1.The Effect of Brief High-Dose Cyclosporine Treatment in a Rat Fresh Aortic Allograft Transplantation Model
Makoto Takiguchi ; Kenji Hiramatsu ; Hiromi Kurosawa ; Takao Kanai
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2005;34(4):253-260
When homo- or isograft was used as a right ventricle-pulmonary artery bypass in the Rastellitype procedure for congenital heart disease, reoperation was mandatory due to calcification and conduit stenosis after several years. However, the survival period of intimal cells or smooth muscle cells has not been clarified, nor has the question of whether the calcification is due to an immunoreaction or not. Thus, to observe the geometrical or pathological changes of the grafts, an experimental model of homograft transplantation was established using rats' aorta, where cyclosporine A (CsA) was given after the transplantation. The rats used were 8 or 9 weeks old. Male King rats were the donors, and female Lewis rats were the recipients. The descending thoracic aorta was transplanted to the infra-renal abdominal aorta. There were 2 experimental groups; one in which CsA was not given (n=35), and the other in which CsA was given (n=44). The animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks after the transplantation, and were examined by an optical microscope after slicing longitudinally. The area of the cross-section, intima and the media of the vessel were calculated by 2 ways; manually, and by computer. These data were used to calculate and analyze the percentage of intima-media area, the ratio of the intima/media area, and the percentage of intima area and media area. The effect of suppression of the percentage of intima-media area and the percentage of the intima area were revealed to be significant at an acute stage after brief high dose CsA administration. From this result, we suggest that there is a possibility of a rejective reaction participating in the intimal hyperplasia in the acute phase after homograft transplantation.
2.Effects of Kampo Therapy for Inpatient on Medical Economics
Kenji OHNO ; Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Atsushi CHINO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Katsutoshi TERASAWA ;
Kampo Medicine 2011;62(1):29-33
We investigated prescriptions and drug costs at admission and discharge for 35 patients hospitalized in Department of Japanese Oriental (Kampo) Medicine, Chiba University Hospital from September 2006 to October 2008. They recovered after Kampo therapy from various non-acute diseases. The number of western drugs decreased from 3.7 at admission to 2.7 at discharge, thus their drug costs per day significantly decreased from302.1yen to 227.6 yen. The cost of Kampo medicines themselves, on the other hand, did not decrease significantly. Total drug costs, however, were significantly reduced from 437.8 yen at admission to 348.0 yen at discharge, so patients' overall costs were reduced by 20%. These results indicated that the proper use of Kampo medicine for various diseases would reduce drug costs and the impact of treatment expenses on medical economics, with improvement in disease outcomes.
3.The Absorbable Monofilament Suture Material in the Low Pressure Circulatory System.
Takao Togo ; Tomohiro Ito ; Kenji Ohsaka ; Sadayuki Murata ; Masaki Hata ; Yosimi Shoji ; Koichi Tabayashi
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;25(3):170-174
Primary end-to-side anastomoses between the left upper pulmonary vein and left atrium performed in 21 puppies with continuous 5-0 polydioxanone (PDS) or polypropylene (PRO). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 7 and 28 days after operation. Stenosis occurred in one of 5 animals of the PDS group at 7 days and 28 days respectively, and one of 5 animals of the PRO group at 28 days. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of anastomosis patency. Histological examination showed slight tissue reaction and fibrosis surrounding the sutures in both groups. This study suggests that the absorbable monofilament suture material, in particular PDS, is useful for the repair of low pressure circulatory system and will not cause the stenosis of the anastomotic site.
4.Anatomical position of the point jingei. (II). Relation between the acupuncture point to the carotid sinus and the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
Takao SAKAI ; Seiichiro KITAMURA ; Kenji MATSUOKA ; Tosio YOSIOKA ; Kenzo KUMAMOTO ; Akira SAKAI ; Tatsuzo NAKAMURA ; Kazuhisa TANIGUTI
Journal of the Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 1987;37(4):260-267
The posional relation of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery to the needle which was inserted to the position of the bifurcation presumed from the level of the hyoid bone, as well as its relation to the hyoid bone and the transverse process of the cervical vertebra, has been studied bilaterally with dissection of 19 cadavers.
Though most of the inserted needles missed medially from the bifurcation of common carotid artery, all of them were located about the level of the bifurcation in the up-to-downward direction, with two cases directly pricking the bifurcation.
The bifurcation of the common carotid artery was mostly located about the level of hyoid bone. Thus, 17 cases out of 19 on the right side and 13 cases out of 18 on the left side were within a range of 1.0mm above or below the hyoid bone.
The height of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery against the cervical vertebrae was mostly located between the transverse process of the 3rd and that of the 4th cervical vertebra, 21 cases out of 28 being included within this range.
