1.Nontraumatic central fracture dislocation of the hip in a patient with chronic kidney disease and post gastrectomy
Ken Shimizu ; Hisanori Kameda ; Haruo Kawamura ; Takeshi Makihara ; Yukiyo Shimizu
Journal of Rural Medicine 2015;10(1):43-47
Objective: Patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism caused by chronic kidney disease (CKD) develop secondary osteoporosis, which increases fracture risk. We report a case of insufficiency fractures complicated by secondary osteoporosis caused by chronic renal failure and gastrectomy.
Patient: A 78-year-old man with a medical history of nephrotic syndrome and gastric cancer experienced an occult intertrochanteric fracture of his left femur after falling.
Results: Ten days after the first fracture, the patient was treated with hemodialysis for acute uremic symptoms. Eight weeks after this fracture, he sustained a right insufficiency acetabular fracture and was treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA).
Conclusion: For patients with CKD, effective fracture prevention is difficult. THA with reconstruction of the acetabulum was an effective therapy in a patient with nontraumatic central fracture dislocation of the hip.
2.Precision Control on Gastric Mass Screenings by Use of Computer in a Rural District.
Kozo SHAURA ; Kenji USUI ; Zenji SHIMIZU ; Akira OKA ; Masaki NUMATA ; Sachihiko YAMASE ; Ken KUSANO ; Yasuo CHUMAN
Journal of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine 1993;42(1):16-23
This is a report on the precision controlled gastric mass screenings conducted under the sponsorship of the Welfare Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives in Nagano Prefecture and the assessment test using some samples of radiographic stomach images.
Physicians and x-ray technicians participated in the test and interpreted in their own ways the radiographs of 30 healthy cases and 20 cases of cancer of the stomach. Experienced physicians and technicians made better scores on the test than those less experienced in reading radiographs. Physicians read a little better that technicians in checkups of different parts regardless of years of experience, but the difference was not significant. In terms of FP and FN percentages (?), physicians scored 40.5% and 20.8% on the first tryout, and 34.0% and 29.0% on the second tryout.
The 1988 mass screening found 67.4% of cancer in antral and angular areas and 23.8% on the lesser curvature side of the angular area.
Grade 5 means that “No doubt about the existence of cancerous lesions.” In the 1983 screening, 25% of the grade 5 cases turned out to be nothing wrong upon close examination. The figure went down to 5.9% in the 1988.
3.Successful Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis and Toxic Shock Syndrome by Hip Amputation and Endotoxin Hemoadsorption
Hiroshi Kamada ; Shigeru Hioki ; Takashi Sato ; Ken Shimizu ; Kuniaki Amano ; Masahiko Takahashi
Journal of Rural Medicine 2008;4(2):91-94
Background: Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare but severe condition associated with high mortality. We encountered a patient with severe and rapidly progressing necrotizing fasciitis. Patient: A 40-year-old male was hit by a tractor and received a wide laceration wound spanning the length of his posterior thigh. Soon after the accident, the wound was washed and debridement was performed. Two days postoperatively, we observed septic changes in the wound and diagnosed this condition as necrotizing fasciitis. Consequently, the patient's leg was amputated at the thigh. The patient, however, developed toxic shock syndrome after the amputation. Endotoxin adsorption using a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column was performed for 2 days. Finally, a hip joint amputation was performed after 11 days, following which the patient's general condition gradually improved. Discussion: Treatment for necrotizing fasciitis should be initiated promptly. Early debridement is associated with a significant decrease in mortality. In severe conditions, endotoxin and cytokine removal by blood purification is one of the most effective treatments. Although group A streptococci are widely known as "flesh-eating bacteria," we should also consider a wide variety of pathogenic organisms to be the probable cause of severe necrotizing fasciitis. Conclusion: Management of necrotizing fasciitis requires careful investigation as well as an aggressive therapeutic approach, which may include urgent surgical intervention. In addition to surgery, endotoxin adsorption therapy should be considered.
Therapeutic procedure
4.A Review of Coronary Artery Bypass Reoperation.
