1.The genital chlamydial infection in pregnant woman in Ha noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):8-10
The prevalence of Chlamydial infection in pregnant women was 8,1%. Pregnant women under 25 years old were at high risk for Chlamydial infection. Chlamydial infection was not associated with gestational age. There is no difference about the prevalence of Chlamydial infection between the rural and urban women. Oral amoxicillin had a efficacy of 82,2% after 1 stage and 86,4% after 2 stages of treatment. The result suggested that amoxicillin is a safe, well tolerated and effective for treatment of Chlamydia in pregnant women.
Pregnant Women
2.Evaluation of efficacy of Vratisolin 2% in the treatment of epidemic conjunctivitis
Journal of Practical Medicine 1998;344(1):59-61
38 patients (18 males, 20 females), age from 17 to 61 years, were assigned in two groups. Group 1 including 29 patients (53 eyes), vratisolin 2% ophthalmic ointment was applied 4-5 times daily into the conjunctive sac. Group 2 including 9 patients (15 eyes), Ofus ophthalmic eyes drops was used 10 times daily. Results: in patients with epidemic conjunctivitis, treated by Vratisolin, more rapid reduction of symptoms was observed in comparing with this the group treated with Ofus eye drops.
3.Candida-related vaginitis in pregnant women in Ha Noi
Journal of Practical Medicine 2002;435(11):41-43
The study was conducted on the women without chronic internal disease who were examined and followed at the Institute of Mother and newborn protection between 6/1998 and 10/2000. Obstetric and gynecological history and risk factors of candidosis were investigated. The results found that candidosis was more likely to occur during pregnancy. The candidosis incidence of women who lived in inner city was higher than that of women who lived in suburb. Pre-intercourse hygiene and menstrual hygiene under water stream linked to reduce the risk. Intrauterine device (IUD) and oral contraceptives had not related to vaginal candidosis
Pregnant Women
4.Micostat 7 in the treatment of Candidal vaginitis
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 2001;11():31-35
100 women being infected with candida fungus and having itching at lower genital tract have been treated: 50 with micostat 7 and 46 with Lomexin vaginal insertion. In the micostat 7 group, 68.5% had negative results after treatment compared with 65.2% treated with Lomexin. The results after 2 stages of treatment reach 77.8% with micostat 7 and 87% with Lomexin. There is no difference about treatment result between these two drugs. There are no side effects in the patients of the two groups. The results suggested that micostat 7 may be an acceptable treatment for candida vaginitis.
Pharmaceutical Preparations
5.Bacterial vaginitis infection in pregnant women
Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information 1998;9():36-39
The prevalence of Bacterial vaginitis in pregnant women was 7.8%. 42.6% women with Bacterial vaginitis are asymptomatic. Risks associated with Bacterial vaginitis include history of IUD use (OR: 3.41; 95% Cl: 1.65-6.99) and changing pads under three times a day (OR: 2.19; 95% Cl:1.07-4.45). Amoxicillin is effective for treatment of Bacterial vaginitis in pregnant women.
pregnant women
6.Hygien status in factories to product and preserve available fresh food
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;456(7):19-21
384 samples of fresh food from 3 factories in Ha Noi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh city were controlled from Oct 2001 to April 2002. The temperature of preserve, duration of the processing, the pollution … were surveyed. Results noted the relatively good material conditions of the factories, but 100% of the staff had not got the hygiene standard and the preserve was not appropriate, the oscillation of temperature was higher than the displayed temperature in thermometer. S. aureus, E. coli, Salmonella were not detected but coliform infection was high just in the initial first day of preseve
Food Preservation
7.To monitor using of color materials in available foods in Ha Noi and Hai Phong city
Journal of Practical Medicine 2003;458(8):11-14
In 1998, 186 samples in Hanoi and 154 samples in Hai Phong city of 13 kinds of retail color processed foods were examined. Survey the knowledge of hygiene and safe food of 60 consumers and sellers in Hanoi and 100 consumers and sellers in Hai Phong city. Results: the rate of using unrecommended coloring in Hanoi was 43.4%, and in Hai Phong was 39.5%. 89.3%-100% of retail coloring packages in markets were illegal. In 2002, the rate of using harmful coloring in processing retail food in Hanoi was decreased significantly
Health Resources
8.Hormone residues in some domestic food stuffs of livestock origin
Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003;13(2):25-29
From June 2001 to August 2002, 210 samples of fresh meat (including 100 samples of pork and 110 samples of chicken) were tested for steroid hormone residues (testosterol, oestrogen, and diethyl stybestrol). Results showed that 8.5% of samples contained hormone residues, in which, 72% contained oestrogen, 28% contained testosterol, and 11 samples (5.2%) contained diethyl stybestrol - these hormone were forbidden for use in cattle and poultry breeding
Animals, Domestic
9.Investigation on the situation of antibiotic residue in food having origin from live - stock breeding
Pharmaceutical Journal 2003;234(4):9-11
Analysis 280 fresh meat samples in Ha Noi, Nam Dinh, Binh Duong, Can Tho, Ho Chi Minh city from 6/2001 to 8/2002. Result: meat samples which not to get standard of food safe due to antibiotic residue at high level of 25,7%. Among them, cause due to residue tetracycline higher assign is 50%; residue chloramphenicol is 55,6%. Meat sample that infected antibiotic tetracycline higher 20 to 160 times to allow safe limit. In meat of graze animals, rate of infected antibiotic lower meat of eat industry food animals.
Anti-Bacterial Agents
10.Results of the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia by ILC Indigo 830e system
Thanh Viet Nguyen ; Hy Thi Khanh Do
Journal of Medical Research 2008;55(3):82-86
Background: Interstitial Laser Coagulation (ILC) Indigo 830e system is the first technique that is used in Viet Nam for the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) patients. Objectives: (1) To evaluate the effects of treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia by ILC Indigo 830e system. (2) To describe peri- and post-proceduce complications. Subjects and method: The study consisted of 106 BPH patients who treated by ILC Indigo 830e system. This was a cross-section, descriptive study. Results: Overally, good and moderate outcomes was 94.8%, unsatisfactory was 5.2%. The peri- and post-proceduce complications were: urethral irritability 20.8%, prolonged catheterization 4.7%, urinary tract infections 4.7% and hematuria 0.94%. Conclusion: The treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia patients by ILC Indigo 830e system was an effective and safe therapy, especially in elderly patient group who had multiple diseases.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
interstitial laser coagulation