5.Effect of physical exercise in daily life on the aging process in healthy women in terms of aerobic capacity, serum lipid concentration, body composition and bone mineral density.
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 1996;45(2):329-344
A cross-sectional study was carried out to investigate the effect of physical exercise in daily lives of healthy women on the aging process in terms of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max), body fat tissue mass (FTM), lean tissue mass (LTM), bone mineral density (BMD), serum triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C and LDL-C concentrations, and systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) . These parameters are considered as risk factors of cerebrovascular disease and/or osteoporosis, which are the main causes of becoming bedridden and demented in middle-aged and older women. One hundred sixty-five healthy female volunteers aged 20 to 76 years participated in the study, 82 of whom were postmenopausal with a mean age at menopause of 49.7±3.1 years. Eighty-two of the subjects had been exercising regularly by jogging, swimming, aerobic dancing, or playing tennis more than twice a week for 2 years (Ex group), whereas 83 individuals had not been engaging in regular exercise (Cont group) . Serum lipid concentrations, SBP and DBP measurements at rest and treadmill VO2max and HRmax measurements were determined in the morning after an overnight fast. Whole-body BMD (TBMD), head, lumbar, arm and leg BMD, FTM and LTM were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry one to two hours after a light lunch. The mean and SD of each measurement were calculated for five-year age groups between 40 and 60 years and one group each under 40 and over 60 years.
The results were as follows:
1, VO2max (r=-0.590) and HRmax (r=-0.632) decreased significantly with age. The VO2max of the Ex group was significantly higher than that of the Cont group in all each age groups. However, no differences in the aging process in terms of HRmax were found between the two groups.
2, Resting SBP (r=-0.391) and DBP (r=0.315) increased significantly with age. However, no hypertensive individuals (160/95 mmHg-) were found among the 165 subjects.
3. Only serum TC (r=0.346) and LDL-C (r=0.339) among the blood constituents measured changed with age. No changes in serum HDL-C were detected with age. Lower TC (189.2±23.3 mg/dl) and higher HDL-C (72.2±10.9 mg/dl) were observed in eleven runners (49.7±7.7 years) among the subjects who participated frequently in official races than in subjects of the same ages in the Cont group. The highest serum HDL-C (75.8±15.8 mg/dl) and HDLC/TC ratios (0.362) were noticed among the subjects (n=26) who both regularly exercised and consumed alcoholic beverages.
4. A tendency for FTM to increase and LTM to decrease with age were observed in both groups, and a lower %FTM (percentage of FTM to body weight) and higher %LTM were evident in the Ex group. Differences in %FTM and %LTM between the Ex and Cont groups at 40-45 years were significant.
5. Partial and whole BMDs decreased significantly with age (TBMD-Age ; r=- 0.527) . Significantly higher leg BMDs in both the 20-39-year and 40-45-year groups, and spine and TBMD in the 20-39 years in the Ex group, who were premenopausal women, were shown. No significant differences in BMDs between the two groups were observed in postmenopausal women, but the Ex group tended to have higher partial and whole BMDs. The postmenopausal official race runners (n=5.52.6-1.5years) also had higher TBMD and leg BMD values than subjects of the same ages in the Cont group.
6. Investigation of correlations between VO2max, LTM, FTM, BMDs and serum lipid concentrations, yielded a significantly higher correlation (r=0.669) between LTM (kg) and absolute VO2max (1/mm) . Although VO2max per LTM (VO2max/LTM) decreased with age (r=-0.595), VO2max/LTM in the Ex group was significantly higher than in the Cont group in each age group. The VO2max per body weight (ml/kg/min) was negatively correlated with %FTM (r=-0.442) and positively correlated with
6.A Case of Erythema Nodosum Successfully Treated with Seinetsuhokito and Byakkokakeishito
Kenji OHNO ; Katsutoshi TERASAWA ; Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Noriaki KAMADA ; Atsushi CHINO ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Takao NAMIKI
Kampo Medicine 2009;60(5):539-543
We experienced a case of erythema nodosum of unknown etiology successfully treated with therapy based on Kampo diagnosis. The case was 44 year-old woman who had erythema nodosum over her bilateral leg extensors several times a month, became cold easily and had stomatitis. At first, we administered seinetsuhokito, which resulted in the disappearance of her stomatitis. However, she still had a recurrence of her erythema nodosum. Because of a condition of interior heat and qi counterflow, we considered her situation heibyo. We administered seinetsuhokito and byakkokakeishito every other day, which resulted in the disappearance of both her stomatitis and erythema nodosum. Therefore, we suggest that it is worthy to think about heibyo situations, when treating patients with complications.