Ken-o Mashiko ; Masamichi Nakano ; Kazuhiko Suzuki ; Asatoshi Mizuno ; Yoshimasa Sakamoto ; Hiroshi Okuyama ; Shougo Shimizu ; Hiromi Kurosawa
Japanese Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 1994;23(3):152-155
We performed coronary artery bypass operation on 258 patients from July 1974 to February 1993, of whom 10 underwent a total of 11 reoperations. These 10 patients were not significantly different from the other patients with respect to gender, coronary risk factors and number of grafts used in the first operation, aside from older age and lower LVEF. The interval between the two operations was <1 year (early) or about 10 years (late) in most instances. The most common reasons for reoperation were graft failure from technical problems in early and time-related alterations in graft and progression of original disease in late cases. The outcome of reoperation was less than satisfactory, with 2 operative deaths, IABP required in 5, reoperation for bleeding needed in 3 and severe sternal wound infection of the patent vein graft postoperatively, of which atheromatous debris released from the atherosclerotic vein graft was strongly suspected to be the cause. The old vein graft should be immediately ligated at the beginning of CPB in cases with diffuse atherosclerotic vein graft in which more than several years have passed since initial operation. In reoperation, arterial graft is preferable, especially GEA graft can be used advantageously even with a left thoracotomy approach. Bypass reoperation for occlusion of LAD or Cx should be performed by a left thoracotomy approach.
5.The impact of resecting pylorus ring after pancreaticoduodenectomy- the short and long term controlled trial
Manabu Kawai ; Masaji Tani ; Seiko Hirono ; Ken-ichi. Okada ; Motoki Miyazawa ; Astusi Shimizu ; Masaki Ueno ; Yuji Kitahata ; Shinya Hayami ; Syunnsuke Yamaguchi
Innovation 2014;8(4):118-119
Objective:Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) after pylorus-preserving
pancreatoduodenectomy (PpPD) is a persistent and frustrating complication. To
preserve pylorus ring with denervation and devascularization may be a risk factor
of DGE after pancreaticoduodenectomy. We conducted this study to confirm the
hypothesis that pylorus-resecting pancreatoduodenectomy (PrPD) reduces the
incidence of DGE compared to PpPD. Moreover, long-term outcomes of PrPD
and the adverse effect of postsurgical DGE on long-term outcomes have not been
reported. Therefore, in addition, this study focused on long-term outcomes during
24 months after surgery between PrPD versus PpPD.
Methods: Between October 2005 and March 2009, at Wakayama Medical
University Hospital (WMUH), 130 patients with pancreatic or periampullary
lesions were randomized to preservation of the pylorus ring (PpPD) or to resection
of the pylorus ring (PrPD). In PpPD, the proximal duodenum was divided 3-4cm
distal to the pylorus ring. In PrPD, the stomach was divided just adjacent the
pylorus ring and the nearly total stomach more than 95% was preserved. Shortterm
and long-term outcomes were evaluated between PpPD and PrPD. Primary
endpoint is the incidence of DGE. DGE was defined according to a consensus
definition and clinical grading about postoperative DGE proposed by the
international study group of pancreatic surgery (ISGPS). This RCT was registered
at Clinical Trials.Gov NCT00639314.
Results: Of 130 patients who were enrolled in this study, 64 patients were
randomized to PpPD and 66 to PrPD. The overall incidence of DGE in this RCT
was 10.8% (14 of 130 patients); the overall incidence of DGE was significantly
lower in PrPD (4.5%) than PpPD (17.2%) (P =0 .0244). DGE was classified into
three categories proposed by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery.
The proposed clinical grading classified 11 cases of DGE in PpPD into grades A
(n=6), B (n=5), and C (n=0), and one case in PrPD into each of the three grades.
In long-term outcomes, weight loss > grade 2 (Common Terminology Criteria
for Adverse Events, Ver. 4.0) at 24 months after surgery improved significantly
in PrPD (16.2%) compared with PpPD (42.2%) (P = 0.011). Nutritional status
and late postoperative complications were similar between PpPD and PrPD. The
incidence of weight loss greater than Grade 2 at 24 months after surgery was
63.6% in patients with DGE group and 25.3% in patients without DGE group (P
= 0.010). Tmax (the time to peak 13CO2 content in 13C-acetate breath test) at
24 months after surgery in patients with DGE was significantly delayed compared
with those without DGE (27.9 ± 22.7min vs.16.5 ± 10.1min, P=0.023). Serum
albumin at 24 months after surgery was higher in patients without DGE than those
with DGE (3.7±0.6 g/dl vs. 4.1±0.4 g/dl, P=0.013).
Conclusion: This study clarified that PrPD can lead to a significant reduction in
the incidence of DGE compared with PpPD. Moreover, PrPD offers similar longterm
outcomes with PpPD. DGE may be associated with weight loss and poor
nutritional status in long-term outcomes.
6.Survey of cattle fascioliasis in Tsuyama Abattoir.
Masahiko KATO ; Yasuyuki MURAKAMI ; Motota SHIMIZU ; Hideki YAMAMOTO ; Yumi YONEMOTO ; Ken-Ichi ISHII ; Shohei KIRA
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 2005;10(3):162-165
OBJECTIVESThe aim of this study was to survey the prevalence of fascioliasis in slaughtered cattle in order to provide breeders with feedback which may prevent cattle fascioliasis, as well as human fascioliasis.
