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Author:(Keller ANDREAS)

1.Regulatory MicroRNA Networks:Complex Patterns of Target Pathways for Disease-related and Housekeeping MicroRNAs

Zafari SACHLI ; Backes CHRISTINA ; Leidinger PETRA ; Meese ECKART ; Keller ANDREAS

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2015;(3):159-168

2.EDISON-WMW:Exact Dynamic Programing Solution of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test


Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2016;(1):55-61

3.The Role of Quality Control in Targeted Next-generation Sequencing Library Preparation

Nietsch ROUVEN ; Haas JAN ; Lai ALAN ; Oehler DANIEL ; Mester STEFAN ; Frese S KAREN ; Sedaghat-Hamedani FARBOD ; Kayvanpour ELHAM ; Keller ANDREAS ; Meder BENJAMIN

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2016;14(4):200-206

4.Machine Learning to Detect Alzheimer's Disease from Circulating Non-coding RNAs

Ludwig NICOLE ; Fehlmann TOBIAS ; Kern FABIAN ; Gogol MANFRED ; Maetzler WALTER ; Deutscher STEPHANIE ; Gurlit SIMONE ; Schulte CLAUDIA ; Thaler Von ANNA-KATHARINA ; Deuschle CHRISTIAN ; Metzger FLORIAN ; Berg DANIELA ; Suenkel ULRIKE ; Keller VERENA ; Backes CHRISTINA ; Lenhof HANS-PETER ; Meese ECKART ; Keller ANDREAS

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2019;17(4):430-440

5.Effects of Resistant Starch on Symptoms,Fecal Markers,and Gut Microbiota in Parkinson's Disease—The RESISTA-PD Trial

Becker ANOUCK ; Schmartz Pierre GEORGES ; Gr?ger LAURA ; Grammes NADJA ; Galata VALENTINA ; Philippeit HANNAH ; Weiland JACQUELINE ; Ludwig NICOLE ; Meese ECKART ; Tierling SASCHA ; Walter J?RN ; Schwiertz ANDREAS ; Spiegel J?RG ; Wagenpfeil GUDRUN ; Fa?bender KLAUS ; Keller ANDREAS ; M.Unger MARCUS

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2022;20(2):274-287

6.Systematic Cross-biospecimen Evaluation of DNA Extraction Kits for Long-and Short-read Multi-metagenomic Sequencing Studies

Rehner JACQUELINE ; Schmartz Pierre GEORGES ; Groeger LAURA ; Dastbaz JAN ; Ludwig NICOLE ; Hannig MATTHIAS ; Rupf STEFAN ; Seitz BERTHOLD ; Flockerzi ELIAS ; Berger TIM ; Reichert Christian MATTHIAS ; Krawczyk MARCIN ; Meese ECKART ; Herr CHRISTIAN ; Bals ROBERT ; L.Becker S?REN ; Keller ANDREAS ; Müller ROLF

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2022;20(2):405-417

7.Integrating Culture-based Antibiotic Resistance Profiles with Whole-genome Sequencing Data for 11,087 Clinical Isolates.

Valentina GALATA ; Cédric C LACZNY ; Christina BACKES ; Georg HEMMRICH-STANISAK ; Susanne SCHMOLKE ; Andre FRANKE ; Eckart MEESE ; Mathias HERRMANN ; Lutz VON MÜLLER ; Achim PLUM ; Rolf MÜLLER ; Cord STÄHLER ; Andreas E POSCH ; Andreas KELLER

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2019;17(2):169-182

8.Genome-wide MicroRNA Expression Profiles in COPD: Early Predictors for Cancer Development.

Andreas KELLER ; Tobias FEHLMANN ; Nicole LUDWIG ; Mustafa KAHRAMAN ; Thomas LAUFER ; Christina BACKES ; Claus VOGELMEIER ; Caroline DIENER ; Frank BIERTZ ; Christian HERR ; Rudolf A JÖRRES ; Hans-Peter LENHOF ; Eckart MEESE ; Robert BALS ; COSYCONET Study Group

Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 2018;16(3):162-171

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