Objective:To evaluate the biocompatibility of Ti-75 alloy(TA) as a substrate of composite implant (CI) and the role of the shear strength of TA-coating in the CI-bone interface. Methods:A transcortical implant model was used. A total of 32 implants of CI and TA were implanted into bilateral femur of 4 adult mongrel dogs. the animals were killed 3 and 6 months after surgery. The implant-bone interfaces were observed by morphological examination and the interface shear strength was measured by push-out test. After push-out test, the failure interfaces were observed by SEM. Results:Osseo-integration was confirmed in the both interfaces of CI and TA with bone. The interface strength(MPa) of CI in 3 and 6 month was 7. 84? 0.99 and 12. 76? 1. 45, that of TA 3. 71? 1. 10 and 6. 33? 0. 89 respectively (P