METHODSThe results of meat inspection and the information extracted from the Discriminative Data Base on Individual Livestock in Japan were analyzed statistically in 6,224 cattle slaughtered at the Tsuyama Abattoir during the fiscal year 2002.
RESULTSThe age-adjusted fascioliasis and cholangitis rates of all cattle were 2.0% and 7.2%, respectively. When analyzed by cattle breed, both rates were significantly higher in Japanese native cattle than in Holstein or Jersey (Chi-square test, p<0.01). The cattle raised in Okayama Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture were significantly different from cattle raised in other prefectures in the age-adjusted fascioliasis and cholangitis rates.
CONCLUSIONThe age-adjusted fascioliasis and cholangitis rates of all cattle can be considered as nationwide rates for slaughtered cattle. The results of the comparisons suggest that cattle fascioliasis is related to feeding with rice straw and that the measures to prevent cattle fascioliasis might differ a mong prefectural governments.
7. The impact of resecting pylorus ring after pancreaticoduodenectomy- the short and long term controlled trial
Manabu KAWAI ; Masaji TANI ; Seiko HIRONO ; Ken-ichi. OKADA ; Motoki MIYAZAWA ; Astusi SHIMIZU ; Masaki UENO ; Yuji KITAHATA ; Shinya HAYAMI ; Syunnsuke YAMAGUCHI
Innovation 2014;8(4):118-119
Objective:Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) after pylorus-preservingpancreatoduodenectomy (PpPD) is a persistent and frustrating complication. Topreserve pylorus ring with denervation and devascularization may be a risk factorof DGE after pancreaticoduodenectomy. We conducted this study to confirm thehypothesis that pylorus-resecting pancreatoduodenectomy (PrPD) reduces theincidence of DGE compared to PpPD. Moreover, long-term outcomes of PrPDand the adverse effect of postsurgical DGE on long-term outcomes have not beenreported. Therefore, in addition, this study focused on long-term outcomes during24 months after surgery between PrPD versus PpPD.Methods: Between October 2005 and March 2009, at Wakayama MedicalUniversity Hospital (WMUH), 130 patients with pancreatic or periampullarylesions were randomized to preservation of the pylorus ring (PpPD) or to resectionof the pylorus ring (PrPD). In PpPD, the proximal duodenum was divided 3-4cmdistal to the pylorus ring. In PrPD, the stomach was divided just adjacent thepylorus ring and the nearly total stomach more than 95% was preserved. Shorttermand long-term outcomes were evaluated between PpPD and PrPD. Primaryendpoint is the incidence of DGE. DGE was defined according to a consensusdefinition and clinical grading about postoperative DGE proposed by theinternational study group of pancreatic surgery (ISGPS). This RCT was registeredat Clinical Trials.Gov NCT00639314.Results: Of 130 patients who were enrolled in this study, 64 patients wererandomized to PpPD and 66 to PrPD. The overall incidence of DGE in this RCTwas 10.8% (14 of 130 patients); the overall incidence of DGE was significantlylower in PrPD (4.5%) than PpPD (17.2%) (P =0 .0244). DGE was classified intothree categories proposed by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery.The proposed clinical grading classified 11 cases of DGE in PpPD into grades A(n=6), B (n=5), and C (n=0), and one case in PrPD into each of the three grades.In long-term outcomes, weight loss > grade 2 (Common Terminology Criteriafor Adverse Events, Ver. 4.0) at 24 months after surgery improved significantlyin PrPD (16.2%) compared with PpPD (42.2%) (P = 0.011). Nutritional statusand late postoperative complications were similar between PpPD and PrPD. Theincidence of weight loss greater than Grade 2 at 24 months after surgery was63.6% in patients with DGE group and 25.3% in patients without DGE group (P= 0.010). Tmax (the time to peak 13CO2 content in 13C-acetate breath test) at24 months after surgery in patients with DGE was significantly delayed comparedwith those without DGE (27.9 ± 22.7min vs.16.5 ± 10.1min, P=0.023). Serumalbumin at 24 months after surgery was higher in patients without DGE than thosewith DGE (3.7±0.6 g/dl vs. 4.1±0.4 g/dl, P=0.013).Conclusion: This study clarified that PrPD can lead to a significant reduction inthe incidence of DGE compared with PpPD. Moreover, PrPD offers similar longtermoutcomes with PpPD. DGE may be associated with weight loss and poornutritional status in long-term outcomes.
