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Author:(Kazuyo HANYU)

1.Effects of acupuncture treatment on natural killer cell activity, pulse rate, and pain reduction for older adults: an uncontrolled, observational study.

Mori, Hidetoshi ; Kuge, Hiroshi ; Tanaka, Tim Hideaki ; Taniwaki, Elichi ; Hanyu, Kazuyo ; Morisawa, Tateyuki

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013;11(2):101-5

2.Difference between the effects of one-site and three-site abdominal hot-stone stimulation on the skin-temperature changes of the lower limbs.

Kuge, Hiroshi ; Mori, Hidetoshi ; Tanaka, Tim Hideaki ; Hanyu, Kazuyo ; Morisawa, Tateyuki

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013;11(5):314-9

3.Effects of acupuncture treatment on natural killer cell activity, pulse rate, and pain reduction for older adults: an uncontrolled, observational study.

Hidetoshi MORI ; Hiroshi KUGE ; Tim Hideaki TANAKA ; Elichi TANIWAKI ; Kazuyo HANYU ; Tateyuki MORISAWA

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013;11(2):101-105

4.Difference between the effects of one-site and three-site abdominal hot-stone stimulation on the skin-temperature changes of the lower limbs.

Hiroshi KUGE ; E-mail: TANAKA@PACIFICWELLNESS.CA. ; Hidetoshi MORI ; Tim Hideaki TANAKA ; Kazuyo HANYU ; Tateyuki MORISAWA

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013;11(5):314-319

5.Another Understanding for Effects of Physical Stimuli on Modification of Autonomic Nerve System by Two Kinds of Stimuli on Feet


The Journal of The Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine 2015;78(3):228-236

6.Extraction of items identifying hiesho (cold disorder) and their utility in young males and females.

Shunji SAKAGUCHI ; Hiroshi KUGE ; Hidetoshi MORI ; Junji MIYAZAKI ; Tim Hideaki TANAKA ; Kazuyo HANYU ; Taro TAKEDA ; Kazuro SASAKI

Journal of Integrative Medicine 2016;14(1):36-43

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