Erythema Nodosum
Treated with
Medicine, Kampo
7.A Case of Laryngeal Granuloma Successfully Treated with Kairosan
Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Toru OKAWA ; Atsushi CHINO ; Kenji OHNO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Katsutoshi TERASAWA
Kampo Medicine 2008;59(2):297-301
Laryngeal granulomas which grow in the rear of the vocal cords can be a refractory and recurrent condition, because of various pathogeneses and a lack of established treatment guidelines. We experienced a laryngeal granuloma case which recurred repeatedly, and was resistant to modern medicinal treatment. The laryngeal granuloma recurred after microlaryngosurgery. And though a second microlaryngosurgery and laser cauterization was done, followed by prescription of lansoprazole, tranilast, chlarithromycin and inhalation of fluticasone propionate, the laryngeal granuloma recurred once more. Thus, we tried Kampo medicines at the this time. Hangekobokuto, saishakurikkunshito and keikyososooushimbuto were stopped due to lack of efficacy on the ganuloma, and the Kampo formulation was changed to kairosan. Three weeks after changing formulation, the granuloma was no longer seen with laryngeal fiberscopy. And to-date, recurrence of the granuloma has not been confirmed. This case suggests that fatigue, body weight loss, bilateral Kyokyo-kuman (discomfort of the hypochondrium), bilateral excessive strain of abdominal muscles, pulsation of both the upper and lower navel, and tympanitic sound in upper abdomen may be clinical indications for kairosan.
Red color
Granuloma, Laryngeal
Medicine, Kampo
8.Three Cases of Chronic Headache, Bronchial Asthma and Bronchial Amyloidosis Successfully Treated with Reitakutsuukitoukashin'i
Katsutoshi TERASAWA ; Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Atsushi CHINO ; Kenji OHNO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI
Kampo Medicine 2008;59(2):303-307
The source of reitakutsukito, which has been described in only one case, is the text “Ranshitsu-hizo.” We recently experienced a 65-year old male suffering from refractory chronic headache for forty years, and a 38-year old female suffering from bronchial asthma resistant to tokishigyakukagoshuyushokyoto, whose symptoms were successfully treated with reitakutsukito by adding shin'i which has the action of dispersing pathogenic wind factor and opening orifice. Although reduction of underlying disease was not obtained, we also experienced clear improvement of oxygen saturation peripherally, and the subjective symptoms of a 40-year old male suffering from bronchial amyloidosis with reitakutsukitokashin'i. We report these three cases including documented considerations.
Bronchial brand of guaifenesin-theophylline
symptoms <1>
9.One Case of Wells' Syndrome Successfully Treated with Kampo Medicines
Atsushi CHINO ; Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Kenji OHNO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Takao NAMIKI ; Katsutoshi TERASAWA
Kampo Medicine 2010;61(1):45-50
Wells' syndrome (eosinophilic cellulitis), whose etiology is idiopathic, is clinically characterized by solitary or multiple cellulitis-like eruptions which occur on the extremities and trunk. Corticosteroids are usually used for palliative treatment, but relapses are often observed. We observed an 8 year-old patient with Wells' syndrome successfully treated with Kampo medicines. In 2001, skin eruptions appeared on his extremities. In 2002, a histopathologic examination determined his disease to be Wells' syndrome, and corticosteroids were subsequently used for treatment. In January 2007, his skin eruptions worsened, and he first visited our outpatient clinic in May. After oral administration with keigairengyoto, his skin eruptions were slightly improved, but afterwards, they again worsened. In June, jumihaidokuto was administered instead of the former prescription, and the skin conditions had begun to improve. Because dry skin appeared in November, keigairengyoto was again added. With these treatments, his skin eruptions stably improved. In previous reports, Kampo medicines had not been used for the treatment of Wells' syndrome. This case, however, suggests that Kampo medicines are a candidate for the treatment of Wells' syndrome.
10.A case of Post-operative Complication and Chronic Pain Successfully Treated with Kampo Medicine for Qi Disturbance
Yumiko KIMATA ; Nobuyasu SEKIYA ; Yuji KASAHARA ; Atsushi CHINO ; Yoshiro HIRASAKI ; Keiko OGAWA ; Hideki OKAMOTO ; Keigo UEDA ; Kenji OHNO ; Takao NAMIKI ;
Kampo Medicine 2011;62(1):48-52
We experienced a case of post-operative complication and chronic pain due to left pyeloplasty and uterine myomectomy successfully treated with Kampo medicine. A 55-year-old woman underwent pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction, and ureteral stent for ureteral stenosis caused by synechia after uterine myomectomy. She suffered from post-operative complication and chronic pain, which was becoming severe, and had a depressed mood. She visited our outpatient clinic for Kampo therapy. We prescribed bukuryoingohangekobokuto on the diagnoses such as qi deficiency, qi stagnation, and water retention. Her symptoms disappeared with this formulation. This case suggests the importance of considering qi disturbance when we treat patients with chronic pain using Kampo medicine.