate of prostitution and related venereal diseases. Though the health authorities made efforts to handle these problems, they didnt obtain any noticeable results, because they neglected the scientific prevention and treatment based on expert knowledge, and the sociopsychological problem, which was the basic cause of the increment in the rate of prostitution. They only took administrative action against the prostitutes. Therefore, in July, 1976, we went to a town(named Silver Town) located on the outskirts of a U.S. Air Force base, and, examined and guestioned a number of prostitutes. Each of the 288 subjects residing in the town was given a questionaire that dealt with individual living attitudes, family and social background, and sociopsychological aspects of tbeir lifestyle. Questionaires were completed anonymously. Serological tests for syphilis, the UDRL and TPHA, were also administered. The results of our atudy are as follows. 1) Most of the prostitutes had grown up in large families, in which females were predominant. Because of economic difficulties they dropped out of school a.t an early age and became prostitutes. The average age of a prostitute at the time of her first sexual experience was 19. 9 years, the expriences usually taking place with her first boyfriend. Forty six psrcent of tbe subjects had intercourse for the first time between the ages of 15 and 19. Fortynine & two tenths percent of them because prostitutes within one year of their initial sexual act, and all of them at an average interval of 2.5 years following the first sexual experience, the average age being 22. 4 years. 2) The longer the women had worked as prostitutes, the more they felt dissatisfied with their work, and the more they desired to change to an occupation which was healthier and entailed more self-respect. 3) Out of 283 subjects, 39% had a history of venereal disease, predominantly of gonorrhea. Tbe results of the STS administered to all subjects were,; VDRL 7.7% positive and TPHA 6% positive. It was also concluded that the subjects had no educational or working knowledge of venereal diseases.
Anonyms and Pseudonyms
Korean War
Life Style
Serologic Tests
Sex Workers*
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
3.The effect of infrared coagulation in hemorrhoid.
Ki Won LEE ; Ho Kyung CHUN ; Il Myung KIM
Journal of the Korean Society of Coloproctology 1992;8(3):241-246
No abstract available.
4.Presence of E - cadherin in Placenta and Fetal Membrane.
Kil Chun KANG ; Sang Lyun NAM ; Ki Hwan LEE
Korean Journal of Perinatology 2001;12(2):155-162
No abstract available.
Extraembryonic Membranes*
5.A Case of Phaeomycotic Subcutaneous Abscess Caused by Wangiella Dermatitidis.
Seung Churl LEE ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Young Pio KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1986;24(5):692-696
We present here a case of phaeornycotic subcutaneous abscess caused by Wangiella dermatitidis in a 34-year-old male, who had multiple asymptomatic subcutaneous masses of 7 months duration over the neck and right axilla. ]n this case, we could observe typical gross colony morphology of W. dermatitidis. which showed creamy greyish, yeast-like colony with aerial mycelia after 3 to 4 weeks. ]n histopathologic study, we found mixed cell granuloma and fungal structure in biopsy specimen. We comfirmed W. dermatitidis by exoantigen test, and treated the subcutaneous lesions by surgical excision and ketoconazole with good result. This case is the first reported in Korea.
Fungal Structures
6.Report of a Case of Solid Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma Resembling Clinical Malignant Melanoma.
Young Pio KIM ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Hoo Hyung LEE
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1976;14(2):165-171
A fifty-seven-year-old, faers wife, was affected a skin lesion of dark pigme raised, crusted ulerated, easy to bleed on touching the crust and indurated ur with mood consistancy, and the tumor was located over the inner is of left eye, which was alike to malignant melanoma clinically. The tumor 1-shaped and measure 1.;. m x l. 7cm in diameter, which did not make any itchy sensation. d with small papule about 8 years ago which zdually increased. in siiarate3 with ocsional ble 3ing. Her skin lesion was treateQ with curretation and electrodessication or surgical removement by loca.l practitioner, however, it recured after the each treatments. In this hospital, the peeived the skin biopsy of the tumor and the diagnosis was established as cell car.cinoma histopathologically, and the tumor was removed by ical technique applying transposition skin flap from the infra-orbitale face, and the result was satisfactory without "mcurence until upto bservation (for three years and three months). On the conclusion, ad a case of Solid pigmented basal cell carcin- oma resernbling maligna. with histopathological study and treated with plastic surgical management very satisfying result.
Carcinoma, Basal Cell*
7.Clinical Observation of Leprosy Patients Discovered at OPD (1969 - 1978).
