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Author:(Khadeja BANAT)

1.Effectiveness of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis in pediatric cancer patients in Jordan: a randomized controlled trial

Khadeja BANAT ; Huda AL-HAJA ; Mariam ANANBEH ; Eman ABDULLAH ; Aladeen ALLOUBANI

Child Health Nursing Research 2024;30(4):245-254

2.Effectiveness of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis in pediatric cancer patients in Jordan: a randomized controlled trial

Khadeja BANAT ; Huda AL-HAJA ; Mariam ANANBEH ; Eman ABDULLAH ; Aladeen ALLOUBANI

Child Health Nursing Research 2024;30(4):245-254

3.Effectiveness of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis in pediatric cancer patients in Jordan: a randomized controlled trial

Khadeja BANAT ; Huda AL-HAJA ; Mariam ANANBEH ; Eman ABDULLAH ; Aladeen ALLOUBANI

Child Health Nursing Research 2024;30(4):245-254

4.Effectiveness of cryotherapy in preventing oral mucositis in pediatric cancer patients in Jordan: a randomized controlled trial

Khadeja BANAT ; Huda AL-HAJA ; Mariam ANANBEH ; Eman ABDULLAH ; Aladeen ALLOUBANI

Child Health Nursing Research 2024;30(4):245-254

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