8.Multicenter Prospective Study of Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusions Using Bioactive Porous Titanium Spacers without Bone Grafts
Shunsuke FUJIBAYASHI ; Mitsuru TAKEMOTO ; Ken ISHII ; Haruki FUNAO ; Norihiro ISOGAI ; Bungo OTSUKI ; Takayoshi SHIMIZU ; Takashi NAKAMURA ; Shuichi MATSUDA
Asian Spine Journal 2022;16(6):890-897
For this prospective multicenter study, 40 patients were followed up through radiologic and clinical examinations for at least 1 year postoperatively. All surgical procedures were either single- or double-level LLIF using bioactive porous titanium spacers without bone grafts.
Four patients were excluded from the study owing to aggravation from other comorbidities. Another 36 patients, including 26 and 10 with single- and double-level LLIFs, respectively, participated in the follow-up. The mean age at the time of surgery was 63.7 years. The mean operating time was 50.5 minutes per level. The mean estimated intraoperative blood loss was 11.6 mL per level. Clinical scores improved in all cases and were maintained throughout the follow-up period. The intervertebral bony union rates were 67.4% and 84.8% at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Endplate cyst signs were observed in 13.0% and 8.7% of patients at 6 and 12 months, respectively. Fused segmental angles were maintained throughout the follow-up period, indicating no cage subsidence.
Single- and double-level LLIFs using bioactive porous titanium spacers without bone grafts were found to be minimally invasive, resulting in clinical and imaging results comparable with conventional procedures. Therefore, this type of implant may be an option for minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery.
9.Retrospective Survey of Palliative Sedation Therapy at the End-of-life at a Tertiary Cancer Center in Japan
Shuntaro YASUDA ; Marie NISHIKAWA ; Hiromi TAKADA ; Hiroto ISHIKI ; Daisuke KIUCHI ; Masaki SHIMIZU ; Eriko SATOMI ; Ken SHIMIZU ; Masakazu YAMAGUCHI
Palliative Care Research 2020;15(1):43-50
Although palliative sedation therapy (PST) is considered to alleviate intolerable and refractory symptoms in dying patients with advanced cancer, there have been few studies regarding the situation of tertiary cancer center. We conducted a retrospective survey of the medical records of the patients who died between April 2015 and March 2016 at the National Cancer Center Hospital in Japan. PST was conducted in 75 out of 431 patients (17.4%). The patient demographics were as follows: sex (male/female), 48/27; median age, 61 years (range 5-83; 11 patients (14.7%) were aged under 39 years); and primary sites were lung, 18 (24.7%)/ pancreas, 11 (14.7%)/ hematopoietic organs, 11 (14.7%)/ bones and soft tissues, 8 (10.7%)/ and the others, 27 (36.0%). The main target symptoms for PST were dyspnea (38, 50.7%) and delirium (30, 40.0%). The most commonly used sedative agent was midazolam (72, 96.0%). Continuous deep sedation was intended in 61 patients (81.3%) at the death. Median survival from the start of PST were 2 days (range 0-54). The differences between palliative care team (PCT) intervention group and control group were lower age (58 vs. 62.5, P=0.048) and uniformity of initial midazolam dose (5-12 vs. 9.6-25.2 mg/day). Distinctive feature in this study was large proportion of adolescent and young adult patients with rare cancers. PCT might have different approaches to sedation in comparison to non-PCT medical staffs.
10.Future Possibilities for Endotracheal Suctioning Ontologies Based on the Ocular Movement of Skilled Nurses
Noriyo COLLEY ; Hiromi SHIMIZU ; Nozomi TAKAHASHI ; Shunsuke KOMIZUNAI ; Atsushi KONNO ; Satoshi KANAI ; Shinji NINOMIYA ; Ken OTSUKA ; Tadayoshi ASAKA
Medical Education 2018;49(2):117-125
Introduction: Due to the advancement of the home-based healthcare, increasing the number of professionals who are able to administer homebased treatments, such as endotracheal suctioning, is an urgent issue.Methods: By measuring the ocular movement of nurses, nursing students and previous researches, an endotracheal suctioning ontology was visualized. It included a multiplex task structure, recognition, and judgment, as well as identifying procedures used during endotracheal suctioning that could contribute to a discussion on educational feasibility.Results: From the hierarchical structure of the constructed endotracheal suctioning ontology, not only the procedural knowledge but also knowledge about medical devices, knowing what options exist when endotracheal suctioning is ineffective, and a wide range of other expertise is needed to perform endotracheal suctioning safely.Discussion: An endotracheal suctioning ontology was created from the ocular movement of nurses. Ontologies are a potential tool for defining minimum requirements and the scope of ability that must be evaluated before clinical practicum.