Inn Ki CHUN ; Jae Seung LEE ; Young Pio KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1979;17(6):433-440
Epdemiological studies were done on 721 patients detected and confirmed as leprosy patients at the Department of Dermatology at Chonnam University Hospitai in the ten years period from l969 to 1978. Statistically, 491 cases were male and 230 cases were female, comprising 2. 1% of the total number of outpatients (34, 631) and showing a decreasing yearly tendency, The percentage of each group, or type; tuberculoid, borderline, lepromatous and indeterminate, was 53.8%, 9.6%, 31.2%, and 5.4%, respectively. The most common age at discovery for males was 30 39 and for female 20~29 with the largest group being adults aged 20~49, 482 cases (66.9%). The sex ratio was 2.1: l, male to female. However, for the tuberculoid types the ratio was 2.5: 1 which was higher than that of the lepromatous type, I. 7: 1, By disease type the most common age group was 20 29 for tubercekid type, 30 39 for lepromatous and borderline group and 10~19 for the indeterminated group. Geographically, 652 cases(90. 4%) were from Chonnam Province and 61 cases (8.5%) from Chonbuk Province. We also observed some significant sequential changes of the type of disease descovered even though 10 years is a relatively short period. There was a tendency towards decreased detection of the tuberculoid type and increased detection of the borderline an.d indeterminate group.
Leprosy, Paucibacillary
Sex Ratio
8.Immunofluorescent Studies of Various Cutaneous Vasculitides.
Jai Jo LEE ; Inn Ki CHUN ; Young Pio KIM
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1989;27(4):352-361
Vascular tissue presumed to be the most sensitive target tissue of the immune and toxic reactions. Most of the vasculitides can be directly or indirectly associated with immunopathogenic rnechanisms. In this regards, the purpose of the study is to understand imrnunopathogenic mechanism of various cutaneous vasculitides by comparing their immunopathologic patterns. Imrnunopathologic studies were carried out on the blood vessel of various skin diseases by means of the direct immunofluorescent technique using FITC conjugated rabbit antihurnan IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 C1q, C4 and fibrinogen)(F). The results obtained were as follows : 16 patients with leukocytoclastic vasculitis out of 19 showed deposition of irnmune complex in the small upper dermal vessels and had positive reaction for F, 8 for IgA, 5 for C3 and 2 for IgM. Of the 6 patients with chronic pigmented purpura studied, 2 had IgM, 3 had Ca and all of these had F in small upper or middle dermal vessels. Immunopathologic patterns of livedo vasculitis were similar to those of chronic pigmented purpurs, except mainly affected in upper dermis. Nodular vasculitis and Behqets syndrome had deposits of F, C and IgM in medium or large vessels of the middle or lower dermis. Simultaneously, Cs in 2 patients with nodular vnsculitis and IgM in one patient with Behqets syndrorne were also noted along the basement mernbrane zone. In a patient with pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta, IgM and F were noted on the samll upper dermal vessels. With these results, the immune complex mechanism could be closly related the pathogenesis of most of cutaneous vasculitis. And various clinical manifestations or expression of vasculitis appear to be dependent upon 1) type of imrnune reaction, 2) size of blood vessels, 3) location and depth of blood vessels, 4) extend of affected areas and 5) involvement of other organs.
Antigen-Antibody Complex
Blood Vessels
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin G
Immunoglobulin M
Pityriasis Lichenoides
Skin Diseases
9.Protein and Lipid Oxidation of the Skin Induced by Ultraviolet A-Irradiation of White Mice.
Young Pio KIM ; Seung Churl LEE ; Inn Ki CHUN
Annals of Dermatology 1989;1(1):16-20
No abstract available.
Lipid Peroxides
10.A Case of Cutaneous Epithelioid Angiosarcoma.
Mee Ran LEE ; Young Ho WON ; Inn Ki CHUN
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1994;32(1):177-181
The epithelioid angiosarcoma is recently described ns a variant of ang-osarcoma based on its pathological feature, which is characterized by the epithelioid or histiocytoid morphology af the malignant tumor cells. The existence of vascular endothelial tumor with an epithelioid feature has been accepted for many years, most notablyn the forms of epithelioid hemangioma and epithelioid hemangioendo thelioma. In recent years, cutaneous angiosarcoma with epitheloid morphology have been reported as a cutaneos epithelioid angiosarcoma in the literatures. A 60-year-old man presente with a mild tender erythematous 2 x 2 x 2.5cm sized soft fluctuating single nodule with dark hemorrhagic crust on the left forehead for 3 months. He had had an abrasion wound on the lesion site of the forehead by an accidental trauma 5 month before the lesion appeared. Histopathological findings revealed that the tumor mass was chiefly composed of solid sheets of poorly differentiated malignant cells with an epithelioid feature. The characteristics of classical angiosarcoma such as primitive vascular spaces and clefts with malignat cells, and proliferating vessels were also found in some areas. The immunohistochemical stain wi.h the factor VIII related antigen ivas focally reactive in the tumor cells. Unfortunately he refused further treatment and expired 7 months after discharge at home without knowing the direct cause of his health. We report herein an interesting and rare case of the cutaneous epitheioid angiosarcoma which had typical clinical and histopathological findings and suggested as a case with a very aggressive course.
Middle Aged
von Willebrand Factor
Wounds and Injuries