1.Electron Microscopic Observation of Experimentally Induced Comedones in Rabbit.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1987;25(4):492-499
Accurnulation of keratinized cells within the infundibulum of pilosebaceous canal is important in the pathogenesis of acne. Light and electron microscopic study of experimentally induced comedones, from the rabbit's external ear canal, was performed to define the earIy morphologic changes within and around the epithelial lining of the comedones. In light microscopic observation, early comedone was composed of loose cohesive horny cells and late comedone was composed of a mixture of loose and tight cohcsive horny cells. Cohesion between horny cells occured, in eIectron microscopic study, in two different ways: initially, by the persistence of desmosomes; later, and to a lesser extent, by tight junctions, which tightly bound the horny cells together. Multiple lipid droplets within the horny ceIls and a gradual decrease in the numbrane coating granules were observed.
Acne Vulgaris
Ear Canal
Tight Junctions
2.A case of contact dermatitis due to oak moss.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1992;30(3):377-380
Oak moss is a lichen extract obtained from Evernia prunastri and Pseudovernia furfuracea. It is the potent,ial allergen in contact dermatitis to perfumes. Sensitivity to oak moss has been atributed mainly to atranorin, evernic acid, usnic acid and fumarprotocetraric acid. We report a 44-year-old female patient presenting with features of contact dermatitis due to oak moss in perfumes. Patch test results revealed positive reactions to fragrance mix, oak moss, atranorin and evernic acid.
Dermatitis, Contact*
Patch Tests
3.A study of expression of EGFR and ER as prognostic factors of breast cancer.
Journal of the Korean Cancer Association 1993;25(3):368-375
No abstract available.
Breast Neoplasms*
4.Comparison of the Sebum Excretion Rate and Follicular Density in Young Women With and Without Acne.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1998;36(5):787-795
BACKGROUND: Acne, one af the commonest dermatological disorders, is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit, and the primarily involved site is the face, where this structure exists in maximal density. Among the many etiologieal factors of acne, changes in the kinetics of sebum secretion in acne patients have been described, but there is no report to compare follicular density and the sebum excretion rate in different facial regions between normal and acne patients. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare the sebum output and follicular density in different regions of the face in women with and without acne and to evaluate the differences between the two groups. METHODS: We studied 10 normal and 14 acneic women aged 19-27. Follicular density was determined by light microscopy counting pilosebaceous units on cyanoacrylate follicular biopsy specimens. The sebum excretion rate was calculated by an image analyzer with a sebum print on Sebutape. RESULTS: 1. Follicular density was not significantly different between the normal and acne group. The number of follicles decreased from the central to the lateral aspect of the face with the highest value being on the nose tip and the lowest on the lateral forehead. 2. The total sebum excretion rate and the number of actively secreting follicles showed different patterns in the two groups. There was a decreased value in the acne group in some central regions of face. In addition, central to lateral declining pattems, shown in the normd group, were not apparent in the acne group. 3. The follicular sebum excretion rate showed large variations in both groups, without apparent central to lateral declining patterns. The confluence of adjacent follicles seemed to produce falsely low or high values compared with previous studies. CONCLUSION: Sebum production is influenced both by the number of active follicles and their individual capacity to excrete sebum, and the total sebum excretion rate was lower than normal in low grade acne in this study. Obstruction of the outflow of sebum and regression of sebaceous glands due to comnlones may account for it.
Acne Vulgaris*
Sebaceous Glands
5.A case of multiple trichoepithelioma.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(2):272-275
Multiple trichoepithelioma is an uncommon skin disease with autosomal dominant transmission. A 21-year-old female ahd asymptomatic, flesh-colored, firm papules and nodules on the face, chest and back. Histopathologic examination showed multiple horn cysts and tumor islands composed of basaloid cells.
Skin Diseases
Young Adult
6.A case of nodular amyloidosis.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1993;31(2):241-244
Localized primary cuteneous nodular amyloidosis is the rarest form of the cutaneous amyloidosis, which appears as single or multiple nodules on the extremities, trunk, genitalia or face. A 44-Year-old woman had asymptomatic, translucent brown to pink papules and nodules on the toes for 5 years. Histopathologic exarnination showed deposition to pale, eosinophilic, amorphous material throughout the dermis, Under the electron microscope, the material consisted of straight, nonbranching, nonanastoimosing filaments. We thus made the diagnosis of nodular amyoidosis.
7.Molluscum contagiosum occuring in an epidermal cyst.
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1992;30(6):917-919
We report a case of molluscum contagiosum occurring in an epidermal cyst. A-38-year old male patient had the lision which was a 1.2 x 1cm sized, elevated, round nodule on the right cheek. Histology showed true epidermal cyst containing molluscum bodies throughout the cyst wall and laminated keratotic material within the cyst itself.
Epidermal Cyst*
Molluscum Contagiosum*
8.A clinical study of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.
Journal of the Korean Surgical Society 1991;41(3):306-313
No abstract available.
Pyloric Stenosis, Hypertrophic*
9.The effect of azelaic acid and retinoic acid on epidermal melanocytes in UVB-irradiated black mice.
Kyung Won HAN ; Ki Hong LEE ; Ki Bum MYUNG
Korean Journal of Dermatology 1992;30(4):492-498
Increased melanin pigmentation following ultraviolet irradiat.ion is due to increasing tyrosinase activity and multiplicatian of functioning melanocytes. After UV-irradiation, the size of melanocytes increases, and melanocyte dendrites elongatc, and branch. In this experiment, we induced the activation of melanocyts in the epidermis of C57BL black mice by ultraviolet-B(UVB) irradiation and observcd ihe effect of azelaic acid and retinoic acid on the UVB activated epidermal melanocytes. Sixty C57BL black mice were irradiated by UVB 100mJ/cm daily for 10 days, and then azeiaic acid and retinoic acid were topically applied daily for 7 weeks. For the estimation of morphologic change of epidermal melanocytes, light microscopic observation with split DOPA stain was performed at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th week of topical application. The results are summerized as follows : 1. The number, size and circumference of DOPA-positive epidermal melanocytes were significantly decreased in 20% azelaic acid applied group and 30% azelaic acid and 0.05% retinoic acid applied group. 2. In 20% azelaic;i.cid and 0.05% retinoic acid applied group, the number, size and circumference of DOPA-positive epidermal melanocytes were nore significantly decreased than in 20% azelaic acid applied group. In summary, the present study suggets that azelaic acid act as a depigmenting agent on epidermal melanocyte; and such depigmenting effect of azelaic acid was increased by addition of retinoic acid.
Monophenol Monooxygenase
10.Generalized Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum.
Ki Hong LEE ; Ju Eun LEE ; Ki Bum MYUNG
Annals of Dermatology 1993;5(1):38-40
We report a patient with a cutis laxa-like, generalized PXE without systemic involvement. A 28-year-old woman had loose, pendulous skin of the neck, axillae, thighs, trunk and body folds which resulted in a prematurely aged appearance. She had no family history of related diseases. Histological examination showed considerable accumulations of swollen and irregularly clumped fibers in the middle and lower dermis and von Kossa s stain revealed calcium deposits along the altered elastic fibers.
Elastic Tissue
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum*