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Author:(Khor GL)

1.Iron Intake and Iron Deficiency Anaemia among Young Women in Kuala Lumpur

SP Loh ; GL Khor

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2010;6(1):63-70

2.Folate Content and Availability in Malaysian Cooked Foods

Chew SC ; Khor GL ; Loh SP

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2012;18(3):383-391

3.MTHFR C677T Polymorphism, Homocysteine and B-Vitamins Status in a Sample of Chinese and Malay Subjects in Universiti Putra Malaysia

Choo SC ; Loh SP ; Khor GL ; Sabariah MN ; Rozita R

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(2):249-258

4.Nutritional Status and the Use of Protease Inhibitors Among Hiv-infected Children in Klang Valley, Malaysia

MT Mohd. Nasir ; J Yeo ; MSL Huang ; MT Koh ; R Kamarul Azhar ; GL Khor

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2011;7(2):73-79

5.Breastfeeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Orang Asli Children (Temuan and Mah Meri) in Sepang District and Carey Island, Selangor

WN Wan Norlida ; MS Zalilah ; GL Khor ; WC Ng ; K Mirnalini ; AG Nawalyah ; AR Hejar

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2007;3(2):1-15

6.Nutritional Status of Children Living with HIV and Receiving Antiretroviral (ARV) Medication in the Klang Valley, Malaysia

Mohd. Nasir MT ; Yeo J ; Huang MSL ; Kamarul Azahar MR ; Koh MT ; Khor GL

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2011;17(1):19-30

7.Development and Validation of a Food Frequency Question¬naire for Vitamin D intake among Urban Pregnant Women in Malaysia

Zaleha MI ; Khadijah S ; Noriklil Bukhary Khor GL ; Zaleha AM ; Haslinda H ; Noor Sharifatul Hana Y ; Hasanain Faisal G

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2015;21(2):179-190

8.Nutritional Status of Children below Five Years in Malaysia: Anthropometric Analyses from the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS, 2006)

Khor GL ; Noor Safiza MN ; Jamalludin AB ; Jamaiyah H ; Geeta A ; Kee CC ; Rahmah R ; Alan Wong N F ; Suzana S ; Ahmad AZ ; Ruzita AT ; Ahmad FY

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2009;15(2):121-136

9.Abdominal Obesity in Malaysian Adults: National Health and Morbidity Survey III (NHMS III, 2006)

Kee CC ; Jamaiyah H ; Noor Safiza MN ; Geeta A ; Khor GL ; Suzana S ; Jamalludin AR ; Rahmah R ; Ahmad AZ ; Ruzita AT ; Wong NF ; Ahmad Faudzi Y

Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 2008;14(2):125-135

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