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Author:(Kensuke IGARASHI)

1.Are Newer Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Models Truly Improving Pancreatolithiasis Lithotripsy Performance? A Japanese Single-Center Study Using Endoscopic Adjunctive Treatment

Ken ITO ; Naoki OKANO ; Kensuke TAKUMA ; Susumu IWASAKI ; Koji WATANABE ; Yusuke KIMURA ; Yuto YAMADA ; Kensuke YOSHIMOTO ; Seiichi HARA ; Yui KISHIMOTO ; Takahisa MATSUDA ; Yoshinori IGARASHI

Gut and Liver 2023;17(4):647-658

2.Peroral Pancreatoscopy with Videoscopy and Narrow-Band Imaging in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms with Dilatation of the Main Pancreatic Duct

Yui KISHIMOTO ; Naoki OKANO ; Ken ITO ; Kensuke TAKUMA ; Seiichi HARA ; Susumu IWASAKI ; Kensuke YOSHIMOTO ; Yuuto YMADA ; Koji WATANABE ; Yuusuke KIMURA ; Hiroki NAKAGAWA ; Yoshinori IGARASHI

Clinical Endoscopy 2022;55(2):270-278

3.Efficacy of Hypertonic Saline-Epinephrine Local Injection Around the Anal Side before Endoscopic Papillectomy for Ampullary Tumors

Naoki OKANO ; Yoshinori IGARASHI ; Ken ITO ; Saori MIZUTANI ; Hiroki NAKAGAWA ; Kouji WATANABE ; Yuuto YAMADA ; Kensuke YOSHIMOTO ; Yuusuke KIMURA ; Susumu IWASAKI ; Kensuke TAKUMA ; Seiichi HARA ; Yuui KISHIMOTO

Clinical Endoscopy 2021;54(5):706-712

4.Efficacy of Hypertonic Saline-Epinephrine Local Injection Around the Anal Side before Endoscopic Papillectomy for Ampullary Tumors

Naoki OKANO ; Yoshinori IGARASHI ; Ken ITO ; Saori MIZUTANI ; Hiroki NAKAGAWA ; Kouji WATANABE ; Yuuto YAMADA ; Kensuke YOSHIMOTO ; Yuusuke KIMURA ; Susumu IWASAKI ; Kensuke TAKUMA ; Seiichi HARA ; Yuui KISHIMOTO

Clinical Endoscopy 2021;54(5):706-712

6.Computer programme to assess mandibular cortex morphology in cases of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw with osteoporosis or bone metastases


Imaging Science in Dentistry 2019;49(4):281-286

7.Endosonographic Preoperative Evaluation for Tumors of the Ampulla of Vater Using Endoscopic Ultrasonography and Intraductal Ultrasonography.

Naoki OKANO ; Yoshinori IGARASHI ; Seiichi HARA ; Kensuke TAKUMA ; Itaru KAMATA ; Yui KISHIMOTO ; Takahiko MIMURA ; Ken ITO ; Yasukiyo SUMINO

Clinical Endoscopy 2014;47(2):174-177

8.CBCT imaging and histopathological characteristics of osteoradionecrosis and medicationrelated osteonecrosis of the jaw

Ichiro OGURA ; Yoshiyuki MINAMI ; Junya ONO ; Yoriaki KANRI ; Yasuo OKADA ; Kensuke IGARASHI ; Maiko HAGA-TSUJIMURA ; Ken NAKAHARA ; Eizaburo KOBAYASHI

Imaging Science in Dentistry 2021;51(1):73-80

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